Mantutia; Williamson; Tomas - Manifesting Your Desires - Sessions 81, 82,83, 85 of the Series - Andover, MN Team

(Session dates begin in May of 2011 and continue in June and August of 2011 and the the 85th is in February of 2012.  Session 84 not in this document)

Session 81
Note - We have asked for instruction on manifesting our desires.  A member is at a cross road in making life-altering career decisions, and is balancing that with the practical realities of making a living to support the family.
Andover, MN TeaM
May 16, 2011
Session # 81
Teacher (T/R):  Tomas (Leoma)
Topic:              Manifesting
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Tomas:  This is your friend and compatriot Tomas.  I will answer your call to speak on manifesting.

Manifesting your heart’s desires is simple and yet from your perspective, difficult to attain.  Yet without your realizing, you manifest many things into your lives every day. Your entire life is manifesting – creating and co-creating with God and celestials.  The way in which your life unfolds and what you see around you, how you react, your emotional condition, your spiritual condition all play a part in what manifests in your life physically, mentally and emotionally… the people in your lives and how they interact with you, the material goods that come to you, and all manner of what is in your purview.

So, Tomas, what does this mean for us now?   It means that in this time period where you have a greater intent to manifest, you will learn and attain a new level of being able to manifest what you desire.  As in all things, your desires must be in alignment with God’s will for you.  I would add at this juncture it is also important that your own life plan, if you will your intended outworking of your highest potentials, will play a part in how it all unfolds for you.  So to be in alignment with the Father’s will and also with the intended purpose for this lifetime expression.

To take the next step in manifesting is to reach beyond your present state of trust in the power of Spirit in your own innate power to create.  It may be helpful for you to look back on your life and understand more clearly how it is you have manifested your life, how you have co-created it with Spirit thus far.  It is always dangerous to compare your life to that of others, and yet in this instance, if you do so alongside of the lives of many others around you, you can see a contrast of what you have created for yourselves, what you have brought into your lives.  Of course, you cannot know completely what others manifest; however, the idea is to help you to understand yourselves as manifesters in fact already.

It is analogous to your very spiritual growth which has progressed incrementally, and at times you have taken leaps in this growth.  It is the same in learning a greater level in manifesting your desires.  So we have alignment; we have trust.  Trust in your own ability and trust in Creator Source for providing your heart’s desires within that alignment.  This means complete faith-trust without doubt, with complete confidence that your desires will be met.

The next topic to address is abundance.  Faith-trust in the abundance and the limitlessness of Creator Source and all of creation to provide whatever you need or want is imperative.  You have in yet a somewhat limited way experienced this abundance.  You experience it every day in all that you have manifested around you.  I would, in fact, say all that you have ALLOWED to manifest around you.  For there is much more, MUCH MORE from this abundance that you have access to.  It is true with this higher level of manifesting; you will learn to access more of this abundance in bringing it into fruition.

This brings us to the next topic of manifesting, which is altruism.  Your intentions and motivations for creating this abundance around you has a great deal in how quickly, how efficiently and how completely your manifesting occurs and materializes in your life.  I mean “materialize” in the physical sense.  All of these points are easily understood intellectually at the level at which you now dwell.  Yet, they are dots that must be connected within your very being, within every level of your existence of your faith-trust journey in your mind, heart, body and soul, for you to attain the level of manifesting that Jesus demonstrated in his sojourn on this earth.  It is attainable, my friends.  It is accessible to you in this lifetime.

As you become more morontial, you will realize further that you are manifesters from the moment you are born.  It is an inherent part of your human journey.  It is an inherent part of the spiritual attainment as citizens of Urantia to grow into higher levels of manifestation power.  This is an integral part – and I will emphasize that, an integral part – of becoming morontial.  It is a natural outgrowth of becoming more morontial.  As you become more morontial, your powers of manifestation grow.  As you grow your powers of manifestation, you become more morontial.  Do you see how this goes hand-in-hand?

The attainment of manifesting your desires more efficiently is one of reaching higher for spiritual truth, coupled with simply speeding up the time required for bringing things into physical being.  It is a natural state of progression… not as many believe, the creation of miracle-working.  As you see in the stories of Jesus manifesting, if it was within his desire and compassion struck his heart, he could not stop manifesting for others to benefit.  It occurred despite himself, and while it was not his desire to make a demonstration for others, that is the result of these occurrences. That he left these experiences and occurrences of powerful manifestation are now a blueprint that you may follow.

The circuitry is in place.  All connections are made for the more efficient and effective outworking of manifesting your heart’s desires.  So it is within our purview to encourage you in this endeavor to take advantage of it during this time of growing your faith-trust.  The rewards are inestimable in your journey as Paradise ascenders.

This is enough of a lesson for today.  Manifest a good day today!  So be it.


Session 82

Note:  Second in a series on manifesting our desires.
Andover, MN TeaM
June 16, 2011
Session # 82
Teacher (T/R):  Tomas (Leoma)
Topic:    Manifesting, part 2
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Tomas:  Good afternoon, friends, this is Tomas.  [Good afternoon.]  Are you ready for lesson #2 on manifesting?

Manifesting your heart’s desires, part two.  We have covered the need for faith-trust and being in alignment with God’s will for your life.  What we have not yet discussed is the prioritization of requests your heart makes, requests that your mind gives out on a moment-by-moment basis, which manifests what you see and experience all around you.  It is indeed a complexity of desires which radiate out from you on a daily basis.  In some moments, it may feel/appear to you that there is not order to what you are experiencing, or that something is misfiring.  In these moments of uncertainty or confusion about what you are experiencing, it is good to recall that when one has given over their will to Father’s will, you will not always experience what you expect to experience.  In fact, very seldom will things unfold in ways you would line them up for yourselves if it were only your own limited understanding and way of orchestrating events that were to prevail.

For your sake, for goodness’ sake, you are not the only power at work here.  There are, as you are aware, many celestials at your assistance – many who work under the auspices and within the auspices of God’s will in alignment for your life.  This is so that the greater wisdom can prevail in how things unfold for you, rather than only the wisdom which you currently possess and have powers of manifestation to control what comes into your life.  So there is something to be said for the possibility of your short-term desires to be over-written in some sense by your pledging your life into God’s will.

To further surrender your control of how things unfold in your life is another aspect of reaching higher in this realm of manifestation.  Reaching higher means letting go.  It may seem a paradox, yet it is not.  Reaching higher, taking those next steps on your spiritual journey of faith-trust and becoming more morontial by conscious decision and effort, indicates to us, to the Father and to all of your unseen friends that you are ready for the next steps.

It is sometime between now and the moment when you will be able to hold out your hand and have something materializing before you, although this can be held out for you as an eventual goal.  Remembering that this is not a bag of tricks, but a way of continuing on your upward journey to morontial living while yet on Urantia.  It is as we have stated previously, a natural progression of your ability and potentials while yet in physical form.

So, how to get from here to there?  When light particles gather themselves in visible form, such as electricity manifesting as light through a filament or a chemical reaction, it is not considered a miracle.  It is a natural occurrence.  It is also an example of manifesting something from seemingly nothing; from something invisible to the physical.  So in manifesting a physical object, you are simply coalescing, condensing what is already there.

In manifesting events from your heart’s desire in alignment with God’s will for your life, you are in a sense coalescing time periods – coalescing the intentions and ideas in people’s minds so that they fall into alignment with your intended desire – coalescing events which you call synchronicities.  All of these things are assisted by your celestial helpers until you reach a state where they are no longer needed for manifesting seamlessly what you desire.  There is always a time lag between the statement of the desire and the fulfillment of the desire.  It is this time lag which is shortened as you progress… morontially speaking.

The intentional act of coalescing events, thoughts and time situations is the next higher step in learning how to manifest more efficiently.  You may think of this as water vapor in the air coalescing into a cloud, which you may actually practice doing on a day such as today when there is water vapor in the air and sunshine.  You could practice manipulating these clouds.  It may sound like child’s play, as it often is, and yet as you see it happening, you understand this idea of coalescing of events, thoughts and time sequences.  This is the concept.  When Jesus produced what appeared to be a miracle, it was a moment of perfect coalescence of the required elements to produce the desired effect.

Though you are not a master of manifesting, you are on your way.  When you do not seem to manifest your desires it is not a failure to have not received the desire right away.  It is also not a test.  It simply is what it is, and you may indeed engage your faith-trust in knowing that abundance is still quite available to you.  Reach for that.  Reach for abundance; for it is all about you, it is readily available.  You magnetize to you what you need.  In magnetizing what you need, you may add this idea of coalescence, the convergence of many aspects to manifest as seeable, knowable events, objects, people and things in your life.

At this juncture you yet need to operate with patience, as there is still a time-lag – though you will see that eventually diminish.  Be patient during this time of waiting and use it as a classroom for further attainment of your spiritual goals.  Although we would remind you that all things are spiritually attained; there is no separation.  Even what is in your mind as merely material, is a manifestation of what you term your spiritual life.

I will address your questions now.

Q:  Please review for me once again, how to manifest.

Tomas:  How to manifest.  We have not completed all of the steps, yet to review in general:  You understand being in alignment with the Father’s will; the need for complete faith-trust, which is easier said than done; the realization that God’s will may be different than what you believe is in your best interests at the moment. 

Since you have committed yourself to follow God’s will, and he has a higher view, a wider view, and a bit more experience and wisdom, his desires for you may be fulfilled in quite a different way than you are envisioning when you express your heart’s desire.  So in the waiting period between the expression of the desire and the fulfillment of it, there is the need for patience, for greater faith-trust and letting go.  This is an element we have only slightly touched on.  Once you have stated your heart’s desire and made it known, you continue to believe in this desire being attainable and on its way to you, with great faith-trust, while letting go of your particular visualization of the outcome.  Holding onto a specified outcome may not only cause disappointment along the way, but perhaps hinder the timing of the arrival of the fulfillment of your desire.

Q:  So does that mean I put out a goal or a desire and just stand back?  Or is there a more active component day-by-day, along the line of becoming more attuned with the Father’s will, so that I adjust my desires, or that I grow in my faith as I become more solid in heart and mind with that connection with Spirit?  It’s that active component I’m wondering about as I wait for the outcome.

Tomas:  Yes, there is always that aspect of action.  No good thing can come to you without your hands being open, your heart being open, and your mind being alert to what comes to you.  That means that you, on your human side of things, do what you feel is right to be proactive for yourself in what you want to manifest.  However, in the doing you also realize that you need to let go of your actions being fruitful in the way you expect.

Q:  If I may clarify, what you mean is that it’s right to be actively manifesting.  However, to put the desire out there is where it stops.  To let go means to not have any very specific outcome attached to that desire.

Tomas: That is correct.  To hold on too tightly to a specific outcome would be counter-productive.  To wallow in disappointment and go “Woe is me,” would in a sense paralyze you and make it more difficult next time you try to be open to whatever comes or does not come at the moment, which again is like a valve closing you off to the good that is coming on its way to you.  Letting go of the specific outcome of that moment leaves the valve open for the good to continue to flow in both directions.  To clarify again, you state your desire, knowing that God has every intention of fulfilling your desire, but letting go of the exact way in which that desire is fulfilled.

Q:  I have two desires but I am not sure if they can both be provided.  The new career that I desire does not seem to pay enough to support my family, but I would love it if it did.

Tomas:  I think what may be at issue is seeing your desires as two separate items on your agenda.  Perhaps what would be productive for you would be to begin to see these as coming more in proximity to each other time-wise.  Perhaps you indeed need to step out of your comfort zone to begin to explore other options for manifesting both at the same time.  I’m just saying this is possible.  I‘m also saying that beginning to think in this way may break you out of the position you feel you are in now.  Does that make sense to you?

Q:  I know exactly what you mean.  It would be amazing to be in a more altruistic career and have that coalesce with abundance of enough financial security that I wouldn’t worry about it.

Tomas:  I would highly suggest, my friend, that you take your thoughts in this direction, and that even more importantly, to feel in your heart and project forward what it is you actually do desire.  If I am correct, you have just stated it.  You really do desire to have that career not in some distant day.  You truly desire to be able to mesh the new career in some way that is not painful for those for whom you provide – making a living that is comfortable for you and all those you provide for.  I would encourage you to allow yourself to project forward into that direction.  I’m not saying you will not have a conventional job again, but you need to think in that direction.

I think this is enough to ponder for today.  We will talk again.  [Thank you.]


Session 83
Note: Third in a series on manifesting our desires.

Andover, MN TeaM
August 4, 2011
Session # 83
Teacher (T/R):    Mantutia; Williamson; Tomas (Leoma)
Topic:  Manifesting, part 3
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Mantutia:  This is Mantutia Melchizedek, and yes there are several who would gladly speak to you today and address the issues on your mind – the idea of manifesting your desires.  I will leave those to another.  I would address from the aspect of the higher ideals which you are now experiencing as circuitry connection into the Father’s will that, in a sense, gives you a direct line to manifesting your desires.  Yet that is another subject.  A portion of this higher circuitry connecting you into the alignment of Father’s will is what I am qualified to address.

I would indeed admonish you to begin to think what you might term bigger, wider, deeper, stronger, and higher.  Your mortal material desires are worthy.  However, you are reaching a level in your spiritual attainment wherein you may entertain loftier ideals than many of your brethren at this time on your planet.  So it is such as yourselves that we call upon to be further opened and made aware of the higher possibilities, the potentialities for which you are prepared to reach, yet in your material minds find far beyond your reach.  It is within our parameters to stretch you, to pull you toward those higher imaginings, those higher potentialities which you may not feel yet prepared for.

We declare to you that you are well prepared; you are well on your way.  You are now opening yourselves to larger possibilities and yet thinking in a linear manner and the ways, of course, with which you have been familiar.  It is within the parameters of Michael’s Correcting Time and the coming Magisterial Mission to stretch you further, perhaps even beyond your comfort barriers as you speak of them.  To step more readily into what you yet perceive as dreaming, as fantasizing, even as plans and dreams for your near future.  These may unfold much more quickly and in ways you cannot imagine.  Circumstances, synchronicities and people can come your way when you are open to these possibilities.  You need not even know or be able to grasp what these possibilities are.  Just simply be open to them.

So this is my entreaty for you today, and I will step aside for another to pick up from here.

Williamson:  I am indeed Williamson.  I have once been in the flesh, but am now passing through the realms of the morontial life and have been uplifted to the ranks of the Trinity Teacher Sons, not as one of them, but working alongside them.  My order of being will not be found in the Urantia text.

As you are beginning to discover, many unprecedented and creative prerogatives are being allowed, in particular for the Correcting Time on your decimal planet.  Many new avenues of circuitry, energy transformation, communication and education are being employed to accelerate the Correcting Time efforts, the upliftment of the human species as a whole, and more specifically those awakening and aware such as yourselves.

I am here to address you from a closer level, if you will, to your level of attainment, as I have been in the flesh.  I have lived a human life in the physical and understand where you come from in your thinking and experiences.

In your linear and material ways of thinking, you most usually desire to be able to see the logical route from getting to point B from point A before you are comfortable in moving on to points C, D, E, or F as you have set the goals for your life.  This is how those with skills plan out their lives not only materially with financial concerns, but also how they spend their energies and time as the phases of their lives change and move on.

So it is my pleasure and prerogative to help you now to free yourselves of needing to see a linear type of progression from A to B to C and so on.  For if you consider that in your spiritual lives, your inner lives, you have taken great leaps at times, have you not?  You have at times gone from point A to point D in your progression – and yet still I am talking in a linear fashion, only skipping B and C.  So now we would stretch you to even let go of the points, to think in a more geometrical pattern.  I will let that settle in your minds for a bit.  [Pause]

Please consider that as you have grown, in the last few years of your lives, you have not only grown in one area at a time.  You have grown emotionally.  You have progressed in communication skills.  You have progressed in mindal skills.  You have progressed in relationships.  You have progressed in your hearts.  You have grown greatly many times by great leaps in what you term your inner life, your spirituality.  You have even grown within the parameters of your own personalities to develop those personalities in ways in which you have not been so aware, but have polished the gem of your whole being.  So now consider that all of these things have taken place together, more or less at the same time, all of them working hand-in-hand to progress your whole being, your whole self along the path of ascension.

This time of quickening your heart-felt desires to manifest yet more quickly is not really such a large leap as you may believe.  It is simply another step on the path of progression on the continuum of discovery and attainment of which you are completely capable of reaching.  The potentials which you have placed far in advance before you in your imaginations, they are much more immediate than you allow yourself to believe.  Does this resonate?

Allow this – not only my words – allow this knowing to settle deeply within your being until you feel it resonating and entering this circuitry which you have established more directly this afternoon.  [Pause]

As you further establish this more direct circuitry into the Father’s will, you will discover the actual experience of knowing that what your heart desires and the Father wills, IS.  [Pause]

It is also most helpful to the best of your ability to remove the thinking mind, the rational, logical, linear thinking mind from the equation.  Recall the vision of a child seeing a beloved parent entering the room and the child just rushes with open arms and a big smile, and a full and open heart to give and receive the love of the parent.  This is the image and the attitude that we desire for you to embrace as you contemplate and open yourselves to this new way of living, this new phase of living that you are now entering.  It is indeed thinking outside of your proverbial box, stepping outside your comfort zones, and yet once you open yourself to this type of living, you will find that your comfort zone was imprisonment compared to what you live out and experience on a daily basis.  You will open to all possibilities wherein so much more of God’s goodness and desires for you can flow into your being, into your material life, into what you feel and experience.  Allow this imagery of the open-arms child, the open loving trust, to absorb into your mind now.  [Pause]

For such a child in complete trust and innocence of being, there is never a thought of, “Oh yes, but…”  There is no thought of “But where will the money come from… but how will I do this or that… but what if..?”  All that exists is the present moment and the love flowing to be given and received.  All else follows.  I know from having been in your position myself, it is very difficult to let go of the what ifs and the buts.  So I realize it will not come all at once.

There are still remaining the material decisions to be made.  It is understood as your brother Jesus understood, there are material provisions to be made.  There are practical considerations to attend to, which he demonstrated very well in his material life.  So you are to be commended in the management of your resources.  It is well documented in your life records that you have not lived extravagantly.  You have used your resources wisely and well, and yet not ungenerously.  You have not held onto your pennies or clutched to that as your only security.  As most Urantians go, you have been very balanced in this.  So you have proven yourselves to be trustworthy with the resources you have been given and those you have earned.  Yet perhaps you have not considered resources you have been given that were not earned.  There have been some and even in those you have proven yourselves wise and trustworthy, not extravagant.

The desires you have put forward, the requests you have made in your discussions about manifesting the resources you need for taking care of your family and the noble ideas of serving Michael’s Correcting Time in ways which are material, we support you.  We support you in your stated intentions, your desires to move forward into the Michael Son’s desires for your living, for a higher way of living than you have yet experienced.  This is most heartily welcomed and supported by all of the resources available to you, which are manifold indeed.  You have little idea of the actual resources at your disposal, and yet we trust that once you discover more fully what these resources are, and how they can come to you – or manifest, in your terminology – we fully trust that you will continue to manage even these extravagant and generous resources in a wise and balanced manner.  We also understand that you will request, be open to, and allow guidance in how to manage these resources so that you are careful not to be carried away by any temptation.  You will not need to worry about this as you are well guided and well cared for.  Your Thought Adjusters, with whom you are increasingly encircuited and listening to, will guard you from inappropriate action – even from inappropriate desires and thoughts which may lead you in any sense of the word, astray.

At this time, I will withdraw so that Tomas may address any questions.

Tomas:  Well, hello my friends.  This is Tomas and I have been listening.

Well, talk about taking things a step higher.  You have put forward your desires.  So look out!  Be very deliberate and temperate in your request so that you are not overwhelmed by what you receive.  Even if you are a bit momentarily over awed at first, we know that you will adjust.  You have all of us to help you.  Never fear.  We will keep you grounded and balanced. That is what we are here for.

It is good that you have reached a point now that you will be stretched further.  You will look back on this period of time as quite amazing… quite exciting… somewhat uncomfortable… but divinely guided, hand-in-hand with all of us who delight in walking this path with you.  We are so privileged to be walking this walk with you.  It is our delight and is great fun for us, for there are so few and you are paving the way for others to follow. So, thank you.  You may go ahead with your questions.

Q:  Am I right in summarizing, that Williamson said that we are to: 1) align our desires with Father’s will, and 2) have no expectations, meaning to have the attitude of the child and to be non-linear in thinking?

Tomas:  Those are two of the main points, yes.  Having no expectations is difficult for humans, especially for one such as you.  You have been so talented at making financial and life plans.  I am not saying that those will go by the way-side.  It is more that you will propel yourself forward into your desired new career much more quickly if you allow yourself to let go of the plans. They may still take place as you have planned, but just don’t hold on to them.  Allow for other possibilities.

Q:  Understood.  When living your life you make plans and then take actions.  I believe what I have heard today is to be careful of your expectations of your actions and their consequences.  It may or may not lead to what you think you are going.  But we are still to take actions, especially if our desire is in alignment with Father’s will.  The universe will work around the actions we take, which may lead to the desired results, and possibly sooner than later in time.

Tomas:  Yes indeed.  You have the choices.  Your free will choice does not necessarily derail your other paths.  It may simply change how you get there.  There are not necessarily wrong or right choices; there are simply different paths to take to reach the same end.  The timing may be different, but what is time in all the universe?  The choices that come before you are simply choices – not right or wrong.  You will not necessarily be told which choice is better.  Though you may feel in your heart and in your gut what the higher choice may be – the higher choice that may be cheered on a bit more.  But you will be supported in any choice you make.

Q:  I see.  We will make choices, and some may lead to the desired result sooner than others.

Tomas:  What it comes down to are the lessons that are learned along the way.  Making one choice will bring a different set of lessons than another choice.  Yet again you will eventually learn the lesson somewhere along the way.

So here we come to your spiritual condition, and where you are now.  At this juncture, what Williamson was speaking of was to stretch you so that you may think, feel and act – and you do need to act of course – in a way that propels you on your desired and stated journey of manifestation more quickly than if you make some other choice that may not bring you some of the lessons that you need as quickly or at the time you may need them.

This is where your guidance, your heart and your deeper feelings come in to guide you, as well as your Thought Adjuster.  Yet no one is going to tell you what choice to make.

Q:  Understood. That is our journey here.  Spirit-testing our choices might be a wise option to understand how aligned our choices are with Father’s will.  And success in doing so will lead to continued growth in manifesting in this way.

Tomas:  Exactly.  Beyond the idea of taking action and being aligned to the best of your ability in the Father’s will, what I would further emphasize is the child-like faith and trust in taking those steps which at times may seem illogical or non-linear or certainly stepping outside what you would have normally done in your own mind.

If you truly desire to step into a new way of living, this is how to do it.  You cannot step into a new way of living by using the old methods.  You have learned this from your Urantia text as well.  A society at large cannot move into a new way of living by holding on to its old tenets and ways of doing things.

This is a time of discovery for you, and opening up to the higher possibilities. Trusting our Divine Parents will give you everything to achieve those heart’s desires in a timely manner – in our Divine Parent’s timely manner.  As you are to proceed with the coming Magisterial Mission, things are stepping up and manifesting quickly now.  This is a time that is ripe for you to step in to this new way of living with great faith and great trust, knowing that whatever happens, whatever mistakes you may make along the way, you will be supported, watched over, loved and provided for in everything that you do.  As you step out on that limb you will find that you will have even more support and resources coming your way.  We are waiting and eager to provide all that you need to manifest your desires with our Divine Parents.  You will come to understand that it is not in your mind so much as in your soul experiences.

It is an exciting time.  So, we are here if you stumble.  We are here if you decide to leap forward.  We are here if you decide to remain in your present way of thinking and doing.  We are here to support you however you proceed, as we have been for a very long time.  That is just as what every good human parent will do for their children: to guide them along their way, to allow them to make their own decisions, to make their own mistakes, to learn their own lessons – yet all the while giving them all the love, support and protection that they can.  Know that you are beloved children of divine parents who love and watch over you every moment.  Many of us, your unseen friends and relatives, will cheer you on and do what we can to help you fulfill your dreams and desires.

Thank you today for reaching out to us and allowing us to more actively enter into your hearts and minds, to enter into your decision making in this time of stretching to a new way of living.  This too will be a learning experience for us as well as we guide others to a new way of living.  It is always a mutual encircuitment and a mutual sharing of learning, living and loving one another.  Thank you.  We will talk again.  (Thank you.)


Session 85

Note: Fourth in a series on manifesting our desires.


Note: Session 84 is not included in this document
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Andover, MN TeaM
February 15, 2012
Session # 85
Teacher (T/R):    Mantutia; Monjoronson (Leoma)
Manifesting, part 4
Father’s Will circuitry
Monjoronson and Father’s Will circuitry
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Mantutia:  Good morning my friends.  This is Mantutia.  I am here today to address your further inquiries into the process of manifesting more effectively, especially in these times on your decimal planet Urantia.

In these Times of Correcting and the augmentation of the material manifestation of the Magisterial Mission, the doorways have opened further now for accessing the abundance that is available to everyone.  Not everyone knows of this abundance or of their connections to the Father’s Will that can be forged anew within the parameters of human will.  So it is this connection into the Father’s Will that I will address for you now.

As you have experienced to some degree in your intentional spiritual upliftments and exercises, the Father’s Will circuitry has been opened unto you.  You have begun to send tentative energy connections into that circuitry; this is a good beginning.  A master such as your brother Jesus in his material life on Urantia had the functioning ability to remain within the Father’s Will circuitry, as you have come to call it, on a continual basis – never being disconnected from it.  You call it ‘being in the flow’, and yet you have experienced it only intermittently until now.  With a greater focus of daily intention you can bring yourselves into the fullness of this circuitry on that continual basis, just as the masters on this planet have been able to achieve.

It is not miracle working.  It is not such a far-off distant achievement.  With the additional openings of transformative energies and circuitries now in place and growing on Urantia, and within the collective consciousness stream for all of Urantian humanity, there is now greater opportunity in ease in entry into this flow – this consciousness of the Father’s Will circuitry.  It is, to be put simply, only a matter of your intention and your daily attention.  As in all spiritual matters it is to the degree which you practice and give of your energies, and according to your spiritual condition, how this plays out in your daily life.  You may rest assured that at this point in your spiritual progress, this is now much more achievable for you on a personal basis.

I will take your questions at this point.

Q:  So from the previous lessons we have received on manifesting (note: June – August, 2011), it sounds like none of those instructions have changed.  But what I am hearing today is that the attitude that one has towards connecting with the Father, and more diligently placing our attention on that connection, will bring more effectiveness to this process of manifesting.  Is that correct?

Mantutia:  That is correct.

I would add that since your initial lessons of a few months ago, there have been some changes within the energetic etheric plane for your planet – some of which you are aware and others of which you are not so aware.  These occurrences have taken place as a part of a natural out-working and preparation for the Magisterial Mission to enter upon the material plane for Urantia.  Some have taken place as a natural progression of your planetary shifting that has affected everyone on the planet, so that all are, in fact, up-raised to a degree.

For those such as yourselves who are on a very active course of spiritual attainment, the progress’ steps are incrementally larger and take you more quickly into higher planes of consciousness.  You speak of this in terms of dimensionality – so that you are 4th and 5th dimension beings now, while others on your planet remain at 3rd and 4th dimensionalities, energetically speaking, within the consciousness stream.  All have the experience of being raised together.  Yet not all are at the same stage of attainment.

As you have recently realized, it is a part of the natural human progression towards Light and Life.  It is a natural out-working that will occur eventually on its own.  You Urantians are being infused and gifted with many, many advantages to quicken the process.  So we encourage you to step forward and be willing to take the leaps of faith to take full advantage of these gifts and infusions to up-step you as quickly and yet gently as possible – to bring you up to speed, you might say, where you are meant to be from the moment of creation.

This world has many deficits for which to be made up.  Every possible measure is being taken now to overcome these many deficits, including opening the doors to avenues, some of them quite experimental, that are not usually implemented.  These are extraordinary circumstances, unique circumstances, which call for unique and never-before tried avenues of assistance on all levels: physical, emotional, and etheric.

So now we will continue in more detail in discussing connecting with the Father’s Will.  This is not magical terminology.  It is a correcting and re-engagement of a spiritual tool, a connection that was always meant to be in place.  Due to the extraordinary circumstances of the rebellion and the Adamic default and the ensuing cascade of entanglements, you have not even been aware that this connection can exist.

So now as it comes into your awareness it moves from potentiality into actuality within your mind concepts.  That is where it begins.  Through the mind circuits of your Mother Spirit Nebadonia you have the capacity through her endowments to be opened to be received within the Father’s Will circuitry.  As you may have surmised, it is a two-way circuitry.  It is not merely a gift the Father gives, but one that you must first give of your will to the Father. Does this resonate?

Q:  Yes – that we need to open the door to the Father in order to begin the activation of the circuit within us.

Mantutia:  Yes indeed.  It is through the endowments of Nebadonia that you have the ability to discover this doorway.  It is through her circuitry that the concept is opened and the capacity within your own will – your living will of mind, heart and soul – are given the space to expand within you.  With the further connection and guidance of your Thought Adjuster, your indwelling Father Fragment, hand-in-hand you may more forcefully or effectively project your will into the Father’s Will circuitry.

What this requires on your part is, as in all spiritual matters, to feel your desire, to feel the desire of the mind concept within your heart center and in conjunction with your Thought Adjuster.  What gives you the direct line into the righteousness – the right-use-ness – of manifestation powers within the Father’s Will circuitry is that you have spiritually risen to a height where your will has been given over as fully as you can into the Father’s Will.  It is your deep, sincere and abiding desire for your will to be the same as the Father’s.  So every action, every thought, every desire you have is closely matched and aligned with the Father’s Will for your own Divine Life Plan – as well as how that meshes and fits in with the collective consciousness and with the collective plan for Urantians on a broader scale.

For all is connected.  How you project your will to be manifested in the world has an effect on all others on your planet, not just those in your family or in your immediate proximity.  This circuitry is connected for everyone who wishes to project their will into this circuitry.  This is a network, if you want to call it that, very closely related to that network of the collective consciousness.  They are inter-related, yet not quite the same.

Q:  Does this circuitry capability require the use of morontial mind?

Mantutia:  It is approaching that, yes.  However it is not outside of what we could consider normal parameters of human mind, of human consciousness.  However, due to your planet’s deficits in consciousness connectivity you do not see this yet as normal for you.  It has appeared to be outside of your parameters of ability.  Yet is has merely been hidden from your sight.  The veils are being lifted now so that all may realize this is a very real possibility for all to grasp.

As you have discussed, you already are manifesters.  Otherwise there would be nothing material in your life.  There would be nothing happening in your life because all is manifested as a co-creation between your will and the Father’s Will.  We are simply opening your eyes to see what has always been there, yet now is much more easily attainable.

Q:  I can see where those people that are truly connected to our Divine Parents and desire along the Will of the Father, that now they may actually see their wishes fulfilled and therefore gain more faith-trust in the Father.  If more of the population actually receives this gracious gift – this upliftment of their faith-trust – that is a very powerful spiritual reality which will exponentially progress.

Mantutia:  That is correct.  As more people experience manifesting more effectively and others observe, their faith-trust rises.  In this way those who have attained higher levels lift those just below them up along with them – and yes, the effect becomes exponential.  It is certainly not a selfish desire to attain this manifestation ability more effectively.  It will lift all of your brothers and sisters in time.

The times and energies are indeed very ripe now for this to happen at a quickened rate.  It is our desire to assist in any way that we can to see this unfold now in your lives and in the lives of all Urantians.  It is an important step toward Light and Life – toward morontial thinking and living – that is highly upheld by the Infinite Spirit, the Paradise Father and the Eternal Son together.  One moment please.  (Pause)

It is also true, in response to the query of the TR here, that as altruism arises in the hearts and minds of Urantians, so too rises the effectiveness and the awareness for manifestation.  The existence of self-centeredness that has prevailed for so long in your planetary consciousness has delayed the ability for Urantians to manifest quickly.  It has rightfully been a slow process with manifesting.  For as you have seen, even though it comes slowly it has been quite prolific in producing material goods that have contributed to the bogging down of consciousness.

So now as altruism is gaining ground in the planetary consciousness and within the outward actions of Urantian citizens, it is commensurate with the rise in abilities to manifest more effectively – for Urantians will be manifesting more righteously for others.  Manifesting material goods – yes, but for higher purposes.  This raises the level of what you are able to manifest.  Yet if your desires for manifesting are not in alignment with the Father’s Will, things can go awry and become quite unbalanced, as has been demonstrated in the last 50 years or so in this country.  (Pause)

Monjoronson:  Dear friends, this is Monjoronson.

I encourage your hearts to expand into Mother Nebadonia’s Love and into the Mother’s Mind, in part so that you may enter the Father’s Will circuitry on a more continuing basis – to have a more direct mind into Father’s Will for your higher alignment.  Your expansion into the Mother Spirit and with what she may augment you is paramount for receptivity in preparation on a higher level to serve for teaching and guiding Urantians along their paths of transformation.  It is not only a noble cause; it is one that is required now for those desiring to move towards Light and Life on this planet while still in the flesh.

I also encourage you to continue in your personal spiritual attainment pathways.  Follow your natural desires, which now you are noticing have been up-stepped.  Your desires are growing and this is consuming more of your energies and time as your material lives fades in importance, in comparison to your spiritual beingness and your willingness to engage yourselves more fully in the transformation taking place on Urantia.  We are most heartened by this growth in your desires and the out-working of that desire as you express it on the physical plane and in your inner growth.

What I would add for you at this time is to take an intentional walk with me in your daily meditation.  Project your will into the Father’s Will circuitry.  Connect with your Thought Adjuster.  Then take my hand and I will guide you.  I will lead you into the ways that you may follow according to your personal will.  It is an opportunity to forge a closer relationship with your Thought Adjuster and with me as your Magisterial Son.  This too may be strengthened as a two-way circuitry relationship.

It is in this way that I desire to work with you.  Many of your doubts and confusions about how to proceed into this alignment with the Father’s Will and how it unfolds in your personal lives will be dissolved, answered, resolved and transformed into a clear path of actions from which you may choose.  You will find greater ease in giving these offerings out of your willingness and the love of your heart to guide you in the details of your daily life, as well as your larger vision and desires for fulfilling your Divine Life Plan.

This is the way into finding the holiness and the wholeness that is resident within living this way of Light, of Truth, of Abundance and of Infinite Love.  This is my desire for all children on Urantia.  This is the reason for my mission: for all to realize the holiness that is within the wholeness of their beings.  Let us forge this relationship now in silence for a few moments.  (Pause)

As you realign your priorities, you will find yourself stepping into a greater flow of abundance, of the synchronicities and of Love that is tangible in your beings.  This is the gift of walking in Michael’s ways – the gift of walking hand-in-hand with your Mother Nebadonia and of dwelling with your Father Fragment as much as possible during your day.  It is a natural progression of your spiritual inheritance that you may claim more fully now, with open hearts and open arms.  There are many, many who assist you – who over-watch, who guide you and who are ever-ready to answer your call.

Join with all of us in our mission to transform Urantians into the beings of Light they are meant and created to be.  The rewards are far beyond your imagining.  Recall that what the aligned son or daughter and the Father wills… IS.  You have only to open to it and claim it.

Good day, dear ones.

Q:  Good day, and thank you.