Mentori; Ophelius; Dr. Mendoza MNO8; Machiventa; Frank&Alice Cherubim; Unk - Sep 17, 2011 - 10 Transcripts, Illawarra, Progress Group, AU

Index to Transcripts in This Document

Transcript 1
Urantia, August 16, 2011.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Of Open and Closed Doors.”

Received by Lytske.

Mentor: “How about a discussion on doors this early morning?  Usually, very little thought is given to walking through open doors, or having to open or close them.  This is such a routine habit that hardly any thought is given to this exercise, except when the door is locked or exceptionally hard to open.

“This is an important concept to discuss, because this subject can also apply to hearts, which are like doors.  A heart needs to always be open and willing to let the live-giving blood stream through unhindered, and normally when everything flows unhindered, there is no trouble in the physical system.

“We now take this a step further and use it as an analogy about the heart being the door-keeper of thoughts.  This would change the picture entirely, would it not?  As you have been told before, the heart is the actual brain of the system, and the material brain is merely the computer, which carries out the commands of the heart.

“Whatever you think about influences the entire system.  Therefore, it stands to reason that the positive emotions of a pregnant woman also influence a human foetus in helping it grow.  This is a rarely-thought-about concept, but it makes sense that when the mother has a less-than-happy pregnancy, the foetus can suffer a life-long, innate depression, like some dark cloud which is difficult to lift.

“This depression is not lifted by chemicals, you must understand, as these chemicals indeed drive this depression ‘underground’, for it to flare up more severely during a later period in that person’s life.

“The true and tested way to overcome such a depression is through prayer and meditation, so the partially closed heart of such a person, who has experienced such gestation, will gain insight and understanding, and can begin to start living with more happiness and inner joy in the way the Creator intended.  This is only one way to discuss an open door, and there are many others which we will consider at another time.

“However, I do desire that these thoughts may be considered by whomever these words may apply to.  Hopefully they will provide an insight and perhaps be of some help in their recognizing and gaining understanding in the process, and deeper reasons for depression.

“We consider it to be our task to make humans more aware of how they can either positively or adversely influence a beginning life, and where their responsibilities lie.  We trust to make them more thoughtful and responsible towards their offspring to do everything in their power to provide happy surroundings, especially during the times when they are expecting.

“We sincerely hope that these thoughts may open some doors in the minds of whoever chooses to read these words.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Transcript 2
Urantia, August 19, 2011.
A Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Of Bondage and Freedom.”

Received by Lytske.

Mentor: “Some days ago we spoke about doors, and more specifically about the door of the heart, whether it be open or closed, and we touched briefly on the problems connected with this.  I would pursue this in a similar vein and use the word bondage.

“People are held in bondage in one form or other.  This deals mainly with their habitual thoughts, which keep them in bound to such an extent that they are incapable of thinking along original lines.  These habitual thoughts have become like a security blanket from under which they dare not venture beyond the norm, to think outside the box.

“With this I mean that they are like sheep following one another without thinking independently how this could serve them in their personal spiritual growth.  It is time for the masses of humanity to wake up and realize how they are kept in bondage, some even by the elders of their various places of worship.

“The Creator intended for each individual, born on every planet in space, to think for themselves and grow into the divine blueprint He bestowed upon each living and thinking mortal child.  If the Creator had wanted a race of mortal clones, He would have created them so.  Instead He gave each human child the capacity to think for themselves and make decisions, indeed, barring genetic and unforeseen accidents, from which humans emerge less than capable of thinking and rendering their decisions.

“To discover the extent to which bondage exists, consider not this individual to be a rarity, but rather deem the world at large to be in some way controlled and therefore in bondage, albeit that most of you are not even aware of how extensively insidious this bondage can be.  Your thoughts restrict you and therefore keep you in bondage to circumstances, as the why’s and wherefore’s ever escaped you, because of patterns of habitual thinking, choices and decision making.

“Think what you can do to acquire freedom within yourself and clarity of your thoughts, so these don’t run amuck like a team of spooked horses – creating that merry-go-round of your mind.  The answer is actually very simple; get off the merry-go-round and free your thoughts to more useful and elevated matters.  It is in your power to achieve this.  Cut the cords that bind you to a tedious train of thought, stop this and veer onto a different track for a more hopeful and positive scenery.  There is so much to be enjoyed in life, as the Creator has given you the free will to open yourself to the many blessings which may so far have passed you by unnoticed.

“It is already a blessing and a privilege to wake up to another day of spiritual growth, and to be able to ask yourselves how you shall spend your day as a new person, open to anything new … or once more wasting the day as per usual, according to habit and routine, so all days will appear alike, dull and gray when reminiscing?

“Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured, so get out of old habits which prevent you from having original thoughts.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Transcript 3
Urantia, August 21, 2011.
A Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Reflection.”

Received by Lytske.

Mentor: “Imagine a large mirror in which you see tiny reflections of millions upon millions of tiny lights.  This is how the population of earth is reflected towards heaven.

“On closer examination and with careful scrutiny, some lights appear somewhat larger than others.  Some fade a little just like a candle light about to go out.  Others seem to increase in glow.  Ponder now, my friends, how this can be.

“These lights reflect the state of each individual heart as they all have a Spark from God in them.  This Spark is a Reflection of God and is meant to teach you to become your individual expression of God.

“This Spark is the most marvellous part of the human child, who can learn to listen to this Guide within them, which speaks with a very soft voice.  Therefore, it is always up to the individual to start listening carefully, for this small Voice will entice each mortal child to become that reflection of God, which is embodied in this personal Seed the Creator has gifted you all.

“The question remains, especially in these ‘modern’ times, harassed by so many temptations, who will truly take the time and learn to listen?  Ideally, parents ought to teach their children to meditate when they are still young, so it becomes a life-long habit.

“How beneficial this would be for them to already know at a tender age that they have an ‘on-board’ Partner who chose to indwell that particular child, so the child may become an individual reflection and expression of the Creator, in order to learn and co-create with Him!

“This is how the Creator manifests self in each individual born on all the worlds of space, if humans choose to cooperate and work towards a perfected reflection.  Of course the choice is always up to that individual to choose eternal life.  No one is ever coerced by those of God’s Kingdom.

“For many the question remains: Why would anyone choose to not live such a wonderful eternal life?  However, if and when you choose, certain responsibilities are inherent in this choice, as eternal life is a journey of inner spiritual development and growth towards perfection.

“We will at some time follow up on this conversation.  For now, this is quite enough to ponder.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Transcript 4
Michigan, US of A, September 4, 2011.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Color in the Mosaic of Life.”

Received by Chris.

Teacher Ophelius: “A list subscriber wrote in after the message, “There Will Come a Time,” asking about what the state of consciousness will be like on the planet with regard to gay men and women after the shift when the earth enters into the beginning stages of Light and Life.  Before I answer this, let us zoom out a bit and look at the state of consciousness for life in the worlds to come -- morontial and spirit life.

“The lifespan on your world (third dimension) on average is about 70 to 80 years.  This is a very, very brief time as compared to eternity -- you are only passing through, so to say, and in this brief time period, and on this world is the only place you, as a personality, will have sexual reproductive capability which defines you as male or female.  Once on the mansion worlds and beyond, the reproductive organs will no longer be part of your physiology.  From that point on, you will all be wholly recognized by your personalities.  Whatever is truly ‘inside’ will show forth on the ‘outside.’  If you are compassionate, kind, and full of love for others, your physical form will reflect that beauty.  If you are egocentric, cold, uncaring, dismissive, fearful, this will show up in the physical form as less beautiful and as it is said, ‘all will be revealed.’

“The Universal Father cares for and deeply loves all his children, and as such, He looks into the heart of each individual to see their true intentions and motives, their life experiences, and their spiritual progress.  God is little concerned about the sexual natures, practices, or orientations of his creatures or the social mores set in place by which those creatures govern themselves.  That is a part of evolution and the discrimination of those who appear ‘different’ from the fold will fade in time as each generation becomes more spiritual or more ‘God-like’ in awareness.  Just as there are an infinite amount of points between opposites, so too are there an infinite amount of personality types between ‘maleness’ and ‘femaleness.’  Even on the mansion worlds and beyond, you, as a person, will retain this ‘maleness’ or ‘femaleness’ in personality nature.

“Now to answer the question first posed: A world that has achieved Light and Life status will have a population that is more evolved spiritually; will understand the ascension plan and will be more in touch with their Indwelling Spirit.  People in this age will educate their children at an early age about how to treat others -- with kindness, compassion, respect, and not to judge others because they are different.  These will be a people who are preparing for their next life who are concerned about progress of the individual and progress of the whole of humanity.  Yes, there will still be gay individuals in this era and they will no longer be an object of controversy or prosecution, just another color in the mosaic of life on a world that is celebrating the glory of the age of Light and Life -- a unique personality, a unique aspect of the Creator’s intention -- a part of the whole.”

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

The 11:11 Progress Group.

Transcript 5
Michigan, US of A, September 11, 2011.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Day the World Changed.”

Received by Chris.

Teacher Ophelius: “Today’s message is about the day the world changed.  On this day ten years ago the world changed.  Human consciousness was moved like at no other time in your history by a shocking and destructive act that would forever scar the memory of a generation and would directly or indirectly affect every individual living on the planet from that time forward.  Whether you believe the official story or some variation of conspiracy, the real truth is that a very small number of people, out of 6.5 billion on the planet, used their will for destructive purposes to change the course of history and human consciousness on a planetary scale.  That, my friends, is an example of the power of human will to cause a sweeping change in consciousness across a planet.

“If man can use his ingenuity for destructive purposes and create such sweeping and lasting change, is it also possible for a small number of individuals to use the forces of good through constructive purposes to change the consciousness of a generation?  I say it is possible.  We see examples of this during the aftermath of tragedies, both natural and man-made, like cyclones, hurricanes, earthquakes, wars and famine.  We see the best of the forces of good reach out to help, heal, or feed those who are suffering.  Sometimes it is the idea of just one person who puts his mind and human will to work that can affect millions.

“For if you believe that you as an individual can do little to change the consciousness of the world -- government policy, or social culture, you have chosen to not participate in creation, and your reality will then be shaped by the will of those who choose to believe they can create change whether constructive or destructive.  Many of you believe you have little influence and what you think does not matter.  I say that a raindrop is a small and seemingly insignificant collection of molecules, yet when joined enforce with other raindrops they can literally move mountains and sweep away continents.

“You must start thinking like a raindrop my friends, and pool your resources for good, and when you do this, you shall succeed at making sweeping changes that can affect the consciousness of a planet.  Think my friends, what is it that all people want out of life?  You all want the same things no matter where you are on the planet or in the universe -- to make a difference as an individual; to have purpose; to love and be loved; to create something good or beautiful and feel the joy of success and accomplishment using your will to create change.

“There are an infinite number of ways in which you can shape your reality and change the consciousness of a planet.  Use your god-given co-creative powers of will and choice to make that change for good.  Spirit alone cannot force change upon you -- you must ‘will’ to make those changes.  Spirit will always be there to assist and encourage those constructive forces that move humanity forward.  Think about what you can do to change the world and make it a place you would want your children and grandchildren to live in.

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

The 11:11 Progress Group.

Transcript 6
Illawarra District, Australia, August 28, 2011.
Doctor Mendoza (MNO-8).
Subject: “The New Healers.”

Received by George Barnard.

Doctor Mendoza: “It is often remarked that a Midwayer might well drift into deep sleep by the time this receiver is finally ready to record the message for which purpose the Midwayer has arrived.  I note that our human loudspeaker is ready at last.  Well, Midwayers don’t sleep, and they don’t at all mind having a rest, having a short moment of meditation with you, whilst you drop the level of the metabolism of brain and mind.  Let’s begin.

“This is Doctor Mendoza.  It is a pleasure to visit you these days.  It is always a time of reversion to be with you.  It also gives me an opportunity to check on your beautiful new fish (Flipper, a Siamese Fighter).  I have come to advise you that in our communications about healing I am most often your middle man, passing on the message to others in my field, and not just those in my field, but indeed some that are far more learned than I am, that are far more capable than I am, not withstanding the period of time and the experience that I have gathered in my time tending to the wounded and tending to the ill.

“With the circuits now completely open, and with Michael’s mandates that nothing be held back in the reclamation process of his former rebellious planets, there is a tremendous influx of those who are healers by nature, who have studied human beings for thousands and thousands of years, and know so very well the physiology and psychology which is so important to be fully understood.  And so I ask you that when something ails you, when something troubles you of a physiological or a psychological nature that you call on me.  And even if it were not to be me taking your call, another will take my place in my name.

“You will not get to know so many of the healers by name or number, but you can use my name and get the patient or yourself checked out.  This is MNO-8, Doctor Mendoza, leaving you now, but leaving my love with you, my dear friends of many years.”

George: “Thank you Doc.”

Notes: Already for some time we’ve been aware of Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8) being a frequent ‘clearing house’ for other healers.  However, whilst he claims others to be even more learned than he is, seniority lies with those Midwayers born on the planet, not the itinerant healers and itinerant planetary helpers.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22

Transcript 7
This discussion with a Midwayer is reposted to indicate that evolution is not limited by innate mental/physical drive, but can be aided by other creatures in time-space – in this case Midwayers.  Remember to make use of this when appropriate.

Illawarra District, Australia, November 9, 2002.
Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8).
Subject: “Pre-birth Programming and Indigo Children.”

Received by George Barnard.

Dr. Mendoza: “This is Dr. Mendoza.

George: “I greet you, my dear Friend.  Surprise!  Good to see you!  I hope “I’ll be Frank” and Alice will stay with us both for this upcoming commentary, yes?”

Dr. Mendoza: “Wild horses could not dislodge these two “lovers” from your couch.  Before I get into the subject for this early morning, I want to confirm that, indeed, it was our Mathew who stood guard over your lost property, hiding it from view, until the right person came along.

“But now, while I have this moment in time -- this window in time -- I want to talk about something with you, and it follows on from a discussion you had some days ago.  The subject of this lesson, once again, deals with Thought Adjusters (Spirit Selves).

“You are aware of one incident of the early arrival of a Thought Adjuster, when in fact there were three such occasions when these events were brought to your attention, that you should still have knowledge of (Mendoza now showing me these other two long-ago events).

George: “Right. I got that.”

Dr. Mendoza: “There are many occasions when a Thought Adjuster arrives on the planet to, as you would term it, “psych out” a family into which a precocious child will be born.  The thought Adjuster, with the thorough knowledge of Its future re-emergence into the time/space realms, Its successes and future fusion with the subject of Its devotion, and beyond, will sometimes visit, and observe at close quarters the behavior, the atmosphere, the dedication of the parents that will “give life” to Its yet-to-be-born human charge.

“From arrival to indwelling, and right up to eternity, we, the Urantia Midwayers, although infrequently involved, are sometimes made aware of such a future indwelling – of such a future birth – of a precocious child with a mission, with a duty to perform, or as you might call it; “that bright and shiny, colorful and scintillating little tile in the mosaic of its time, family, group, or environment”.

“The Thought Adjuster alone, oftentimes through the alerts of Seraphim and Cherubim, will indicate to us via our Primary Midway Partners that such a little gem, such a treasured subject, the future beloved charge of that Thought Adjuster, will be playing an important role in the progressing (spiritual) economy of our planet, in some place, at some time, in some event, or perhaps even in a life-long association with us.

“And so it is that we look forward in great excitement, and with a great deal of anticipation, to the birth of that child.  We look forward to an important task to come, and we relish the thrills of knowing just a little, and in time, discovering a great deal more.

“These instances of our receiving advance knowledge of events of future times are becoming increasingly more regular, and many of our messengers, many of our great mind-to-mind specialists, and many of our tried and tested welcome volunteers that have so increased our numbers, are now involved with the subliminal pre-programming of these children, and, yes, well before they are born -- the smallest of fetuses in the womb (He shows me a fetus no bigger than a small plum).

“Even as the number of your human population increases, we have already arrived at figures far above an expected proportional increase of these precocious ones -- far, far greater than the expected percentages and in all populations.  And they will double and quadruple and so on, as many of our Midwayer kin are now engaged in the pre-programming, from the fetal stages, through infancy, and into adulthood.

“Again, occupying a timeslot closest to you my mortal brothers and sisters, they are the Secondary Midwayers at work in stimulating, teaching and spiritizing these new leaders of the minds of men and woman of the ages to come.”

George: “Doc, are you referring to the “Indigo Children”, and the Prophets of the Future?”

Dr. Mendoza: “Indeed.  Those you have named the Indigo Children, those you have named the Prophets of the Future, are among them, but there are many more.  So little time is expanded in starting this pre-birth education process.  The fetal mind can only impact to the degree there is corresponding brain development, and it is there that we can also influence the overall physiological outcome, and virtually in each instance with great success, bar for those occasions of extreme birthing difficulties and regrettable cerebral neuron losses.

“We have monitored your discussions and writings of late, and there is no blame on you for not having anticipated this reality.  It was I, who was made aware of your having reached not even halfway towards coming to these conclusions, and we considered it to be time for you to freely receive the input, where you were most unlikely to come to a conclusion of any value in this matter.

“There is a little more to say about this issue, so stay with me now.  In many instances, the parents of these children are given clear and advance knowledge of what their offspring will be like – that their children will have these extraordinary intellects, as well as mature spiritual outlooks from even an early age.  They (the parents) can certainly augment our work, as many do, and this, once again, can only strengthen our enthusiasm and determination to do our utmost.

“We, as bona fide citizens of this planet are a largely unknown and unheralded minority group, still, and nothing pleases us more than to finally have our chances to foster progress to the degree we may now do this, and for the world at large.

“This is Dr. Mendoza signing off.  Later, fellow.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.

Transcript 8
Previously posted:
Instructions of long ago, it seems.

Idaho, US of A, May 25, 2002.
Machiventa Melchizedek.
Subject: “Create A Blueprint.”

Received by George Barnard.

George: “I should probably get up and put on a bright colored shirt so you can more easily find me here.  Then again, it might already be too late for that, and I've sprouted roots.  Or is it perhaps that you are left speechless this evening?  I greet you.”

Machiventa: “You are battle weary, my friend.  And yet, you are thinking of all others before you consider self.  I appreciate this tenacity and single-mindedness in your executing these diverse tasks on a par with your peculiar brand of humor, as do many others.  This is Machiventa, and I greet you.

“It is my pleasure to address you this evening, my dear one, and through you the many who will hear my words, and, to our delight, presently in more than one language.  Your group has managed to attract a number of valuable workers in Michael's cause.  You have managed to motivate many that are looking forward to hearing the words of your Celestial Teachers.  This, however, is not a lesson.

“Your group has more, much, much more than the solid succor of those in Michael's battalions who are assisting in the “outreaching” to hungry souls.  I say, more than a passing interest, more than strong support, for there exist love, respect, and loyalty beyond comprehension for those who have willingly jumped into the breech.  And these include not only your siblings -- your human friends -- but also those in time frames near to you, who are backing up the mortal enthusiasts.

“Even now it is our view that in the growth projections you have made there will become apparent signs of an underestimation of significance of the potential of what has been commenced with.

“There is a solid group behind you and there are cheers even on Paradise for every new contact that you reach out to.  We say 'bravo' for the effort of endurance and tenacity with which each of your comrades is applying him- or herself to the tasks undertaken, and to which they are most suited.

“We want you to remain keenly aware of the opportunities generated (by us) that are going to come your way to quite enlarge this group.  We want those of you who have the managerial skills to create a blueprint for the many necessary activities.

“Doubt not that those who are trained and eager to be involved in the work for Father, for Michael, for Mother Spirit, will “spring” forth and offer their services as they are contacted by your Midwayer Friends.

George: “Do you, from your viewpoint, see a need for additional transmitters to be involved in this work?”

Machiventa: “The work you do is specialized work, and the Celestial Assistants available to you -- your immediate Teachers -- these Lecturers -- are numerous and are greatly skilled in the arenas of the group's interests (indicating all who receive the transcripts), and it will also be just a matter of time when my words and those of other Graduates of our university will come through to you more clearly still.

“I send you my congratulations on the progress you and yours have made, and I send you my love.  I am Machiventa.”

George: “We thank you, Chief.  Goodbye.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Transcript 9
Illawarra District, Australia, September 15, 2011.
Cherubim Frank and
Sanobim Alice.
Subject: “Worthiness.”

Received by George Barnard.

Frank: “We are the children of the Angelic orders.  We are the lowest of all in the pecking order, and we tend to get away with being somewhat mischievous, blunt, or direct in the way we express ourselves.  We are proud Cherubim.

“It is a pleasure for us to be with you this evening and to talk about our interest of many, many, many decades and centuries, in human psychology.  There is something that we have noticed, there is something that is not entirely unknown to you, and it is that many of you do not have an accurate assessment of your capabilities, of your worthiness.  Yes, do put the accent on worthiness!

“Too many of you feel that you are not worthy enough to be children of God.  Too many of you feel that you are in some way second rate, and you may or may not express this, not even to yourself, but it is your upbringing, it is in your way of life, and it is in your environment that such feelings come about.  Alice and I speak here of your self image to make this one hundred percent clear, and we speak as one.

“Very few of you have an exaggerated feeling of your self-worth.  At times, when a feeling of superiority is indeed expressed, the opposite is clearly noted by us, in that feelings of un-worthiness are carefully or noticeably hidden.  By and large, you generally do not feel that you are good enough.  It is so much the way of this world to constantly view the achievers as ‘better than I’ in every way and therewith falsely minimize one’s own worth.

“However, there is a silver lining to these thoughts, there is even a golden lining to these inappropriate emotions, and that is that perhaps one can try a little harder, and that is that one is likely to be pulled towards a somewhat more spiritual life than one would otherwise be.  Many of you who might well fail to achieve to the fullest extent in the mundane and every-day matters of terrestrial life, can find peace, happiness, and progress in a more spiritual life.

“And although you will find that so many of you will even un-knowingly sabotage yourself in your worldly achievements, it is for the trying that you will always be spiritually rewarded.  This is my short lesson on psychology for this evening.  I thank you both for lending me your collective ears.  It is so good to be with you.  This is Frank, always frank.”

Alice: “And this is Alice, saying goodbye to you also.  Whenever and wherever you find my outspoken Cherubim, I will not be far away.”

George: “Thank you both.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Transcript 10
Alabama, US of A, October 10, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “Faith.”

Received by Oscar.

Teacher: “Faith is something that must be born in the human heart.  It must be nurtured, strengthen and practiced.  It must be lived and experienced through life in order to become true and living.  It must also be put to the test and be able to survive those moments in which the mortal ‘can’t see and can’t understand’.  It is in these moments that faith should turn into trust in the care of the Creator, of a Celestial Father who really loves His children without condition.

“This is the true ‘narrow path’.  To achieve such faith is a slow and gradual process.  However, once faith has reached the level of implicit trust in God, it becomes an eternal possession of the human being, part of his experience and a habit.  Such was the faith of the Master.

“During his life, He never doubted the care of his Father.  He always had the courage to consecrate his will to his Father’s will because he implicitly trusted that the Father’s will would always be the best that could happen to him and to those around him.  This was an intelligent faith, arising from the biggest mind in this universe, who didn’t hesitate in putting his great intellect aside to follow his Father and triumph in the experience of life.

“A true faith is like constructing a building.  First you dig to establish the foundations.  Then the foundations are built, allowing some time for them to solidify, to become firm.  Only when the foundations are ready, can you build on top of them, starting from the lower levels and working your way up.  Those who have a faith based on miracles, or the words of great speakers, are building a faith without foundations and when life tests this faith, it crumbles, leaving them even worst than before, since it is harder to build over ruins than to build over clean ground.

“Faith is the understanding of the paternity of God.  It is the exploration of the relationship of being a son or a daughter of the celestial Father.  As in any relationship, patience is required to really get to know the person with whom the relationship is established.  Only with time and communion, true confidence and authentic affection can be developed.  Therefore learn how to establish a communion with your Father, who is already within you.  Dedicate some time each day to explore this divine presence and start to enjoy the life in the kingdom of your celestial Father.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.