Ophelius - Preparedness - Apri 18 thru August 08, 2010 - 9 Transcripts - Progress Group, AU

This File Contains 9 Transcripts:
1 -    Preparedness *April 18, 2010
2 -    Leave The Past in The Past*April 25
3 -    The Fear Factor*May 09
4 -    Birthright*May 16
5 -    The Core of Mortal Guides*May 30
6 -    Growing Pains*June 13
7 -    Life Mission*June 27
8 -    Spiritual Hearing*August 01
9 -    The Pusuits of Time*August 08

Michigan, US of A, April 18, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Preparedness.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today’s message is about preparedness.  The Correcting Time is now my beloveds, and for many it is very real where they are.  You see it on your television screens and read about it on your Internet, yet most of you are numb to it because you think, ‘It won’t happen to me,’ or ‘It won’t happen here.’  Many are suffering as the disruption of their daily lives becomes a reality.  They wake up to the cold hard fact that their lives will never be the same again and there is no going back.  This is happening in the physical and the spiritual realm for them.  Some are digging out of the rubble of an earthquake; others are choking on the ash of a terrible volcano watching their homes burn and crumble; while still others are wading through the flood waters of a storm, looking for their loved ones.  Nothing will be the same for them, yet they are the survivors of the Correcting Time, and they will start anew and they will be stronger for it.  They have become the pioneers of new thinking and living.
“The trivial and material things that seemed so important to them just yesterday no longer have the value they once had, for many are experiencing their first thoughts about eternity; about a Creator; what or where their place will be in the next life -- if there is a next life.  They are questioning and re-thinking their whole existence and the meaning of life.  They are reaching out to their fellows and discovering the real value in human friendship, love, compassion, and sympathy.  These awakening souls are the seeds of the new millennium -- the forefathers to the age of Light and Life.
“It is time for you to start thinking about preparedness, and I do not mean to say that some terrible disaster is coming your way, yet that remains a possibility.  Rather I want you to start thinking about being a survivor -- a son or daughter of the Most High, one who knows their place in the universe and who wants to be a part of creation.  May you be the eyes, the ears, the hands, and feet of God on the ground in this world as all things are made new. May you be of use to God by tuning into His Will and doing those things that makes you valuable to Him, and to humanity.
“Pray for the survivors of the Correcting Time.  Number yourselves among them and stand with them as together you boldly go into the future.  Realize the value of the things that really matter in this life.  Love your friends, your family, your children, for tomorrow is uncertain and you must glean every cherished moment and hold it deep in your soul as the treasure you will carry with you throughout eternity.  View yourself from a new vantage point and hold a broader, longer view of your future to include the search for God and the sublime adventure of perfection attainment as you pass from glory to glory in the playground of the Father’s grand universe.
“The Circle of Seven.”
The 11:11 Progress Group.

Michigan, US of A, April 25, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Leave the Past in the Past.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today’s lesson is about leaving your past in the past.  Many of you stagnate or move very slowly in terms of real soul growth because you cling to old ideals and never leave your mind open to new thinking or new ideas.  You seem to be stuck in a ‘time-warp’ of the past where you look fondly and nostalgically on everything that occurred during a very narrow ‘slice’ of your life and experiences while you resist everything that is new or would effect change in your life.  Friend, if this you, I tell you that you are making it very hard on yourself and you will inevitably delay your progress in this world and in the (mansion) worlds to come by clinging to erroneous ideals and stubborn ways of thinking.
“Your advertising marketers know this type of human personality well and they exploit this weakness and promote their products by appealing to this narrow band of consciousness called ‘the age of relevance,’ or more simply, ‘the good ole days.’  Surely it is not detrimental to remember good and loving memories or positive life experiences, for these experiences help us to contrast and evaluate the conditions and values of our current life experiences and well being.  It becomes unhealthy when we believe that nothing in our present life will ever ‘measure up’ to those things that have occurred in the past -- a time when there was real soul growth and progression, but for some reason or another this growth slowed or stopped completely by some negative experience or outside influence that told you that you were unworthy and so you shrank into this mold you were told you belong where fear has kept you from becoming who your really are.
“On the mansion worlds many will find themselves in detention -- separated from those who willingly choose to progress -- until they can be healed of this type of thinking.  Again I remind you that free will does not stop on this world, but continues throughout your ascension career, and you are never made to do anything, even when it is in your best interest to do so, until you are ready to move on.  I encourage you to change this behavior now while you still have time on the earth and enjoy the ‘spice of life’ my friends.  Embrace new ideas and invite change into your lives, for this gives your guides, guardians, and your Thought Adjuster a richer pallet to work with -- to teach and direct, and to help you to become all you can be -- a co-creative child and citizen of the universe.
“Step outside your comfort zone today.  Try something ‘new.’  Listen to some new music; try a new exotic food; listen and try to appreciate an opposing point of view; leave yourself open to new opportunities and venture to see where it leads, for these are the leadings of the Creator’s will for your life.  Leave fear and the voices of the past in the past and count it all a life lesson. Let the eternal Now be the continuation of the ‘good ole days,’ for every day lived in the expectancy of child-like wonder brings us closer to the goal of perfection and the finality of the Creator's embrace.
“The Circle of Seven.”
The 11:11 Progress Group.

Michigan, US of A, May 9, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Fear Factor.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today’s message is about ‘the fear factor.’  What is ‘the fear factor’ and how does it affect our spiritual growth and our capacity for truth discernment?  Fear is the one thing the angels do not comprehend, for they have never experienced this emotion because they live in, and are aware of, the constant presence of the Father’s love, and therefore do they abide in his perfect will.  Humans also live in this constant love of the Creator, yet they seldom realize or become aware of the presence of this love because of the manifold illusions that keep them from knowing His perfect Will.
“Fear is a shackle and it prevents us from experiencing the joys of knowing and trusting God to lead us into the path of growth and truth.  Much of human fear is unsubstantiated fantasy, seeded from the constant bombardment of subconscious propaganda by the elite rulers of this world to control the wealth and resources of the planet.  Governments use it to affectively enslave the masses to keep this illusion of fear alive, which prevents mankind from awakening to the real truth about the nature and destiny of human ascension and spiritual evolution.  For the master said, ‘fear not those who can kill the body, for in doing so, they no more have power over you.’
“How do we let ‘the fear factor’ into our lives?  It comes in many forms and influences.  It starts early in our childhood where we inherit these traits and behaviors from our parent’s fears.  We are told, ‘you must not do this, or this will happen to you.’  Some of this was practical advice about keeping the body safe from harm and knowing the limits of temporal living, but much of it came in the form of this over control of authority to keep the program running -- to make obedient and perpetual buyers and sellers to fuel a system that would enslave the ignorant masses into upholding the illusion that would ensure the wealth and power of the elite for generations.  Fear is the one thing that keeps you from awakening to your spiritual inheritance, and the powers and principalities of this world know this and therefore do they constantly instill fear in us through every facet of our lives.
“We get it from the media and news outlets which are wholly government controlled official releases which misinform and sensationalize pain, suffering, and havoc; we get it in our movies and entertainment -- in the games our children play; we get it from our religious leaders to ‘stem the wrath of an offended God.’  We are trained to seek for the drama of the potential danger to come; we have become doom addicts because we won’t allow the light to come in and ‘spoil the fun.’  This is the message we are getting and we have swallowed it ‘hook, line, and sinker.’
“Let us awaken from this lie my beloveds and unplug yourself from the doomsday machine.  Turn off the TV and radio and sit in the silence and into the presence of the Creator.  Let the light fill your whole body with the truth that surpasses all human language and understanding.  Become aware of the love and presence of God in your life, for in this place there can be no fear.  This ‘knowing’ that you are the child of the Creator obliterates fear and instills courage to change the world in which you live.
“Good day,
“The Circle of Seven.”
The 11:11 Progress Group.

Michigan, US of A, May 16, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Birthright.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today’s message is about the birthright of a child -- to belong in the family of the Creator and lay claim to his or her inheritance.  What does it mean to have a birthright?  A birthright is an entitlement -- a basic right of an individual who, having been born, has right to lay claim to it.  The master taught that those that are ‘born’ of the spirit have this right of claim to enter into the family of the sons and daughters of God.  Many have asked: ‘How does one enter into this kingdom or family of God?’  My friends, the keys to the kingdom lie in your faith.  This faith is the belief in the sovereignty of God; the Creator of all; your spiritual paternal Origin; the Bestower of all personality; the Spark of God that lives in the mind of every individual; and the belief in the brotherhood of man -- to love one’s neighbor as one’s self.
“Many of you say that you believe in God, but how do you really know that you have entered therein, and what exactly is it that you are entering into?  My friends, those that have entered into this family shall have eternal life and the ‘right’ to pursue the grand adventure -- to find God and to become like Him.  Those that have entered need not be concerned about the probationary status of their survival, for they are secure in their standing before the universe and the Creator.  It is only a matter of time for that individual to grow and progress, until fusion with their God fragment seals this right of passage for eternity.
“What are the noticeable signs of a child in this family of the Creator?  Those that have entered into the joy of their Lord will show forth the fruits of the spirit.  Does this mean that you are to become a fanatical religious zealot, who stands on a street corner shouting this good news to all passers by?  No my friends, those that have entered change from the inside out.  They begin to lose their prejudices and hatred for their fellows and desire to serve humanity because they feel oneness with all creation -- that all of humanity shares in this offer of eternal life in the family of God.  As you mature in this ‘knowing’ you will learn to align your will with the will of the Creator -- not because it is law, but because you are becoming godlike in nature -- love is filling into all the dark areas of your being and therefore does the light show forth into the darkness and onto your fellows who seek for this light, but have not yet found the way.  The will of God is that all shall find the way to eternal life in this family.  God is no respecter of persons, races, nations, or religions.  When all religious doctrines are stripped away or boiled down to their core truths, the child of God remains in unity with the will of the Creator because he or she realizes the interconnectedness of all things and personalities.
“It is a deeply personal free will decision and experience to ask and receive the rights to this inheritance.  No priest, pastor, imam, monk, or other so-called spiritual leader can grant this right of passage.  Only the true faith of an individual to seek the Creator can start the engines of rebirth in the spirit and partake in his or her birthright -- the entitlement to eternal life and in service to God.  Claim your birthright today!
“Good day,
“The Circle of Seven.”
The 11:11 Progress Group.

Michigan, US of A, May 31, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Core of Mortal Guides.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today I will speak about protection, and how it is that your guides and guardians see to it that you are afforded every opportunity for soul growth by the choice of your own free will.  Yet, through gentle guidance do they point to the path of the greatest possible learning experiences, while at the same time they keep you safe from harm so you can maximize those experiences in the worlds of time and space.
“If only you could see how many personalities are involved in your guidance, training, and protection here on the earth plane, you would be truly amazed at the level of highly sophisticated orchestration involved in the process.  The Creator loves you so very much that he sends all these unseen ministers to work on your behalf so that you have every possible opportunity to awaken and discover this great love -- to know and to seek Him out and to become like Him.
“Many will say that this ‘protection’ is not real, for so many have perished or become physically damaged by mishaps and accidents.  So, how could there be guardians on duty to watch over all the souls on the planet?  My friends, these things do happen and many of them are learning experiences, yet many are also the accidents of time that are not foreseeable.  Those that are more in touch with their Thought Adjusters and have a higher level of spiritual awareness are more likely to respond to the gentle leadings of these wise ministers, and therefore do they stay clear of the many dangers of this world.
“Those individuals that are immersed in the material illusions of this world, and are out of touch with spirit realities, are more prone to wander into dangerous waters.  The guardians of these charges work very hard and use the help of those humans with higher awareness to guide and lead their charges into the paths of growth, learning, and safety.  Can you recall how many times someone you know, or even a stranger, came to your aid and helped you on your way when you were in need?  These ‘mortal guides’ are receptive to the leadings of spirit, and they may, or may not, be aware of the fact that they are being led to act as protectors of those less responsive individuals.  Yet, at the same time they are learning and growing from these experiences of acting on these leadings to help and serve others.
“I ask all of you who read these transcripts to willfully enlist into the Core of Mortal Guides, that you may act as protectors and teachers to those who stumble in darkness; that you would tune your spiritual ears to hear the instructions of your guides and guardians to help and to serve others; to be involved in this blessed ministry of guiding your brothers and sisters into the paths of light where they can awaken and discover that they are the sons and daughters of God and have eternal prospects and the opportunity to become a part of creation rather than being a bystander.
“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for a friend.
“The Circle of Seven.”
The 11:11 Progress Group.

Michigan, US of A, June 13, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Growing Pains.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today’s message is about growing pains.  Children often experience this type of pain as a result of bones growing at a rapid rate -- faster than the surrounding tissue.  Thus, the joints will ache and they often complain, having never experienced this type of pain before in their short lives.  The same is true for those young souls that have just recently awakened from a life of purely material awareness into one that has become spiritually aware.  These newly enlighten souls have a great thirst for truth and spiritual knowledge, and often times they become confused and disappointed by the slow progress of their acquiring spiritual gifts and abilities.
“The Universal Father calls on us to be perfect as He is perfect, and when we accept this invitation, the Father shows us the way -- His way, not our way.  We shall in most ways, become like him in power and glory as we progress through the Grand Universe and onto Paradise where we will stand in finality before God having achieved perfection and sharing in his power and knowledge.  Yet we shall advance to no sphere or level of perfection for which we are not ready, and we will be given no power for which we are not responsible enough to wisely use.  In simile, a skilled hunter may very well provide for a family, or even a whole village, and yet the hunter’s tools in the hands of a child or a person of immaturity can be dangerous things to that person and others.
“God teaches us how to use spiritual gifts as we mature in our thinking and in our ability to use them wisely for the benefit of others.  As we continue to embrace truth, beauty, and goodness; and maintain a heart of joy, love, compassion, and mercy; God bestows equal amounts of spiritual gifts and powers as our soul expands by the measure of our fruits.  As we learn to align our will with God’s Will, we will understand the wisdom of His methods to bring His children along slowly, safely, and purposefully where these gifts of the spirit can have a maximum benefit (soul growth and forward progression) to both the individual and to beneficiaries of those gifts.
“Have patience my beloved friends, and wait on God as you diligently seek His Will.  Spend time in the schoolroom of silence and listen to God’s instructions.  Hear His word and apply the lessons in your own life by reaching out to your brothers and sisters bearing the fruits of God’s gifts.  Let us walk before we run so we do not stumble.  It is often our skinned knees that remind us of our immaturity and our need to regroup and master the self.  These are the lessons of life that will precede the changes in spiritual awareness that we desire.  SEEK--FIND--KNOCK--ENTER.
“The Circle of Seven.”
The 11:11 Progress Group.

Michigan, US of A, June 27, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Life Mission.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today I would like to talk about the human concept of a ‘life mission’ and pre-destiny.  Of those souls that are beginning to awaken to their spiritual natures, many believe that they have some pre-destined mission in life that they are called too, but they know not what that is, and spend much time and contemplation ‘waiting’ for divine direction or instructions to start them on this path of destiny.  It is for some that a true ‘mission’ may be in store -- for those humans who have been selected for the Core of Mortal Destiny -- yet most of these individuals may not even realize that they have been selected for emergency planetary service and may be called upon at any time.  Generally speaking my friends, for the rest of humanity, your life ‘mission’ is to attain personality survival.
“The path to personality survival is not predetermined as many would believe.  What is predetermined is that your Thought Adjuster, your guides and guardians, will attempt to awaken you to this purpose of personality survival using every resource available to them in the mortal lifetime that does not infringe on your free will.  Once an individual has clearly awakened to the fact that they are a child of the Creator and they have the supreme desire to seek for God and to become like him, then and there has your mission been given and your path is ‘set up’ for the grand adventure of eternity -- the offer of ‘sonship’ is yours, yet it is not predestined, and you may at any time reject this offer and follow a path of ‘unreality’ which leads to personality dissolution.
“Your life mission is largely determined by your own desire to seek for God and to know His Will.  The affairs of your daily life, the people you meet, the decisions you make, create the mosaic of life from which the soul is built by harvesting the experiences of survival values vital to personality survival.  Your occupation in life has little to do with your life mission, for not all of you will become missionaries or church builders, yet all of you who have awakened will become teachers of truth to those searching souls who are hungry for what you have, but who still linger in darkness.  This my friends, if ever you could coin a mission, leading others out of darkness would be your greatest attainment.
“For as you start down the path of this great mission, your thoughts and desires begin to align with God’s Will.  More and more will you realize the oneness of life and begin to see the interconnectedness of all things and beings.  Your awareness of spiritual leadings becomes more acute and you see that life on this planet is just a beginning of a long and glorious journey to become perfect as the Creator calls you.  Your faith as agondontors (those who believe without seeing) will see you through the mission.  Worry not about your standing in the Father’s house, for He holds nothing over your head, only his outstretched hand to join Him in the eternal adventure.
“You have your orders, now go and live it!
“Good day,
“The Circle of Seven. “
The 11:11 Progress Group.

Michigan, US of A, August 1, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Spiritual Hearing.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today’s message is about hearing, that is ‘spiritual hearing.’  What is the difference between physical hearing and spiritual hearing?  When you hear with your spiritual ears, you do not receive an audible sound wave through the ear canal, but rather a dialog in the consciousness of the mind.  Like most skills and talents, spiritual hearing must be developed so that the receiver can distinguish spiritual dialog from common mind chatter or inner mental dialog.
“Many have natural ability to hear their guides and guardians speak, but they fail to recognize the difference between their own mental dialog and that of a spiritual teacher, or they lack confidence in believing that what they are receiving is super conscious input.  For some, spiritual hearing is recognized as self intuition, yet this error in discernment is not detrimental, but rather helpful to the individual if they choose to follow its leadings.
“Some of you have heard your names called in an ‘audible’ voice by your guides and teachers, yet I tell you this is not a sound wave, but rather an intense thought focus on our part to get your attention.  The best way to hear with spiritual ears is to quiet the mind.  Stillness and meditation are most helpful in developing your spiritual hearing -- mind chatter and thought patterns are brought under control by slowing down the brain waves, and in doing so, allowing the spiritual voice to be heard.
“Your intent and attitude has much to do with the quality of your spiritual receptivity.  Feelings of peace, love, gratitude, and worship will raise the frequency of your spiritual receptivity (a filter for higher thought and light), while in stillness, you are lowering the physical brain wave activity.  This is a most desirable place to be.
“You may discern the voice of your guides and teachers by the message received.
Your teachers, guides, and guardians will speak with a voice of reason; be non-judgmental; have a loving and patient presence -- always suggesting options for developing forward soul building paths.  Never will they demand action to do something against your will, be it positive or negative.  Never will the voice be angry; instill fear based thoughts; or fuel thoughts of pride or prejudice.
“When your own mental thoughts become more in tune with the Will of the Creator, then will you understand with greater clarity the dialog of your spiritual teachers.  This is why self-mastery is so important because it trains the mind to reject the lower and coarser animal thought forms and emotions that interfere with your spiritual receptivity.  Much of what you receive in super conscious input has to do with helping you develop the tools for self mastery because this is the first vital step toward greater spiritual awareness and soul education.
“Good day,
“The Circle of Seven.”
The 11:11 Progress Group.

Michigan, US of A, August 8, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Pursuits of Time.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “Today I will speak about the way in which people spend their time in pursuit of things that have little value in terms of forward progression, either personal or planetary.  Too much time is wasted on self gratification and the collection of material things, both of which are temporary and carry no weight into the future morontia life.
“The human life span is so brief on the material worlds of time and space, yet so much learning and development must be achieved in this tiny window of life to prepare and orient the soul for eternity.  Modern society and the global economic engine that drives daily life on this planet have evolved in a way that promotes the pleasure-seeking and material-hording mentality – the ‘what’s in it for me?’  When we dissect the life of an average citizen in the more developed nations, we find a very small percentage of that life devoted to the things that have the most value: selflessness, charity, volunteerism, truth-seeking, and legacy-building.  These are some of the things that build a weightier soul for the individual and help society move forward into a more progressive state that will some day flourish in Light and Life.
“Pleasure seeking and self gratification are not all detrimental when it is applied in moderation, for reversion and rest are necessary components to overcome monotony -- something you will not find on the mansion worlds.  How many hours, days, and years of your life do you spend working and toiling to pay for material things that, in the end analysis, contribute little to actual character and soul growth, and leaving nothing for future generations to stand on?  This, my friends, is what the Correcting Time is all about: Changing the thinking of the individual and society; to restore balance and bring sustainability for future growth through right-thinking, and by decision making that serves the many, for in serving the many, we serve the One.
“Let us reevaluate the course we are pursuing; the aim of our goals, and the outcomes we expect.  Let us make time for noble pursuits that affect people and change lives for the better; for the individual; for the community.  Let us be more cognizant of what we do, and why we do it.  Let us begin to think about the consequences of our pursuits and actions -- how they affect our neighbor and our progeny.  Maximize the time you have left on the earth, my friends, whether you are young or old, rich or poor, for God calls each one of us to perfection and provides us the inner pilot, the Thought Adjuster, that we may know the way and find joy in it.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
The 11:11 Progress Group.