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A'Cilla - Relationships as Catalyst and Other Levels It Teaches - May 21, 1998 - Lafayette, CO


DATE: 05-21-98




T/R: JoiLin




          Relationships: Many Levels / Serving as Catalyst

          Michael / Jesus as a Personal Teacher

          Choosing Father’s Will When You Feel Uncertain and Unclear

          The “Inner Child” Can Cloud Our Perceptions

          Teacher Talks about the Power of Thoughts and Emotions

1. Relationships: many levels / serving as catalyst


A'Cilla: I can give you no pat answer to this question, for indeed there are many levels that come into play, in any situation within your life. This is no exception. In fact, your relationship with Young Steve, while it serves on more than one level, it also acts as a catalyst for each of you to get in touch with pieces of yourselves that have not yet been aired, have not yet held resolution, and so you each act in part, on one level as a catalyst for the other. And, yet, I would caution you to always keep in mind that pure intent cannot protect you on all levels. There will be, always, pieces having to do with your own unresolved inner issues that will surface through this vehicle of expressed love.


Mary: Would you repeat that, that last sentence?


A'Cilla: I am asking you to keep in mind, that pure intent cannot protect you from being caught within the machinations of pieces of your own unhealed psyche for the relationship you have, not simply with Young Steve, but with all of your brothers and sisters, has the possibility of being a vehicle to bring up from within your own psyche, pieces, meaning issues, that have not been met or dealt with and so they have the tendency to color your own perceptions. That is all.


Mary: I'm still trying to sort out what is my stuff and what is intuition. I'm feeling like it's intuition but my head says, 'No, that's yourself.'


A'Cilla: There is an interweaving between the level... in that your intent to serve the Father and this, and in all of your relationships, and yet once again I say to you that you are also being worked with on deeper levels. You are still, and will be for some time, causing this catalytic expression, if you will, of your own inner issues. Sometimes they surface with a loud and resounding noise so that you cannot disregard them or put them on a level where they do not belong. For the most part it is a very subtle movement. It has the possibility, even perhaps the probability, of infiltrating other levels. This is part and parcel of the human condition. Separation, all of the different levels that make up who you are, is impossible. Rare indeed is the person who can keep all of these different levels separate. It comes much later, well beyond the physical realm.

2. Michael / Jesus as a personal Teacher

Mary: Are you aware of Steve's personal teacher?


A'Cilla: Indeed.


Mary: I was impressed! It felt good that he would be able to drop his barriers enough to communicate that…


A'Cilla: It disturbs me. I'm not certain why, but on some level it disturbs me that you were so “blown away.” Do you not recognize that Michael is equally available to all on this planet at this time? You too, could have him as one of your primary Teachers were you willing to make that connection. God is no respector of persons. All he asks is an open heart and an open mind. He has not chosen Steve, Steve has chosen him. Therein lies the difference.


Mary: Well, Steve must have done that on a soul level.


A'Cilla: Absolutely. That is clear.


Mary: I want to respond by saying my soul isn't that well developed, that I would ask our Creator Son to be my personal Teacher.


A'Cilla: It is not the Creator Son that Young Steve [tape unclear] It was Jesus of Nazareth who is equally available to all through the heart of Michael. [Tape unclear]


Mary: Well, in that regard, I've always felt much more connected to my Father, Indwelling Father, than I have to Jesus. I regret this but that is truly where my heart is.


A'Cilla: Do you understand that were you and JoiLin to have heard for instance, the name Simon, Young Steve would have begun working with an entity that he recognized as Simon and would have in no way taken away from the real fact that (unclear) Michael. It was indeed Jesus or Michael working with him. Names have absolutely no relevance to the fact of the truth.


Mary: Then perhaps you'll appreciate knowing this. I don't think the names were of great importance to Steve. One of the Teachers suggested that the names would have great significance and his spiritual name did. I asked him when he was searching for his Teacher's name... and this was a seed that was planted by the Teacher Ham, I believe, that he should try and identify his spiritual name and his Teacher's name because it would be of significance to him. I asked him what the energy of his Teacher felt like and he said his Indwelling Father and this was most appropriate. I've never felt bad about being more connected or feeling more connected to my Indwelling Father than I have Michael simply because when Michael was here, everything he did pointed to the Father and everything we do throughout this universe is for the Father so I don't struggle with that.


A'Cilla: Good. You should not.


Mary: But, I think those seeds were planted for Steve – that this would promote further spiritual growth. It would have meaning to him. And, since things are always on multi-levels, the fact that I got the name and the fact that JoiLin also got it, which confirms, because I wouldn't have believed what I was hearing, was serving on so many levels. I'm beginning to have my eyes opened to the bigger picture. And, I fought you tooth and nail. I did not want to accept what I knew was being asked, the choice, the optimal choice that I was being asked.

3. Choosing Father’s Will when you feel uncertain and unclear

4. The “inner child” can cloud our perceptions


A'Cilla: It was not as clear, as clear cut, as you perceived it. It was a direction, yes. It was a direction with the most growth potential and love for the greater and indeed within that direction will you find many, many lessons. But, that is not to say you might not have found other lessons on another path.


Mary: Tell me if my perception is as accurate as I'm probably going to get it. My feeling, looking back, is that I had free will choice, always. However, I have made a commitment to the Father, not only to serve but to walk whatever path he chooses.


A'Cilla: You gave your life to that [tape unclear] his direction.


Mary: And, while I can choose any path, I am committed to choosing the ideal path and to me [personal situation] is the ideal path which serves so much more than any other plan or path that I could have picked.


A’Cilla: Indeed


Mary: So I was feeling directed, guided, nudged, whatever.


A'Cilla: But never manipulated.


Mary: No. I don't think I've ever used that word outside of pitching a fit.


A'Cilla: And that was taken in the light it was given.


Mary: I'm beginning to see the ripple effect.


A'Cilla: Let me interject for one moment. You recognize, Little One, that you have within you a 'little one' who still has unresolved needs and this 'little one' crying out in her need has the ability of coloring your perceptions. If you can recognize that and remember that in your interactions with others, it will help you to be more clear in your own direction.


Mary: Okay, so what's the Father's attitude? Does he provide for the needs of my “inner child”, that 'little child' within? Does he provide for simply the soul? Does he provide for the conscious me, the [tape unclear] conscious me, “in the present moment me”?


A'Cilla: He provides for you on all levels. And yet, because you are caught within the tapestry of the reality of the world you live on, it is neigh unto impossible, often to separate those levels, to clearly see the ways in which the Father expresses himself within the fabric of your life, in the attractions in others that you have. That's why it is always a somewhat perilous course because it's the rare person that can purely perceive the Father's guidance. His words often become intermingled with our own words, our own needs and desires. And, that is the unfortunate fact.


Mary: So, A'Cilla, this means your not going to tell me if this is my stuff, if this is truly serving on some level? You're not going to go there?


A'Cilla: I have given you the tools, as has your Father and you must grapple with your own inner fears, with your own inner meanings, and balance them against the needs and desires of your Father and the needs and desires of those with whom you interact. It is a mixed bag, at best, and very difficult when your own heart and your own needs rise up to the surface. Separate these.


Mary: There's always the possibility that we are in denial, we are fooling ourselves. I'm very sensitive to the fact that I don't want to fool myself. I don't want to be unaware of true motive and true intentions and true feelings. Do you understand what I'm saying?


A'Cilla: I understand what you're saying. And yet, once again I ask you to remember that your own issues have indeed surfaced and do indeed color your perceptions. There are many levels, Little One, that come to play over which you have no control. You can perceive only to the level that you can perceive.

5. Teacher talks about the power of thoughts and emotions

A'Cilla: But do you understand Mary, the power that all who plug in [tape unclear] the energy of their own mind in combination with the energy coming from your heart, do you recognize the power that you have, Little One? Thoughts, really emotions, are truly vehicles of expressions in your world. Now more so than ever, they have catalytic properties that have not been detected to any great degree before. And now, because of the deep commitment, the deeper, stronger connection to the circuits and to the spiritual energy coming onto this plane, have the ability of manifesting much more clearly in the lives to whom you are connected. And so, in a very real way, your thoughts combined with your emotions, can change the course of time, can in fact hold back the tides and movement. Understand the power you unleash when you spend energy and time in thought in one direction or another.