Michael; Charles; Light; Machiventa; Serena; Jonathan - Three Transcripts - Nov 09 thru the 23rd, 2014 - Lightline, North Idaho Group

Transcript 1 of 3
The Moment in History You Need to Focus Upon Is at Hand
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2014-11-09
Teacher: Michael, Light, Charles
T/R: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris

Prayer: [Mark] Welcome into our circle Divine Parents, into our configuration of energy. We invite you to participate with us to contribute to our energy field here today and to draw from it and to drink from this well. I would express a sense of gratitude for the many different ways in which you have reached to us and contacted us and all the different avenues of approach which we observe you have used in this process. I am grateful for each and everyone, whether it is the contact of a loving associate from the spiritual dimension, whether it is that fleeting glimpse of our onboard partner, also a gift of your grace, whether it is that connection with the Spirit of Truth, another gift of your grace or whether it is the magical connection of universal mind. All these gifts of grace we understand have been given to us and it is in this process where we encounter them and bring them to life that we feel such joy and are beginning to accept these gifts. Help us to make is so, more and more each day where we can explore these different avenues of approach that we have to  you, that we can more fully travel them and use them in our process and come to rely on them as our guides and leaders. Truly, when we ask for help, it is abundant if we will but receive it. Let it be so, even now, thank you.

Michael: [Mark] I will come among you and take advantage of this opportunity you provide for fellowship. I am Michael and I come in response to your consideration and thoughts about me and about the details of my experience on this world. I completely understand what human nature bids you do in the wondering and consideration of what it was like, what happened, how did it happen and what was all that history that revolves around episodes such as my experience on this world. And while it is normal and natural for you to crave the filling in of the details so as to make you feel even more a part of the experience, it is not my purpose to flesh out for you the minute aspects of my experience.

It is my purpose to become flesh with you in the process. I am far more concerned with my experience on this world as it relates to you, as it pertains to you, as it inspires and motivates you. That is where my concern lies, in this moment, in these moments that we share even now. This is where it all comes together. It is serviceable at times to consider the past and how we got to where we are in this moment, and insofar as that helps you make sense of and understand the equation, that is well and good. But, I assure you, that the moment in history that you need to be focused on is at hand. The time in which you need to be in great consideration is now. The efforts that you extend in these days and weeks are the only thing that matters at this point.

History has been written, history will be recalled but history is simply that, the past account of what has transpired. They may not be changed, they may not even be currently relevant. What is relevant in this current moment is your consideration here and now, your willingness to fellowship with me, our willingness to approach spirit and manifest our spiritual intentions. After all, we cannot change what has happened before, we can however alter what happens before us and we are about doing that right now. We make that effort to meet here in spirit so that we may focus our spiritual intentions and so that we may hone our spiritual desires.

So while I can appreciate your desires to know all of the details, I assure you, there have been arrangements made for you to go replay all these episodes which are thoroughly documented. There will be a day when all of your questions about the hows, wheres, whats and what ifs will all be answered. So far as your current journey transpires, you will have to wait before your questions of a curious nature may be satisfied. I bring you a much more important message, one of focusing on the now, on the present, on the potentials before us, on the opportunities that arise and I ask you to invite me along as you make the choices on your exciting journey. And, as has been referred to, if you are in doubt, if you harbor uncertainties and concern, there are a number of avenues designed to help you and as has been mentioned, these are unerringly true.

So, avail yourselves of any or all of these methods as you so choose. They have been put in place for your assistance, they have been created for your benefit, they are indeed gifts of grace for you to accept and welcome into your lives. As is my peace, another gift I would gladly bestow upon each of you, I would add some to each of your cups here today, filling them with this nurturing peace and may it confirm that I abide with you throughout the process. Let it be so, let it be received in this hour as you bring your focus to do so, even now.

Farewell my dear ones, I leave you in word but never in presence.

Light: [Cathy] As I view your group, the light stream around and about your circle, you are all connected with each other as well as with the portal you have created. It would be most beneficial for each of you to consciously connect with the portal and directed energy. Together we can experiment with light. I would suggest that the light be directed to our friend Charley. It will be amplified and reflected. He is quite capable of making the available energy work for his physical enhancement.

Charles: [Mark] Greetings my friends, I am Charles, humbly making my way into your sacred space. I come at your bidding. I understand there is a question on the floor. I would restate it loosely as follows: There is a consideration of what constitutes willingness and the issue of privacy when in considering the traveling of the spirit to alternate locations. I am referring to the notion that, as a spiritual being, strictly speaking, you are not confined to the dimensions and limitations of time and space and this is true. You are, as you are fully aware, encased by a material/mortal aspect which weighs you down by the limitations on its capacities, the fact that it is strictly limited by time/space coordinates.

But to those who have developed their spiritual capacities, they understand that that part of them, that component of self which is not constrained, may actually be projected about and be in alternate locations other than that of the physical vehicle and this is true. So it is possible for you to project yourselves to other remote locations and in so doing, there is a spirit guide with you present at all times, I refer to your Indwelling Fragments. This component of yourself, like your spiritual component, certainly is able to project about as they are in spirit form as well. You might see these spiritual guides as more of a guardian for in fact, they are in supreme control over what happens to you as a developing spirit of the realm, that is to say, they are your gatekeeper and supervisor as you are growing in spirit. They only will allow as much as you can handle, so to speak. They are protective of their charge and will invariably screen and protect you from any negative influences.

So when in consideration of attempting to go say, visit a sick friend, it is very well within your potential to project this and make it so. However, you are not the only one involved in that equation. The sick friend also has a protector, a guardian, and they are ultimately aware of the degree of permission or the degree of resistance involved. The ultimate decision will be made by these two Indwelling Fragments as to whether there is a joining and a mutual recognition. This may be a little bit beyond your context at this time but my purpose in explaining this is to assure you that you may try anything and everything. If it is within the scope of potentials, then it very well may be allowed to transpire and in any case you are protected from causing any harm or abridging another's privacy if they so desire.

In the same way you would sense another's reaction by going to visit them personally, your spirits are even more sensitive to acceptance or rejection of this spirit co-mingling. I applaud you for consideration of such nuances of presenting your spirit and encourage you to fear not in this process, that somehow you could do wrong because you will be guided, you will be led, you will be protected from missteps or apparent inappropriate choices. When you venture out in spirit you have a powerful partner who changes roles with you while being dominant in the spiritual pursuits of your exploration, they are quite recessive while you are in your mortal pursuits and of course, this can only be understood after some experience and in some context. This has been a long shot at trying to describe this phenomenon of traveling in spirit. You all have experience with it and yet you are all experiencing it for the first times and so there will be a great deal of sorting out and defining as you go forward.

Thank you all for allowing me the opportunity of confusing you even further.


Transcript 2 of 3
Your Service in the Platoon
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2014-11-16
Teacher: Machiventa, Serena, Jonathan, Light
T/R: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris

Machiventa: [Mark] Good morning friends, I am Machiventa Melchizedek here to enjoy some more fellowship and conversation with you this morning. I am indeed pleased to be considered in your conversation and in your awareness, in your spectrum of awareness that happens. You have grown in your willingness and your ability to be able to accommodate a shared level that we meet and commune on. And so it is that I enjoy the opportunities to come and share and commune with you because we will make it so. We will bridge the gap between us for this time, we will span the distances.

Make no mistake, each one of you assembled here, you are as you have referenced, in the platoon. You are each one signed up for service, you have applied for ministry, your application has been accepted and you are in the corp, the group, the platoon of us which move forward in the mission of Michael. Make no mistake, if you are with ears to hear, you have been adopted, you have been accepted, your petition has been heard on high and if there were a grand ceremony in which to inaugurate those faithful volunteers we would certainly have one for you.  

But alas, all this that we are discussing, all that transpires and all that is of permanent value in this equation between us is done on the spirit level, is done without pomp and circumstance, is done with divine recognition, with spiritual appreciation. And so at this point we must console ourselves with this announcement of appreciation and acceptance, serving as your inauguration into the corps. We need every and all volunteers. You are in the very strictest definition, boots on the ground. You are the grass roots of the organization, in fact, you are the ones who will prepare and plant the grass that will be the roots.

This is the role we will be privileged to play at this juncture. We are about building things up from the ground, about growing roots and fostering new plantings and all of you will be immensely instrumental in this process and I encourage each of you to take advantage of your position and to bloom where you are planted. This provides maximum leverage, this provides for a true inside job, a true grass roots movement. Where you are, doing what you are doing, you are ideally positioned for great work and if you will continue to keep your ear to the ground, we will use any and all means to keep our connection alive and to send signals of reassurance that we are connected. We are a part of this adventure together, in the very strictest definition, all because you will allow, all because you are aware and you would so choose.

This is the magic of the mortal experience, all these potentials exist, all these possibilities simply just outside your perception until your perception increases and you are able to accommodate a new perspective. And so, the fact that you are here, that we are here discussing this, shows great growth and expansion of capacity. I applaud you all for this and have a great sense that you will be able to provide much more in the way of willingness to explore the spiritual dimension. For now, it is my desire to bring you words of comfort, that you are one of us on the team, a treasured member, a valued participant. Make no mistake, that you function under the jurisdiction and with the authority of the team. You carry this potential with you and you have access to the resources of the team. I invite you to consider deeply the implications of such a statement. You are not alone ever on the frontier of spirit. You are surrounded by spirit as you expand your capacities to become aware of it.

It is always my pleasure to bring these words of conviction to you. You are operating in so much a mode of faith that it is a joy to bring to you more tangible aspects of your pursuits. Your desires to be of service will be fulfilled. Remain open to potentials before you so that as you seek, you may also find. I greatly appreciate the opportunity provided here and now would make this opportunity available for others, thank you.  

Serena: [Cathy] Our team is joining your group today. Your discussion about continuing revelation of truth is touching on our preparations for the Magisterial Mission. Many aspects of spirit are being brought to consciousness on the planet at this time. This is part of the spiritual pressure that has been penetrating the planet during this Correcting Time. Individuals have brought forth their experience of truth to enhance the consciousness of the entire planet. As the Magisterial Son has been in the process of down-stepping to a level that connects with the mortal experience, the entire planet has increased in sensitivity and spiritual awareness as well as vibration. This is the process of preparation. Each persons experience is a contribution to the total knowledge and fields of energy available for use in the process of up-stepping. As you each experience and share the insight gained we are all enhanced in potential and possibility for action. As each individual moves forward in faith, we all are able to climb the mountain, so to speak, giving each other a hand up to the next level. We are thankful for your faith and dedication to the process.  

Jonathan: [Mark] Hello my friends, I am Jonathan, coming around again to bring my greetings and to share in the fellowship and bask in the warm glow that one can feel in this group. I am tweaked, as you say, by the quote rendered that: It is good that you look for the word that is written but I will stop at nothing to communicate with my children as they have need. This statement is so profound if one will grasp its true significance. There have been many prophets, there have been many words spoken, many texts written, all of these are attempts at spirit communication. It is so vital that people maintain the awareness that this is an ongoing steady process. Forever and always will there be this process going on as reaching out and reaching down and that it is just up to the participants to join in the process and be a part of it, to accept the process and work with the process so that it can happen, to bring their faith to the process so that it can exist.

Many times, as I am aware, mortals become trapped in the limitation or the apparent limitations in the ways they have to reach out beyond their current dimension, but there are innumerable ways that this growth of spirit can transpire, that this reaching out beyond the current limitations of dimensions can occur. Each time one engages in this process they are expanded, they are a greater being than they were before and have had more added unto them.

It is always my pleasure to come and fellowship with you and commune with you some more. This is one thing we have learned between us, how to do this in this time and space environment and yet feel so thoroughly connected in the process, irrelevant of time or space. I love you all and send my greatest wishes to you all. I am so grateful for this opportunity to be with you now. I take my leave with warm regards, thank you.  

Light: [Mark] I would take this opportunity as well, I am Light and it brings me great pleasure to have been mentioned in the discussion prior. I am indeed the result of faith and love and action. I am a result of this natural process of creation through faith and love. When the discussion revolves around bringing the equation to life by the addition of your faith, I am drawn to this thread because I realize the power and significance of such a focus. You have used the words before in discussion of this principle that you use thoughts, words and deeds to set in motion, creation, and you are right. This process of having the creative thought, formulating that thought into expression and then projecting that expression out into the real world results in creation and this is a normal and natural principle you observe.

And so this very same principle may be applied throughout your processes and even condensed as you understand its application. So I invite you all to consider more thoroughly the creative potential that you have, the creative potential that you are in your position, with your perspective and your awareness at your given coordinates. What will you create? What will be your expressions that come through? What will your energies be dedicated to to manifest your creation? They will be a joy to behold, a gift to all, that is for certain. So let go of all fears or doubts that you may not somehow fulfill your grandest of potential. Simply be about your business fulfilling your potential and every expression of creation that you are responsible for. This will be your gift back to the process as you all have great contributions to make as you are tending marvelous gardens which are growing well and are fruitful.

I appreciate as well the opportunity to come together with you in this way and to offer a few words for your consideration. Thank you for welcoming me, I will return, good bye.

Light: [Cathy] I am humbled by the previous comments about my creation and growth. It is through our interaction that I am able to find my true expression. Please continue to come out and play. Together we will be able to uplift ourselves and our surroundings. Believe in the possibility and join me.


Transcript 3 of 3
I Never Want To Stand Still
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2014-11-23
Teacher: Charles, Light
T/R: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris

[The following is a letter from a cancer survivor to one of our members. The lesson is a response to the discussion that followed.]  

In my life, there will always be a crisis, a struggle, and degrees of chaos that pursue me. This is not because life is awful and a burden but because of my own personal desire and constant need for growth. This was my decision and it was decided long before I was ever born. I never want to stand still. I never want to accept my limitations. I never want to ignore the wounds and allow them to lash out uncontrollably at those I love or sometimes even worse myself. I am committed eternally to seek my truth (however hard it is to look at) and expand my ability to give and receive love. And by doing this I am committed to diminish the human limitations that are inevitable in this worldly form.

There’s an emotional whirlwind inside of me and that storm will be the only thing that will bring to me the capability to weather it. The universe will continue to give me trials that when engulfed in seem utterly painful but when overcome reveal themselves to be nothing but compassionate gifts

I do not see nor have ever looked at the cancer as a terrible thing. In fact, quite the opposite, I see it as a reward for the strength that I have already shown in my life. My guides knew I was ready for a bigger challenge. Surviving cancer wasn’t the end all be all of living. Yes, I am a survivor, but not just of cancer, of the whole entire world. We all are. We couldn’t possibly live on this earth and not feel pain. Whether it’s emotional, mental, or physical pain we will suffer.  Period. We are here and so we suffer. Period. Yet, I believe that we can reframe the suffering and shine a light on the pain. We can ask our trials, our pains, our losses what they are trying to reveal to us.  

While in extreme physical pain often I would just sit and cry, cry, cry but once in a while when I could muster up the consciousness I’d often ask the pain, “What are you needing to teach me?” “What lessons can I gain from this?” And in the dark hours sometimes the answers would come and the pain eventually ceased. It always will.  

I know the cancer and everything I suffered around that needed to teach me many things. I needed to truly see my own worth, my inner strength, life’s joys, and the ability to realize that every single moment is a gift, even the painful ones. So, yes I am a survivor of those lessons, the world, and cancer but even when I am dead and gone I will still be a survivor. This life is just one life of many. These lessons are just a few of the lessons that will prepare me for the next time along and the next for eternity. And every moment I exist I will be every moment stronger.  And perhaps between lifetimes I will decide to take on another lifetime of strife and hardship circumstances. And perhaps one day I will decide to rest. I will probably rest for a long, long time. And that rest will be good.

Charles: [Mark] Good morning friends,  I come to interject some thought into the stream this morning. I would try to construct for you the notion that as illustrated in this sharing, life brings along many circumstances and they certainly may not all be viewed as positive from multiple perspectives but as a result of the changing of perspectives they can be seen to contain inherently the opportunity to be turned towards the good. It is not as though they are necessarily "good" from the start but depending upon the attitude of the participants they may certainly be directed and pointed in a good direction.

This is illustrated by this personal testimony that life's challenges may be used as opportunities and when seen in this context, all of life's challenges may be viewed to contain great opportunity for growth and change and expanding awareness. One can, as a mortal of the realm, feel battered by life circumstances until you get to that space illustrated, when you come into the consciousness and awareness that there is more than meets the eye about the circumstance. There are other levels to be accessed within the circumstance and that seen in this light, circumstances may, if not be welcomed, certainly be accommodated within your level of awareness. Yes, it is overwhelming at times as a mortal of the realm and quite interesting  to be a part of this experience with you. It indeed helps to illustrate the issue at hand, how hard it is to maintain focus, to keep your eye on the ball of spiritual living. There are so many innumerable distractions which bid your attention and tease your senses that it is oftentimes too much to overcome.

So it is with great appreciation we view this spectacle that goes on in these sacred moments that we share with you, these times of coming together in spirit when you are trying your best to keep your eye on the spirit ball, keep your focus trained on your spiritual side. This applies throughout your day as you all are aware in that how ever many times you can shift your focus from the mortal material one to any degree of spiritual one it brings a new dimension to the circumstance, not because the circumstance has changed, but because you have. That is the important thing to remember. Circumstances and situations are as they are; they contain multitudes of potential but you as observer and participant are the ones that unfold the circumstance in the degree of spirit that you are capable.

This is indeed the key to a mortal existence in your comfort zone of working with spirit, to keep this in mind, that you can shift your perspective, you can change your gears, you can get in the spirit  gear and be watching for spirit interaction and when you do so, you see it everywhere, you see it anywhere, you are ready to work with it and it is ready to work with you. One of the most challenging episodes in your human lives to apply this principle to is, as you spoke, of human illness and dis-ease. This is the supreme animal distraction. There is none greater. If you can maintain a spiritual focus while being physically challenged, then you are indeed a spiritualized being because your animal instincts and tendencies will kick in and take over first and these must be overridden by a higher mind with a higher purpose. If not they will run their course and they will follow their physical laws and they will act as they have been designed to act, to preserve your earthly existence.

Keep in mind when you observe your fellows succumbing to these physical challenges, that these are the greatest of challenges, the greatest of opportunities, the opportunities of the greatest magnitude because these require your applying your higher mind to rise to the occasion and dominate in the perspective that is applied. This sharing prior was an illustration of one who has been down that path, who has experienced the truth of that principle that I have outlined. You have a quote that: The greatest affliction to one is to have never been afflicted. It may be said that the opposite may also be true in that the greatest affliction may in fact be life's greatest gift of grace for it contains the greatest opportunity for growth, the greatest magnitude of change and expansion but it must be seen in this light and as such or it simply remains the greatest challenge.

Certainly it is a fascinating experience, watching these physical conditions that you and your fellows go through from the gaining or regaining of something as precious as vision, to the challenge that your fellows are encountering of great physical circumstance. It is a dynamic playing field that you are on and it is true, that as you proceed forward, your fellows will all age with you together and encounter physical circumstances. But, the grace of life is that by the time old age comes upon you, you have had time to gain wisdom, have had time to master some perspective. This is also the silver lining, the good to be had out of the circumstance. If you are old enough to suffer the pangs of age, then you have been graced with a long life. Out of every circumstance, out of any circumstance, it may be turned to the good, it may be used for good, directed for good.

Thank you for the opportunity to throw my two cents into the well this morning. I very much appreciate the camaraderie with all of you. Enjoy your week, farewell.

Light: [Cathy] I wish to reenforce the idea that your attitude enhances the physical surroundings. The attitude of gratitude and worship does indeed enhance the properties of physical aspects. The addition of light also is enhancing aspects of the physical world. As you approach your daily activities, bring light and worship with you for the best action, it will be a blessing.