Abraham - Let Us Allow Our Spirits to Be Cleansed - Mar 30, 2009 - Woods Cross
MARCH 30, 2009

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. Welcoming me each week touches my heart and soul. I am honored to be in the presence of individuals who are deep thinking and socially conscious of worldly issues. Our years together have taught us to be givers. In our studies of the Master and the entire text in general, we have learned to be generous with our spirit. Have no doubt you are Kingdom workers and have many tasks that you have already done and have yet to do. The Teaching Mission is not so much about individuals calling for attention, but more about living your life as an example in honor of the Master. As givers we have a tendency to forget about recharging our own spiritual batteries. I believe that when we gather we are renewing our spirits and regenerating ideas and positive energy.

Remember when you first became conscious of God, the Father, the warmth that surrounded your body and filled your soul to overflowing. Such a feeling of love, connection and well-being, gave you such joy and naturally you wanted to share it. In other words, good news was practically pouring forth from your being. As we have matured in the Spirit we have somewhat lost that enthusiasm. That is common and the reason why we should spend time re-filling our own souls with the Father’s presence, His love, connection and well-being.

There are incidents that occur throughout life that you may feel has scarred your outlook, attitude or soul. These seemingly damaging occurrences can create blockage between you and your spiritual goals. To be unforgiving or stubborn in grudge-holding does create obstacles between you and the good feelings you have with the Father. Father will nudge you with these issues from time to time. When you are ready He will show you the lesson in these past scaring events. You do have to ask ‘what is the message here?’ You have to be willing to ask Father ‘what is it you want me to know? Father wants for your growth and closeness to Him. He wants for you to feel the Spirit-connection so that you can overcome these mental blockages and receive spiritual information. Father wants for your enthusiasm to return. With un-forgiveness or anger, you are not going to receive that healing ‘love’ from Him.

This time of the year we speak a great deal on the resurrection of the Master. How inspiring is it to have been shown a most wonderful example of the Man/God who put His life into the Father’s hands without question, take the human punishment that He did and still follow through with the Father’s plan. In death He was renewed and we can take a metaphor from this by putting our lives into the hands of the Father, asking Him to cleanse our spirits. Show us the growth we have to achieve by daring to look into those dark corners of our souls. By the Master’s example of putting everything into the Father’s hands and following through – no matter what – we can be renewed in Spirit and regain that born again enthusiasm. Such a beautiful energy when the child realizes the Father has been there all along.

Let us allow our spirits to be cleansed of these spirit poisons so that we can once again feel the Father’s love, the family connection and personal well-being. We have a lot of work to do as givers in this Kingdom and we must remember to refresh our spirits and allow ourselves the ministry of the Father and His associates. That is all for this evening. Mary sends her regards and suggests that next week we have questions. Know that you are each capable wonderful beings that are dearly loved. Go in peace. Until next time, Shalom.