Ophelius - Why Me - Depression - Divine Purpose - Burdens -  Jun 13, 27 & Jul 02, 03, 2009 - Progress Group, AU
Michigan, US of A, June 13, 2009.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Why Me?”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today I shall address, and also make an appeal to, the many who are asking, ‘Why me?”
“There are many of you that are facing much trial and tribulation today, and we see, hear, and feel your pain, my beloveds.  It is imperative that you stay focused and let the will of the Father flow through you.  In these confusing times of fear and anxiety, you must let go and sit in the silence and presence of your indwelling Spirit and ask for guidance -- ask the Father to fill you with his love.  Let the warm feelings and vibrations of this love wash over you -- sit and bask in it without expectation.  Live in the glorious moment of this intimate embrace between you and your Creator and let all fear pass away.  The Father knows what you need and you have only the need for faith in receiving what is yours by divine right as one who has sonship with God.
“My beloveds, you must all take a broader view of the eternal plan and look at life on the worlds of time and space as an opportunity for great gains in the perfection of your infant soul which will propel you in the forward progression of perfection attainment in your journey towards Paradise.  These hardships that you face now are a needed correction to set your sails on a more direct path to the higher spheres of light -- the kingdom of the Father’s family.  If only you could look back from my vantage point and know how blessed you are, even in your sufferings, that if it were not for this difficulty, you may never have reached the door of the Father’s house in your journey thus far.
“Have faith my beloveds, you will get through this time of trouble and you will shine bright like a beacon of hope for others to follow.  Reach out to others who are also afflicted at this time and help them understand the greater purpose.  As you help others, you will find how blessed you are, and this will lessen the load for both you and your brothers and sisters.  Look for the opportunities that present themselves to you and walk through the door.  If you choose to stand still in these troubled times, the waves will surely overtake you.  Move forward and look for the signposts that will lead you out of the valley of darkness.  Things will change -- they must change -- for life is about change.  Move with the river of life, my beloveds, and see what’s around the next bend, for the landing may well be worth the trials and the battle of the rapids.
“Prayer: ‘Father, I ask that You will open the eyes of Your children to the greater purpose of Your will.  Strengthen those that are suffering -- surround them with Your healing ministers and direct their feet to the path of refuge.  Help them to weather the storms of life and to realize the benefits of their trials as a needed step forward to the greater things to come.  Amen.’
“The Circle of Seven.”
The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.

Transcript #2

Michigan, US of A, June 27, 2009.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Depression.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today, my beloveds, I would like to speak about depression.  Many of you suffer from this state of mind for many reasons, real and imagined.  For some it comes on because of a lack of purpose in their lives -- a loss of drive to become more than what they are.  It is stagnation and it leads to digression of soul development.  Depression is one of the spirit poisons, and it separates one from the doing of the Father’s will.  In many ways the state of being depressed can be used as a rationalized excuse for circumventing the Father’s will by ignoring the leadings of the indwelling spirit, and thus the guardian seraphim must take corrective action to get the person back upon the road to real soul building and spirit progression.
“What I would like to say to these so affected is that you are very much loved by your heavenly Father, Christ Michael, Mother Spirit, and the host of guides and guardians that surround you.  This is not a cliché statement -- there are many spirit beings around you, even now, and they long for you to ask them for help, because free will, even the ‘will to be depressed,’ must be respected by all spirit personalities.
“When you ‘come to a place’ of sincere desire to be helped, you must make a statement of determination to seek divine intervention.  Cry out unto God and blow off the pent-up anguish.  Tell Him of all your woes, worries, and fears, and please make it as detailed as possible.  Worry and fear are the fuzzy chains that bind you and ‘poison your well.’  I say ‘fuzzy,’ because they are most often undefined, unsubstantiated, and shadows of unreality for events that may or may not occur.  This is the first step to recovery, my beloveds, this is the ‘knocking on the door.’
“Once you have poured out your heart to Him you must be ‘willing’ to receive guidance and this may come through many channels -- through the leadings of the spirit, or unexpected opportunities and synchronicities that point the way.  You must take the initiative to ‘open the door’ and see what’s on the other side.
“You are a unique personality in the universe, and you are greatly valued and loved by the Creator.  If only you had a tiny glimpse of the grand adventure that awaits the mortals of His indwelling, you would never be depressed, for every day would be a new opportunity to grow in love and faith as you tarry on in the school of life in the flesh.  It is important that you stay in this school as long as you can, and make good use of your education, for God has great plans for you -- the hardened and battle-ready souls of Urantia.  Your difficult and adverse lives on this rebellious little orb on the outer rim of the universe is boot camp of the training academy of the universe.  You do have purpose, worth, and a bright and glorious future.  Be of good cheer now, and look beyond the immediate future to include the infinite possibilities of eternity.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

Transcript #3
Michigan, US of A, July 2, 2009.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Divine Purpose.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today, beloveds, I will speak about what it means to have divine purpose.  To have divine purpose means that your life is guided toward a worthy destiny that has an effect upon, or changes the course or outcome of, other’s lives in some positive way as to start a chain reaction of life changing events, that over time, will change the world.  That, my friends, is how spirit works behind the scenes to move humanity in a forward direction without violating the free will directive.  We influence and guide with calculated expectation to achieve the Correcting Time mandates of bringing this world one step closer to Light and Life.
“Each of you has an important part to play.  The more you listen to your indwelling spirit; your intuition; and follow after those synchronicities and signposts; the greater will be your purpose.  Those that ‘have’ will be given more.  When you let the Holy Spirit flow through you, and let the will of God move you into action, then will it be as the Master said, ‘You will do even greater things than I.’  Yes, you are destined to do great things my beloveds, but you may ask, ‘Is this not pre-destiny?’  No, because you have free will, and you may choose to do, or not to do, those things that benefit you and humanity.  When the will of the Father is circumvented by poor decisions and selfish actions of free will creatures, spirit recalculates and finds another path of means and ways to bring about His desire to bring all men and women unto himself -- to answer the call to perfection.
“When lives are lived in constant discord and moving against the flow of the river of life, the soul atrophies and the quality of your gift to the Supreme Being is diminished.  Time is often wasted in the nursery of creation and valuable character building averted, which can never again be experienced in the unique environment of the worlds of time and space.  Yes, those character deficiencies can be compensated for on the mansion worlds, but the opportunities to affect and change the lives of your brothers and sisters in that rich and soul building environment are forgone.  Consider the possibilities of what could be, and move in that direction.  You can swim against the current my friends, but one day you will tire, let go, and let God bring you to a place of understanding.
“So you see my beloveds, divine purpose is driven by love.  Love is the answer; love is the guide; love is the future; love is the way; love is the truth; love is the life; God is love; God is in you; love is in you.  Now go your way -- you have purpose, you have love to give -- go and love one another.
“The Circle of Seven.”
The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The above lesson is the “product” of seven individual Teachers,
who function as a group.
Teacher Ophelius is their spokes person, Chris the channeler.
Google: 1111prompt.blogspot

Transcript #4
Michigan, US of A, July 3, 2009.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Burdens.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today, the Circle will address the problem of burden concealment.  Many of you who are suffering through difficult circumstances in this chaotic time are harboring great burdens and withholding them from your friends and loved ones.  Although this may seem honorable to you, keeping fear and worry from your family, you are doing a disservice to yourself by keeping it all held inside where it is growing like a tumor.  Despite your brave face, the signs are starting to show, not only physically and emotionally, but also spiritually in the vibratory broadcasts of your auric field.  Others sense this, pick up these negative vibrations, and know that something is wrong.
“By keeping these secrets you are poisoning your physical vehicle and making fertile the body for sickness and disease to take hold. Many of you desire to share this burden, but cannot conceive the notion of revealing your concerns to certain members of your family for fear of causing even more distress and adding pressure to an already volatile situation.  These are valid considerations and must be dealt with in the spiritual realm first, then in the human realm.
“Seek solace with your indwelling spirit and present yourself openly, sincerely, and with humility before God and explain the situation.  Ask for help to resolve the conflict within and ask for guidance in how you are to handle the affairs that cause the burden.  Request that the guardian seraphim of your loved ones influence them to be open and understanding to these sensitive issues.  Pray that the outcome serve the greater good of all involved.
“After you have presented your case to God, ponder this appeal for a time and build faith in a positive outcome.  Remain optimistic that things will improve and know that you have legions of unseen friends at work in your behalf.  All things are possible with God and your faith in Him will strengthen you and see you through the storm.  Watch for the signposts and seize the moment to remedy the situation of concealment with your loved ones.  Share the burden with someone and lift it from your shoulders.  You and your brothers and sisters are all in this school of life together and you can all learn from each other.  Remember to keep the broader view of eternity in your future outlook.  All things will work for the good of those who seek perfection, for God wills that you make straight the way unto Him.  Go now and close the door of your closet and stand before the throne of grace.
Prayer: “Father, open the vessels of mercy and pour out your divine spirit upon your struggling children.  Make clear the way and the path that leads to peace and tranquility of soul.  Send forth your ministering spirits to guide and protect--to work behind the scenes in the affairs of men to bring about change that leads the souls of the faithful to overcome the adversities of time.  We ask these things that they bring glory to you and bear witness to those who sleep and do not know you.  Amen.
“The Circle of Seven.”
The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.