Aurora - Peace & Emotional Stability - Growing Light on Urantia - Jun 22, 2008 - CCC

Oakland, CA
Teacher: Aurora
TR: Donna D’Ingillo


  1. Harmonizing in Michael’s Mind
  2. Living in Michael’s Being
  3. Peace and Emotional Stability
  4. Growing Fabric of Light on Urantia

June 22, 2008

Good evening, my friends, this is Aurora. I welcome you this evening and invite you into a deeper harmonization one another and with the growing awareness on your world of the presence of Michael as His truth and mercy lavishes itself upon your planet. You might say that this time of change on Urantia is also a period where you are moving from one way or method of living on your planet to a new kind of life that is still somewhat sketchy or hazy in your mind. You have all been highly influenced by your culture, and it is no small endeavor to extricate yourself from its influences and to strike out in bringing a new ideal to life through your everyday efforts and actions.

We are here to help you harmonize with this growing awareness of Michael on your planet; to actually have you become more highly attractive to it: that you are, if you were to envision it, being attached to it in a more permanent manner. This will also help your thinking processes become more spiritized, become more robust in the way you look at your reality. Michael’s mindedness is such that you have the ability to be attached to it, but it is through your choices, through your desires, and through your efforts that you continue to grow and let His mind be with yours in a more permanent manner. It is as if the minds blend together as one. We are here to make those deeper adjustments in your being to help you become more energetically attuned to the call or the sound of your Father’s voice within you.

Before we begin tonight with the experience of harmonizing you in Michael’s mind, do either of you have any questions about this idea and what this may mean for you in your daily life? (No comments) Then let us begin.

Your heart centers are the arena that much of this harmonization activity occurs. Bring your awareness to this place. Simply invite us to expand your energy system in a way that will bring you closer to the resonance of your Father Michael’s mindedness. Simply breathe and focus on your heart as we move in you. (Pause)

There are many circuits in your being; tiny switches that are being turned on, you might say, from the inside to move you into greater harmonic resonance with your Father. His being is such that draws you into His light, His love, His peace, and the affinity for your physical body for his essence has been diminished over the course your planet’s evolutionary history. This is truly nothing to be concerned about because we are here to re-establish those circuits in many ways so that you are closer to Him than you have been in the past. You will have greater access to that which He wishes to share with you, especially when you focus your waking thoughts on Him and ask for His guidance in your life.

My friends, I encourage you to open your entire body to your Father. Feel your desire for His presence to be greater than the space that you occupy in this room. Let His presence envelop you as we continue to adjust your bodies to attune to His resonance, His voice. (Pause)

The notes and tones, the colors and vibrations of Michael are beyond human description in their beauty and majesty. Yet were you to stand in the presence of Him and to see Him with your physical eyes, you would want every bit of His being to be in you. Much of what you experience is made available because you trust Him and trust where you are being guided. As you allow these vibrations to move within you, invite your body and direct your body toward His radiance, and the lights of this Son who is your Father-Creator to warm you through and through, to heal and nourish those places in your being that still require His healing touch. Allow Him to truly make you whole in every way. (Pause)

Growing in your Father Michael also has the implication that you grow in love and understanding and compassion for your brothers and sisters. For all of you live within His heart, you all have a place within His being. The innumerable children of this world and of the many worlds in the universe of Nebadon all have a place within Michael’s being. You never have to strive with one another for your place in the world. He will meet your needs individually and uniquely. He will take care of each of His children in His own unique way. Much of what you use in interacting with one another comes from a culture of fear and competition. But as you become increasingly anchored in Michael and in the place where you live in His being, your tendencies towards striving with one another diminishes, for you are secure as you receive what you need and you trust that what you need comes to you when you require it.

This has the uplifting effect of taking you out of the competitive behavior that creates so much strife and contention amongst people. As you allow yourself to be built in Michael’s heart, also recognize that each individual of this world and the universe has a place there as well. Each person, each life form in their own space can then be at peace and in security and grow. We all can be at home in Him. As you find and feel your place in Michael’s heart, allow the places of others to become more apparent to you, to recognize that everyone has a home there. He is big enough to accommodate all of His children with the same degree of love and understanding for all. Let this idea settle into you and create more of that harmonizing energy that you need to be in the world with your brothers and sisters in a more healthful manner. (Pause)

Each of Michael’s children has a particular vibrational frequency, and the color of this individual’s being matches with the others around this child of God. It is very challenging for you all to harmonize with one another without this overarching presence of Michael. He is the unifier; he provides you with the environment in His heart for you to be at peace, to grow and flourish. As you resonate there and allow yourself to feel the presence of another person in Michael’s heart that energy within His heart of love is able to foster your ability to become more compassionate and loving towards those others around you. Soak this in, my friends; this is one of the energies that will heal your world. It is time to lay down the barriers of ideologies, cultural traditions. You will still have them for many years to come, but it is more crucial at this time to recognize your innate ONENESS in Him, and that you are all children of the same Source in the same family…a large family, but a single family nonetheless. (Pause)

Remember in the coming days to invite us in to continue to build you in these energies of harmonization. Allow this time of change and transition to establish these deeper realities within you of the relationship you share with one another within the body of Michael. We are here to serve you, uplift you, and to help you transition into these energies of light and love. You may not always perceive us in the moment you invite us in, but we will always be able to adjust your energies a little bit closer to Michael each time you ask. (Pause)

Peace is all around you, my friends. Peace is the environment of Michael’s being. Yes, you live on a material sphere that has been so thoroughly enmeshed in war and violence. It has degraded your physical bodies, but truly when you are in your Father Michael, your bodies receive peace and they are healed. Let His peace grow to enormous proportions in you, severing the connections of violence, of fear, of anxiety, and of all those things that are no longer welcome or serviceable in your being. (Pause)

As His presence grows within you, know that you are contributing to the growing mind of the Supreme Being as it gains strength on your world. You are participating in an active way in the development of a heightened planetary culture. You do not know where this will lead, what its culmination will look like, and it is not as vital for you to understand or see this at this time as to recognize that your efforts are creating a marked change for the better. (Pause)

We will close the circuit now and give you a few moments to reorient yourself or you may stay in the enjoyment of these energies. I will be happy to entertain any questions or thoughts that may have come to mind during this experience. I am here to serve you at your pleasure so please share with me anything that you wish to before we conclude for this evening.

Student: Hi Aurora, this is A. I bopped in here. I thought I’d touch base. How are things progressing in our group here from your point of view?

Aurora: We view your group as still in its very early stages. You are becoming more familiar with these ideas of harmonization from an internal energetic perspective. These energies are subtle and so the blossoming of them in your being is still anticipated. In terms of coming together as a group, there will be more to come in the following months as you begin to magnetize more individuals to you who are ready to imbibe these energies. All in all I would say we are pleased with what changes are occurring in all of you, but our range of vision is much longer than yours and we see a group emerging that will be able to attract many in time who are eager to learn the ways of love and peace and cooperation within these harmonizing energies. Does this answer your question, my brother?

Student: Yes.

Student: I would like to explore the relationship between peace and the emotions and to hear your thoughts on whether someone can be peaceful but emotional. There seems to be some sort of contradiction. The idea that so many people seem to be operating on an emotional level and whether having that peace that you speak of involves controlling one’s emotions or trying to give them up. What are your thoughts?

Aurora: You were created to have a way to perceive your environment through feeling. There are many feelings that your body is able to perceive. These feelings can run from joy and ecstasy to despair and fear. There is a broad range of emotions that are all part of the human experience. Those experiences which cause you those feelings you might consider uncomfortable, unpleasant or painful are triggered circumstances that you do not understand or someone has wronged you in some way. It is if there is an assault on your dignity that your body becomes conscious of.

The quality of peace that is derived from Michael’s being quells some of these emotional storms, you might say, in your being, and gives you a greater sense of composure—an evenhandedness. It stabilizes your feelings and your related thought processes so you can become more balanced and clear in thought and feeling. Many people who react emotionally are responding to something that has triggered a painful memory or has hurt their feelings in some ways. Yet, beyond all of this, in spite of all this they can attain peace by shifting the focus onto Michael and asking for his peace to fill them in that place of pain or woundedness. For those people who do not know their Father or how to achieve this peace, it is challenging to awaken them to this source. It is helpful to present the idea of peace or the ideal of peace as something that can be achieved. It is not as personal as going to Michael and asking for Him to fill you, but there is an ideal of peace that is able to be impressed upon that individual when peace is sought.

Your feelings and emotions are all designed to be explored, understood, and to put into context with your environment and your day to day activities. As you go through your experiences, notice where you feel out of alignment with this peace. Know that it is up to you to re-establish that bond with the source of peace whenever you desire. Does this answer your question, my brother?

Student: It helps, yes.

Aurora: Do you have a further question or need for elaboration?

Student: Perhaps I’d like to hear more about positive emotions humans experience and whether they can also detract from that sense of peace. For example, a feeling of achievement or extreme excitement: are they emotions that can move someone away from that internal sense of peace?

Aurora: Yes. That is indeed quite possible. Much of this depends on the individual’s capacity for being both mentally and emotionally stable and grounded in reality. There are those times when an individual can become off-balanced or off-centered because they experience a heightened sense of ecstasy or joy that may lead them into ungrounded experiences. There are extremes of emotions, you might say, that humans can experience, but yet the grounding of this in a sense of reality and what is true, what is good, what is righteous, what is of divine reflection will keep an individual more balanced and anchored in this sense of peace. Much of what you experience in terms of human emotions at the wild extremes is because you have this enormous capacity to feel. It is advisable to explore this to some extent, but then to keep yourself or to put yourself back to center in peace, in Michael and what He shares with you to be stable and be in your world in a way that will attract those positive feelings but yet keep you stable emotionally and mentally. Does this help? (Yes, thank you.)

Much of what we share with you in terms of coming to understand your physical structure, your emotional composition, and your mental constructs will be more fully understood by your various branches of science in a few short years. Then you will see a new study of wholism emerge. You are well on the road to this now. In time the integration of the Urantian mortal will be more fully understood and appreciated in the context in which you were created. In asking these questions, know that you are contributing to this advancing awareness that will one day be of great benefit to all of humanity.

Are there any more questions or comments before we conclude this evening? T, I do not wish to put you on the spot if you do not wish to indulge me, yet I am most eager to hear if you had any joy in celebrating your successes throughout the day over these few weeks?

Student: Interesting that you ask. Until a few days ago, every day I was aware of so much coming my way in terms of realization, of awarenesses becoming manifest, and experiencing great joy…accepting and recognizing that. But a few days ago for some reason I seemed to lose some of new expansion of consciousness. I was becoming not depressed, but deflated a bit and less energetic. I wasn’t sure what to attribute that to. Since you asked that question, I realized that some of that was…it was this momentous forward motion that I was making sort of slowed down. With that I became a little disappointed because the ride was just so great. Being here today put me back in touch with some of the things I felt. That’s where I’m at.

Aurora: Thank you. I was interested to learn that you were able to experience more of that for yourself. Know that even though there are fluctuations from time to time as you reach a certain height and then move down to another depth, that you are indeed attuning yourself more finely to these vibrations and can enjoy them more throughout the day. From this evening’s experience you will increasingly become anchored and more in tune with these frequencies around you that are healthful for both mind and body.

My friends—my dear brothers and sisters—so much is happening on your world! We are here to help you become stable as you move through these changes. There is much to share with you in the coming weeks to help you make these adjustments in your body. As the energies of love continue to expand, you are also in that expansive state of mind. Fear is slowly being eliminated from your beings. Release yourself from all of these troubles by continuing to ask us in and to be sewn into the body of Michael.

The fabric of light, of love, of life upon Urantia is so dazzling to behold as the heart lights of many come on; some for the very first time! It is truly a magnificent spectacle to see how each of you is becoming lovelier, brighter, resplendent and resilient. Enjoy these days of change for this is a unique time in both your planet’s life and in your own ascension career. One day you will look back and be truly awed at the growth that you were able to achieve during these tumultuous times. I leave you in the love of Michael, in the breath of Nebadonia. May you flourish in their love and prosper on earth. Good evening, my beloved friends.