Five (5) Transcripts
ABC22 Bzutu; Unknown; MNO8 Dr Mendoza - Aug 21, 2010 &Various Dates - Progress Grp AU

Illawarra District, Australia, April 13, 2010.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Samuel of Panoptia.
Subject: “Free-Will and Foreknowing.”
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “There is no way to predict from moment to moment what will be going on in this home.  Some . . . regular folks we speak to have set patterns, set times, and set methods of taking in our lessons, and we prefer that. Here there are more unknown happenings than known happenings, making all our lives hectic and the mercurial (human) minds happy.  In a sense, what happens in this home is a vague reflection of the seeming chaos we witness in the universe at large.  I am Midwayer Chief Bzutu, stepping aside now for our brother Samuel.”
Samuel: “It is a seeming chaos in this household, and yet by and large a plethora of tasks is taken care of amidst unforeseen interruptions.  To most it would seem that this world is in chaos; that the universe must likewise be chaotic, and yet, all is as it should be.  I grant you that your planet’s wars and threats of war must make it hard to believe that overall order does prevail, but it would astound you how through the millennia countless other planets have progressed from utter aggression between clans, tribes and nations to lasting peace.
“The important thing for you to remember is that time-space was created to be a university of learning, and there is no means of learning if things that are wrong do not present themselves to you, for you to make them right.  It is to you individually, and as a group, to progress.  As the Celestials on high view you, you are seen as an organism that, bar for regular missteps, are on a long, long road to perfection.  As you individually may see your world, it is a puzzle of untold billions of pieces that may one day show an overall pleasing panorama.
“On high the effect may well be seen as a fait accompli, whereas you, unable to foresee Paradise’s vision of a far, far distant future need to employ faith and trust.  Here now we come to the question on many minds: How can the Creator of all rule in His/Her time-space domain when all time-space creatures are gifted with free-will prerogatives?  Paradise over-control and human free will appear to be opposites, entirely contrary, but not so.  The Creator always still remains in charge of which time-space creature is next to make an appearance and where.
“That must give you the clues.  A family friend may well turn up just in time to easily solve a problem that is haunting an entire family.  A new employee may well find a way to make a company more efficient.  A researcher may well discover a new way to treat a troubling disease.  A leader of the people may well manage to divide resources more equitably.  Untold budding talent is available and is shared out to all in time-space.  You all are gifted far beyond personal recognition of your great gifts in many areas.
“Should you fail to apply yourself in the direction in which you are so gifted, another will take your place, sooner or later, because the progress of your races is reckoned in degrees, not in time.  The Creator who placed you here sees the beginning of billions of puzzle pieces, and the final panorama of perfection as the very last piece is slotted into place.  Have your keen eyes on this work in progress, I recommend, my dear friends, and be there on the lookout with your personal contribution to the whole as the abounding opportunities present themselves for you to ‘place your puzzle pieces precisely where they fit’.
“I am Samuel of Panoptia.  I say Adieu for now.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Alabama, USA, July 27, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject:“Another Dimension”
Received by Oscar.
Teacher: “The body you have today can only function in this slice of time.  However, the lighter parts of your being can go beyond.
“The Soul is morontia, hence it is already in another dimension.  This is interesting because it means you are multi-dimensional beings.  You live in different dimensions at once.
“In order to better perceive the things from the ‘lighter’ dimensions, the Soul must grow and develop. The ‘senses’ of the Soul are the ones capable of feeling the sensations from that dimension, let’s call it morontia, although it would be an oversimplification.  As the Soul grows, the sensations and perceptions of that world become more evident and real.  Similarly, the human personality becomes more real as well, because it starts to truly participate in morontia.
“You were at the beginning just a shadow in that other world, that higher dimension.  As long as you progress, and the Soul develops, you begin to gain consistency and become more visible in that level of existence.
“You wonder if you can see even a little of morontia.  I tell you that you have already seen it, with the eyes of your mind, while asleep.  Almost all human beings have experienced this while they sleep.  When they wake up they only have vague and confused memories that are even more confounded by the interpretations made under the dim light of what you think you know.
“There are many things you will see during your sleep and during meditation.  You already exist in two different levels, therefore you can’t be prevented from experiencing life in both levels.  As your Soul grows, more visions of morontia will come to you.  Many of these visions will not be processable by your human brain, but once you have gone through the threshold of death you will remember and understand better some of the things you have seen in the past.
“I understand that your human curiosity wants to search for answers and that you are left perplexed by these things.  You want to know, you want to see, you want to explore.  These are impulses placed within you by the Father, the source of your personality.  These impulses will motivate your upward movement until you are face to face with God himself.  You can be sure that all these secrets will be yours and that you will make great discoveries during your eternal life, because you have accepted that your are a son of God and by that grace you will live in an endless journey of loving service and unending adventure.”
Translated from Spanish by Oscar.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Illawarra District, Australia, August 18, 2010.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Samuel of Panoptia.
Subject: “Progress and the Mores.”
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “For many years we were there when your delighted youngsters unwrapped their Christmas or birthday presents.  Frequently we ‘stole a moment’ from our tasks to listen to the implausible stories you told them, the far-fetched endings, the improbable circumstances.  Those were the times when we were not as yet granted access to your thoughts, and thus we awaited the morals of such tales with baited breath.  These days we fully know your mind, as you know ours, and we know how you often look back with delight on those years.
(A long pause)  “Over to your Teacher now . . .
Samuel: “The telling of tales to open-minded offspring is an essential function of the intellectual, emotional, and social upbringing of the very young, the eager to learn.  Indeed, thought-through stories provide the momentum for well-developed imaginings that serve them well in later life.  To the parents it is left to determine when the more real of this world replaces the fairy-tales of yesteryear, as it can be detrimental for even the best of fiction to be persevered with, and when Kris Cringle can be ‘packed away’ with dolls and teddy bears.
“For the more mature, reality, truth, and certainly the search for truth is of utmost importance.  We spare a thought for those who are regularly to vote for a long list of candidates, finding few choices among the many that will endeavor to keep their promises, if indeed they mean to keep them in the first place.  Much as I assure you there is only seeming disorder in the perfect overall order related to progress in all of time-space, there are aspects of terrestrial life that are subject to wild swings of the pendulum, governance being one of them.
“There is much to be done by many who appoint their leaders by insisting the latter follow their nation’s constitution as the former would have it, together with those who pay to receive the latest of news and receive persistently voiced inaccuracies, or hear not-worth-knowing scandals, as journalism has devolved into fiction, and real truth is hidden by those with vested interests.  Praise to the whistle-blowers, who expose the political myth, thwart the support for those who misinform, expose the lax-ness in dangerous industry, or medicine.
“The pendulum swings, and we perceive there has been a gradual move to ‘dumb the people with fairy-tales’ about their day-to-day reality.  These are slow, insidious and dangerous moves toward the enslavement of the many by few.  What is it that you can personally do about this?  The answer is simple.  Firstly, always be ‘upfront’ about any important proposal you make to another person or organization.  Have no hidden agendas.  Secondly, and because you deal straight from the heart, be an announcer of truth where deceit makes its home.
“It is ever your intent that counts, and it is my intent that you understand your planet is making overall progress, although slowly, in the hearts, minds, and by the improving mores of your disparate races.  I am Samuel the Panoptian.  My love goes out to you all.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Scribbles 181 from Lytske.
A series of messages from mostly unknown Teachers – February 10, 2000.
Prayer: Dear Michael, finally I am beginning to realize that it has been you, the Master Gardener, who has been ‘cultivating’ me, and how you have watched over me most tenderly.  I am beginning to feel a deep rightness and a new appreciation about my life.
Dear one, ere you were born, I knew the possibilities inherent in you.  No matter what road you took, somehow you knew that I, the Master, was just waiting for you to progress.
I take a keen personal interest in all my children.  To me they are like the human family where some little ones are easier to raise than others.  However, I know the inherent greatness of each one.
Some awaken earlier than does the rest, with their singing and scurrying about.  Others need to awaken slowly and lazily stretch before they get going.  Some have a hard time ‘getting out of bed’ and have problems talking before noon.
It is a time of great rejoicing for the parents when a little one begins to realize that actions bring consequences.
And so the child acquires a greater and firmer understanding, and will begin to willingly give more cooperation to the greater cosmic family by learning to trust and have evermore faith in the small Voice within.
Over time, life is becoming clearer, albeit not always easier.  The ease comes with increasing trust in his or her connection with the Thought Adjuster.  In this way many pitfalls will be avoided.
Further discoveries, growth and insights are waiting around the corner.
Become utterly carefree, as we cheer you on in your arena of play.
We are your Spiritual Parents.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Illawarra District, Australia, August 21, 2010.
Midwayer Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8).
Subject: “Healing the Past.”
Received by George Barnard.
Dr. Mendoza: “Greetings my human co-workers.  This is Dr. Mendoza.  I thank you for answering my (verbal) prompts, and getting ready to take in what I need to say about Adjutant Mind Spirits and how they impact on the human brain.  What better way or place might we find than right here to speak of a long ago accepted, but faulty viewpoint in the world-wide teaching of psychology?  We will consider the human expressions of evil minds, unbalanced minds or sick minds.  Today I give you to understand that these are incorrect expressions.
“Without referring to the first or even the second aspect of the morontia mind, granted to but relatively few of the most spiritually enlightened of your many disparate races, we speak of the seven Adjutant Mind Spirits (see note below), which will only impact upon the human brain in direct relationship to its physical development or status.  A growing and mature brain development will benefit more fully from the seven Adjutant Mind Spirits, while an ageing or deceased brain may or will continue to lose contact with the Adjutants as time goes by.
“The Mind Spirits are perfect in all regards, always, whilst human free will, intoxication, disease, or lack of development will thwart their positive functions.  The terms unbalanced minds, evil, or sick minds, are misnomers.  Little can be done today about the problem of Alzheimer’s disease, prolonged drug abuse.  Intoxication may present a temporary problem, only.  Genetic insufficiencies are very much a different matter, in that, if suspected to be likely in the newborn, they can almost always be alleviated, but for unsuspected birthing difficulties.
“Mind is not at fault.  Mind is never at fault, and cannot be blamed, even as a victim of crime cannot be blamed for the actions of the perpetrator of the crime.  The inadequacies of the human brain are what we are dealing with here, and it is a function of the Correcting Time that we Midwayers, Life Carriers and others, are permitted to correct faulty trends in the brain development of human foetuses, and even in the young.  It is there for the asking of immediate family, distant relatives, and even strangers.
“You across the globe that are 11:11 prompted by us, are merely the pathfinders for veritable legions to come that are set to do the Creator’s will in the understanding that you are to take responsibility for your world, peace, progress, and every form of advancement of your races, yes, with our help.  In this fashion, by improving future offspring, we, together, will be ‘healing the past’ from the inadequate infusion of Adamic inheritance.  This is Midwayer, Dr. Mendoza signing off.  Our love goes out to all.”
Note: The seven Adjutant Mind Spirits represent total truth and absolute perfection throughout the time-space universes.  They are: Intuition, Understanding, Courage, Knowledge, Council, Worship, and Wisdom, and they impact on the progressing physical brain in that order.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.