Michael - Identify with Your Soul Body - Jan 25, 2007 - Teleconference

LightLine Teleconference January 25, 2007
Teacher: Michael
Transmitter: Donna D'Ingillo

Subject: Identify with Your Soul Body

So, everyone, let's just take a few deep breaths, breathing deeply from the belly, slowing down your mind, relaxing your body, preparing both mind and body to receive our Parents. Mother, Father, we come before you to receive not only your words but your actual presence as you move in us and make us more like you, aligning us in your presence. We thank you for this opportunity to gather as your children under your wing, and we open ourselves now to receive you. Thank you.

Michael: Good evening, my children, this is your Father, Michael. I am delighted to greet you this evening and to spend time seeding my presence into your being. Relax now. Invite me in. Ask your Mother to breathe her breath of life through you. Notice how your body responds. Notice how your mind responds. Invite her in and she will add more of my being into you. Receive this now.

Tonight I would take you on a journey into your soul. This inward journey is one in which I would ask you to open your eyes within that temple of self, your soul body, and to increasingly perceive yourself through the eyes of your soul. You are each an individuation of the Father in Paradise, the First Source and Center. As an individuation of the Father, you have been given a personality, a vehicle within which to express your beingness and you grow this through direct experiences as you live in the various levels of reality. Presently you are living in that which you call physical reality, material space. And yet you have this internal sensing body, your soul body. And it is something that is growing through your alignment, of allowing the Father's will to move you into your life. While you may not be able to envision your soul body, it is perceptible in a very subtle way. Ask to feel the beauty, the goodness, the truth of the body of your soul, and your Mother and I will add something into you.

Your soul body is very beautiful, more beautiful than you can perceive or imagine at this stage of your development. And it is so subtle that it will take some time to more fully identify with this body as your true self. And this is all quite consistent with your growth past, and I would wish that you will open yourself more now to identifying yourself with your soul body so that the language encoded in this body has more of an opportunity to move you out in the world, to add more sense of love and forgiveness, compassion and tolerance and kindness and understanding into your daily living experiences with your brothers and sisters. And it is not a matter at this time that you understand how this occurs, as that you do want this to grow, expand and delight you from within, and to identify with this beautiful jewel that is growing inside of you. It is living. It is vibrating. It is of a higher frequency than you may be able to perceive; nonetheless, it is real. So again, my children, I invite you to open yourself to this affinity you have to your soul body. Desire to identify with it more, and your Mother and I will continue to add something into you now.

You are all so precious to me and to your Mother, and we see the beauty that is growing inside of you. We know the areas in your lives that you still struggle with and become frustrated at times, but I ask you now to simply begin to identify yourself more with your soul body and to allow your identification to grow so enhanced that the other frustrations that you experience will seem like a minor tickle. And that they will be perceived in your body in a very minute way. It is possible for your body, your physical body, to align with your soul body so that the inner workings of your physical mechanisms contain more sparks of light and love and truth and goodness. And this will relax you in body, in mind; give you more peace, more patience and help you to live in the flow of love, being neither overly excited nor overly stressed but calm, controlled, relaxed. And this is all a step in the process of self-mastery. You are mastering not only the mind, your thoughts, but you are mastering your feelings and you are mastering those aspects of physical function. And you will receive much greater appreciation for the entire vehicle that you have been given to navigate through this material existence and appreciate the various energies, the constituent parts of which you have been so magnificently designed upon. Your whole life, your whole being is really quite wondrous. Some may even call it miraculous because the care and the thoughtfulness that was put into your being is all a gift of love, my love, our love, to you. For as these words settle into your soul body, allow my love to stir within you.

You are a gift of love to the universe. Your being is a part of the fabric of reality. And as these words settle in, you may wish to envision yourself being woven into this fabric and to see yourself in oneness with your brethren and with all there is. Oneness is the harmonization that brings you and your brethren more into unity with one another. Your uniqueness is well-defined in this fabric, and your unity with one another makes the fabric more resplendently beautiful, sharing in the cosmos, reflecting the Father's love. Allow these words to settle in. Invite your body to open to them and to breathe and relax as we again move in you.

The great harmonization is occurring on Urantia and while it will take many seasons for this to occur, now that you are doing your part as you participate in these experiences with your Mother and me. And call upon us to breathe these energies of oneness and harmony and unity into you. This is your time to come into the fullness of your soul body and to radiate that outwardly to your brothers and sisters. As this Correcting Time weaves this love and peace over Urantia and over the other worlds in rebellion, know that you are serving me well by your attempts to align into these new energies, to live more from the identification of yourself in your soul body, as a child, an individuation of our Paradise Father.

When you engage with your brethren, take a few moments to ask for your soul body to resonate with the soul body of that individual. Try to not anticipate what will occur by going into your intellect but just allow the interchange to occur naturally. Feel your intention to resonate soul to soul with the person who is beside you, and you will be quite delighted at what transpires. Soul to soul communication is a flow of communication that exists in the universe. You are all learning these new ways, and it is quite normal that you would go through this initial growth and learning stage while these new ways become more familiar. And you must practice them to become masterful. The more you set the intention with desire to communicate soul to soul, you will become more comfortable and it will become more easy and natural. And then you will not even need to set the intention because you will just be doing this as effortlessly as you breathe.

And so, my children gather these thoughts around you. Let them settle in for a moment or two and then I will be happy to address your questions before we conclude.

And please address me when you feel ready to speak.

Unknown Female: Father/Brother/Michael, I'd like to address you as Jesus in this comment. Today I had the good fortune to reread "The Young Man Who Was Afraid" and I was so impressed with your skill, how creative you are, how cleverly you maneuver the circumstances to get to the point. Like with your situation with Nalda at the well we discussed a couple weeks ago, and again there was a boy. You're just absolutely impressive. I mean, I am in awe of how you maneuver. How do you do that? How is that done? Help me learn how to do that. That is absolutely brilliant.

Michael: My beautiful daughter. You are learning this. Whether you recognize this consciously or not, your simple desire to learn this is indeed engaging you in this direction. And this evening in the endowments that were imparted into you will help you more readily resonate with a person at that soul to soul level. And in my human life experience this is something that I learned how to do, how to resonate with the individual at a soulful level so that my engagement with that individual was not through the mind's eye or the intellect but through the soul where my being was able to perceive his need and then the ideas that I needed to share with him would come forth in my conscious mind and the symbology of what this young man needed would then be translated into a living language that watered his soul, that fed his need, that nurtured his desires, and that resonated with the heartfelt longing of his being for truth. You have this potential to achieve this as well. And by increasingly asking to learn to master this soul to soul communication, I will teach you my ways and you will practice this with your brothers and sisters. For as you revisit the experience of this evening as you read this transcript, remember these words of how you engage soul to soul. Simply ask for that to occur and then wait to perceive what it is that is in this other individual's being that wishes to show itself to you in your mind's eye. Will it take practice? Yes. Many, many, many, many times will you need to practice this. Practice leads to mastery. I practiced this. I learned this early in my development and you are learning this as well, too, now. For if you continue to wish this to be an achievement to have under your belt, as you say, you simply need to come to me as Jesus and ask me to be there with you in this soul to soul communication and ask me to help you perceive the qualities or the yearnings of that individual soul and I will speak those words into your mind that you can convey to the brother or sister beside you.

Unknown Female: In fairness to my own ministry, I have been there and I've done that. I know how that feels. I don't do it all the time, but I do know how it feels and of course it makes me so happy to have that kind of experience to be that close the Spirit that it speaks through me. And it is phenomenal because it's not with the intellect, you're right. It's from the Spirit and it's, therefore, from you or from our Father, because that's where that goodness comes from. I'd just like to do it more often. And I'll tell you, the internet was not designed right because it's very difficult to stay in the zone of divine affections shooting words back and forth on a black and white media surface.

Michael: The internet is a form of communication that will respond to intentional energy. This is something that can be taught and learned and mastered. And it is a similar approach as it is in engaging with a person with whom you are in direct personal contact. Simply engage your desire to be of service to all the Spirit to speak for you and then allow the words to flow. That which is of value, that which is of truth and of love will resonate and as these words come through, ask your Mother to fill the words that you have written with consciousness so that when the other individual reads the words, their soul bodies will be able to reflect that which is in your writing that is in alignment with the ways of love. And as you said, you have practiced this. Now it is a matter of becoming more mindful of doing this over and over, as much as possible. And do not judge yourself if you forget sometimes or if you resort to your ways of being a human and being discordant sometimes. That will occur, but try again and see if it gets easier over time. And you know that it will.

Unknown Female: I know that it will. I just really wanted to praise your works. You are really the sublime teacher. Thank you.

Michael: Thank you, my daughter, and know that those things that are in you now are indeed growing as they deepen their roots in your being and being like you.

Michael: Are there other questions this evening, my children? Growing up, becoming an adult of the realm is challenging on Urantia. Come to me as often as you need to during the course of your day, both as your father and as your Brother, Jesus, and I will walk with you. I will teach you my ways, impart to you my perspectives on the circumstances and situations at hand and give you new ideas to consider. Allow this journey to be one that you make in joy and in patience. You can enjoy the struggles attendant in being human on this rugged sphere, with enjoyment by coming to me. Hold my hand, steady yourself in me and we will share in the wondrous workings of love as they grow on Urantia.

Michael: Does anyone have any closing comments before we conclude this evening?

Unknown Male: Thank you, thank you, Jesus, for your extreme love and care for us. I love you.

Michael: And I love you, my son. And I love each and every one of you. Let us close with a deep embrace, loving one another, loving our Father together as one body, one mind, one heart, one soul, raising our voices in thanksgiving for the gift of life, for being one unique individuation of love personified ringing through the universe, life without end. Go in peace and share my love. Become the sons and daughters that is in your soul. Good evening, my children.