Monjoronson - Conversations - Revisions Made January 02, 2012 - Sessions 29, 30, 32

[Editor’s Note: The original transmissions bearing these session numbers were made near the end of the year of 2011.  At that time, the transmissions were released with redacted information to be released now in 2012.  In order to maintain the integrity of this archive, we are letting stand the original release, and will place this document into the archive as a separate entry.]

Conversations with Monjoronson, #29 – Oct. 7, 2011
    [Full Content]

Teacher:  Monjoronson


TR:  Daniel
Moderator:  Michael McCray (MMc)

October 7, 2011

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, we gather in your service with the intention of being of assistance to our natal planet, Urantia, by participating in Christ Michael’s Correcting Time plan.  We invoke the loving presence of Christ Michael and ask that we be encircuited in loving light and with your blessings for a successful session.  Amen

MONJORONSON:  Hello, Michael, this is Monjoronson.

MMc:  I was going to introduce myself, but apparently you know who I am.

MONJORONSON:  Thank you for your participation in this work.

MMc:  Well, it’s my pleasure to participate in this work, Monjoronson.  I’m quite happy to meet you and speak with you, and have the opportunity to speak with you.  It is something that I’ve looked forward to, as I’ve not been able through stillness to accomplish.

MONJORONSON:  You will find this practice to be very useful to you personally, as well as to the audience of listeners.

MMc’s personal questions for Monjoronson

MMc:  Yes.  I hope that works out.  There is a theme that I wanted to talk about today, and the level of intent I have that has been with me for quite some time, at least back to early 2002, 2003, to increase the quality of communications across the veil.  I know I should probably explain how that came about, and I’ll get to that [in a] moment.  Right now I have some questions that I’d like to ask about my interaction with spirit in the past, and I’m hoping that you can help me resolve [them].  I’m hoping that you might be able to help me improve my communication with my Thought Adjuster and the other personalities, and I’d like to ask you to clarify some events in the news, such as it were, in solving some problems we have with communications.  Finally, I would like to engage you in a dialog about how we might improve communications across the veil.

In the fall of 2002, I was in my basement facing what was a growing frustration for me about the real nature of God to the world.  The situation was, and is chaos.  Multiple religions, none of them with a true picture of God, science claiming its superiority that there was no need for a God, just an empty boast.  I railed and ranted for a good five minutes and when I stopped, in the far corner of the basement, was a masculine voice that said, “I want you to speak for me.”  While taken aback, I said, “You want me to speak for you?”  “Yes, I want you to speak for me,” was his reply.  After a moment of thinking, I said, “What do you want me to say?”  “Just tell them what you know.”  “Tell them what I know?”  “Yes, just tell them what you know.”  Searching for what I knew that applied, I thought of The Urantia Book.  There may have been some more conversation, but when I asked, “Who are you?”  I got the reply, “You may use my name.”  I said, “YOU can use my name?  Michael?”  I said the word “Michael” toward the presence and it was gone.  Can you tell me who spoke to me?

MONJORONSON:  Yes.  It was Michael.  It was one of the rare opportunities that your Creator Father shared with a mortal.  You had been railing and ranting about the difficulties that you experience in the cultural God that you have learned about in your societies, and so it is a first-hand experience to talk to God, your God, your Creator, Christ Michael.  It was a rare opportunity that is remarkable.  Does this help?

MMc:  Yes, it does.  Can you tell me what the interpretation that I’ve made… what was the interpretation of “I want you to speak for me”?  (Forgive me, my voice is cracking here.)

MONJORONSON:  You are speaking for him today.  You are a presence.  Just as this one does, [you] are guided to relax and speak the words of Christ Michael through you.  Truly, would it not be unique to have a dialog between Christ Michael and Monjoronson?  And have that recorded?  This would be the penultimate of your experience on this teleconference setting.  You are in the process of practicing this.  You are learning to relax and to let others speak through you.

MMc:  I can’t tell you how happy I am with that answer!

MONJORONSON:  I understand your happiness.

MMc:  Overwhelmed is the very small piece of what I’m feeling at the moment.  I carried the thought that it might be Michael since it happened in the fall of 2002.  I had hoped that the interpretation that I had, that he wanted me to not only be his advocate, but also speak in his place.

MONJORONSON:  Yes, it is to allow him to speak through you.  You are not to assume that you are speaking ‘as Christ Michael,’ but you become one who allows himself to carry the voice of Christ Michael through him.  This would be something that would be unique and very useful to him and to us.

MMc:  I understand.  Thank you.  Back in my basement, I realized what I needed to do, before I could speak honestly for him, I needed to end the chaos within myself and when I finally decided that there was a God, I went back to the basement and initiated a prayer to everybody that I could think of—Machiventa, Michael… you didn’t get asked to come because I didn’t know of your existence at that time—but everybody else that I was aware of was asked, and I pledged at that time to do all that I could to relieve the chaos in the world over the knowledge of God.  And I think my moving through these circles is a part of that pledge, is a manifestation of that pledge.

The true nature of a personal relationship with God

MONJORONSON:  You are correct.  This venue is needed to bring clarity out of the chaos of past beliefs, of unbelief, to come to understand the true nature of God, and to each individual’s personal relationship to God, and God’s personal relationship to them.

MMc:  Well, immediately after that prayer, my Thought Adjuster started speaking with me, continued to speak with me for a couple of hours.  Yes, it was a wonderful situation.  The events of that night do give, or make it forever impossible for me to ‘unbelieve’ there is a God, or that he resides within me.

MONJORONSON:  Once you have had the experience of experiencing God, then there is no way that you can refute the existence of God, other than simply being overwhelmed by the presence of God and attributing that feeling, that experience to something else, as your imagination, which would be a gross error.

MMc:  Yes.  I have joined the Monjoronson web site in April of last year, and have been practicing stillness ever since, trying to reach my Thought Adjuster.  Do not misunderstand; I am happy with the relationship that I have now with my Thought Adjuster.  It supplies me with a great deal of knowledge that I wouldn’t otherwise have, and the wisdom to go along with it, but we are not conversational.  Do you understand what I mean?  (Monjoronson:  Yes.)  He comes to me as ‘he’s there’.  Is there anything that I can do more, besides trying stillness? 

Let me give you an analogy:  I’m missing something in stillness, actually what it is that can help me reach that level to communicate with my Thought Adjuster—at least that’s my feeling.  I took Spanish classes here in the United States in Junior High School, and again in High School, and again in College, but I couldn’t speak the language.  I went to Mexico, and there I became so frustrated that I couldn’t speak the language, that I began thinking in the language.  When I began thinking in the language, that was the emphasis I needed, the small difference I needed to become a speaker, so after that I didn’t have any trouble speaking the language.  I wondered if there was something, some piece that I am missing here, and perhaps you might be able to tell me what it is?

Hearing the Father

MONJORONSON:  Having the capacity to sort out your thinking from that of the Father, most people who are God believers do, in fact, hear the Father, but the vast majority of them attribute that to their own thinking, as the wiser course of their thinking.  You do hear the Father and you need not be in meditation to sit in the practice to hear the Father, but simply be open to receive and with the intention of hearing the Father and to empty your mind so that there is the space of ‘no thought,’ as this one calls it, that allows you to hear and accept that which you hear as from the Father.  You can discern later whether it is truly your thinking or the Father’s.  You are working too hard at this, Michael!  The Father is with you; he is a constant companion.  Your Thought Adjuster has dedicated its existence to your mortal lifetime and thereafter, as you choose to be with the Father.  The only time the Thought Adjuster would abandon you is the time you would refute your God experience and reject the love of the Father, but we know that this would not occur in your lifetime, and that there is every eventuality that you will fuse with your Thought Adjuster in the morontial realm, if not before.

MMc:  Thank you.  Thank you very much.  I’m working too hard?

MONJORONSON:  Yes, most students do work too hard, whether it is the religionists in their churches and in their daily devotions.  The way of the Father is easy.  As Christ Michael said as Jesus, “The burden is light; the walk together is easy.”

MMc:  Very good.  Thank you very much.  Sometime shortly after I had the incident in the basement, where I talked with my Thought Adjuster, I had a dream.  In the dream, two entities came to me, looking straight into my eyes.  The first one held my vision for approximately less than a minute; the second one took its place for less time.  If I describe what they looked like, could you tell me who I saw in my dream?  (Monjoronson:  You are very welcome to describe them.)  Interesting!  Are you familiar with Star Trek and the Wooky?  (Monjoronson:  Yes.)  Well the first one looked like a Wooky with short hair, the same copper color of brown hair with gold eyes, with a triangular flap of skin that was loose and underneath there was a light, white, red and blue twinkling lights.  The second was a more feline face that was white and black with large blue eyes.

Seeing morontial beings in a dream

MONJORONSON:  One moment.  [Roxie:  He’s probably checking with your GA or a member of his staff.]  It was a visitation by morontial beings.  They were not angelic; these are Celestial Teachers.  They carry with them the signature identification of their species from their originating worlds.  It is a rare experience.  You are a rare individual to have received this and to have seen this; others have been presented with the morontial being of individuals, [or] celestial teacher, but have not been able to capture that or retain that in their memory for one reason or another.  It is because of your training as a physician that you are able to accept that which is foreign and unusual to other people.  Yes, this was a visitation by morontial beings.

MMc:  Interesting!  I thought it might have been a visitation by you and Serena.

MONJORONSON:  No, we do not present ourselves in that way.

MMc:  Very good.  That’s all the personal questions I have to ask.  Basically, I couldn’t identify any of those.  I really appreciate the feedback you have given me so far.  I think I will sort through it a little bit later, but right now, let’s move on to some current topics. 

Repairing the matrix of consciousness

There was a document that came out through the ABC documents, Document I, that dealt with changes that the grids have been repaired to some point where they are substantial enough that you can move on to other things.  Can you tell be more about that situation?

MONJORONSON:  Yes.  It is as you call them, the ‘matrix of consciousness’ on your planet.  Mortals tend to need objectification of their thoughts.  Most of you are not capable of understanding the concept without giving it some kind of objectification, in this case, the ‘matrix’ is the composite of mortal thought of consciousness, and it acts in many ways like a ‘grid.’  It is the interconnection of supporting minds that support this grid, as you call it, of consciousness on your planet.  It takes very few people to activate it in the positive light, and to maintain it, and to in fact, see it grow, so that it is able to overcome the darkness of unconscious thought of light that is upon your world. 

What we have going for us, you have going for you, is your conscious organization and connection with others of the light, to form this grid, whereas those of darkness operate usually by themselves, without association or coordination with each other.  They are rather amorphous, unorganized.  Yes, you are right that this ‘grid,’ as you call it, is growing and it is becoming healed—and as we explain ‘healed,’ it means that it is becoming complete around the world, that there are fewer places around the globe where there is no one supporting that consciousness.  Are you with me so far?  (MMc:  Yes, the positive consciousness.)  Yes, it is the positive consciousness coordinated by the like-mindedness to work with the consciousness of this planet, and of the Mother Spirit on this world.  I will wait for you to respond.

MMc:  The question that came up here is that there was seemingly a great deal of supper urgency made to bring down the “old corrupted grid” and to establish the new grid of the Father’s love.  Then, quite abruptly, we got word from Michael, I believe, that the grid was fixed as well as it needed to be fixed, that all of the souls that had been trapped would be released and the grid teams were no longer necessary, that the Melchizedeks would be using light workers for other work.  (Monjoronson:  Your question?)  My question is, is that an accurate assessment of what is actually happening, or what was left in the minds of most of us, was the expectation that it was going to take 5 years to fix the corrupted grid, to bring it down and re-establish the new grid, and this has been accomplished in 7 months.  It seemed miraculous to us and unbelievable.  The people that I am associated with are having trouble believing that this is actually happening.  Did it actually happen?

Confusion of concepts and making assumptions

MONJORONSON:  There is a great deal of confusion surrounding numerous concepts that you have mentioned.  There needs to be a better understanding of these concepts that have been brought together.  I do not wish to comment upon your question at this time, until there is greater clarity involving many of the assumptions made in the originating statement.  You—‘you’ meaning collectively—have begun a discussion about things, about concepts which you have little understanding.  What is a ‘grid?”  What are these captive souls?  The other aspects are not clear, even to those who brought them into awareness.  There needs to be an elementary school taught about these concepts.

MMc:  Would you be willing to take up that elementary school?

MONJORONSON:  Yes, I would be glad to.  Let us set this aside for another time, for you to gain clarity about these concepts.  Make a list of them and we will discuss them.  What I find in your mind and as you discuss these with your words is that there has been some unconscious amalgamation of concepts and constructs so that you end up with something that actually does not exist.  This is the great liability of discussing highly complex spiritual and energetic processes with mortals of such short lifetime, with such bereft education in these matters.  This is not a criticism, simply an observation.  So let us see if we can sort this out for the benefit of the reading audience.  Thank you.

MMc:  Thank you.  I was hoping that you might be agreeable to do something like that.  I want to thank you for what you’ve said to me so far in this whole session, and for your willingness to take these concepts further and to deal with them in some detail.  It’s going to be, I think, very helpful for the human side of this equation.  In some respects we’ve been too superficial in dealing with some of these things that are of great spiritual and functional value, and therefore we miss out on making… we’re left with making assumptions that don’t lead us to reality, and don’t lead us toward the truth.  I think by solving some of these new concepts in more detail, we may be able to have less assumption and more truth in what we are seeing.  As time goes on, these concepts will need to be further evaluated and fleshed out even more, but I think we need to put some flesh on the bones of these guys so that they can stand on a more solid footing so that your world and my world will come to some agreement.  Are we in agreement on that?

MONJORONSON:  In eventuality and in time, your world will be in full agreement with ours.  What I wish to also say concerning these concepts is that many of these concepts which have been used lately, have been used in the past decades and centuries before.  There is the carryover of the earlier assumptions as they were used, is correct.  This may not be the case at all.  You will find that some of the concepts which have been used, have been used in other genre of spirituality, whether it is something of New Age, or something that has been bandied about in past decades in literature by other writers.  We urge you to begin to understand where some of these concepts come from.  For instance, the word ‘grid’ has been used for many decades, and it has been used in less than desirable context.  It would be useful to you and to the audience if you (collectively) would begin to examine where these words come from and where they have been used.  You will find that sometimes contemporary authors bring material to mind which they have read about in another context, and are using them in a similar, though modified way.  This is something for you to hold in mind as we move forward.  Thank you.

Putting a date on the incarnation of Monjoronson

MMc:  In Document “I” you mentioned that you would incarnate by Christmas of this year?  (Monjoronson:  That is what the words ‘say’ in your document.)  And is that what is actually going to happen?  If I knew where you were, [could I] walk up to you and shake your hand before Christmas of this year?

MONJORONSON:  There is a certain liability in denying that, and there is certainly a definite liability in accepting that.  There was a definite liability in those statements being made at the time.  We have heretofore been very reluctant to be so definitive as to the arrival of my presence.  I continue to urge you to be open and receptive to my presence, whether it is in this form through your mind, or whether I am present in front of you, knocking on your front door and asking to share a cup of tea or water with you.  It is quite unlike my nature to be so definitive, as even the celestials do not know these dates.  I caution you using such specifics that if this is not fulfilled, then there is tremendous damage done to those who have marginal faith. 

The goal is to educate and strengthen the faith and trust and knowing of each individual believer.  This is how the Father Creator, the First Source and Center operates, and this is how the rest of the universe relates to mortals, and that is to strengthen each one’s faith to a point that they trust, have faith in the universe, and eventually to know from personal experience of that process.  When you see me, when I shake your hand and I look into your eyes, you will surely know that you have seen and spoken to and shook the hand of a Divine entity in front of you in mortal form.  There will be absolutely no mistake about that.  This will be an experience, much like chewing gum: once you have chewed gum, or have swum, or have ridden a bicycle, there is no forgetting it—you can never forget it, because it is something that is ingrained in you now, in your own being as your own. 

So, you see, for me to state that no, I will not be here by Christmas, creates a great damage in those who have strengthened their faith on the hope that they would see me.  Yet, there is no substitute for ‘knowing’ from hope.  Hope is at the low end of the “gradient of certainty.”  There is no amount of hope that can substitute for actual experience.  Therefore, you all must hold in abeyance your desires and your hopes for knowing.  It may be confusing to you, and yes, it surely is because hope-filled desires for something that may not occur, is exceptionally damaging.  Damage control must occur before it actually is experienced.
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Conversations with Monjoronson #30 – Oct. 14, 2011
    [Complete transcript]

Teacher:  Monjoronson

Topics:  [New sections in blue]
Monjoronson’s intentions and purposes for coming to Urantia
Purpose of this private session
A session of dialog between Christ Michael and Monjoronson
Funding the archives
Announcement dates
Notification of the incarnation
Who is Metatron?
The practice of Satanic rituals on Urantia
The Master Spirits
What is the ‘grid?
What is the relationship between the merkabah and the grid?
Lucifer’s corruption of the grid
Who or what are these captive souls?
What is the ‘grid cleaning’ about?
Why were humans needed for the ‘grid cleaning’?
Was Lucifer able to create beings?
Monjoronson’s incarnation
Urantia as an architectural sphere?
Speaking directly with Monjoronson
Use of symbols for the incarnation
Using this venue effectively
Separating private versus public sections for publication

TR:  Daniel Raphael
Moderator:  Michael McCray

October 14, 2011

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, we thank you with our hearts, minds and souls for your abundance of gifts that make it possible for our spirits to grow and to seek perfection, to become like you.  We gather today with the intention of learning more wisdom and truth from Monjoronson, our Avonal Son.  We ask that Christ Michael and Nebadonia be with us, to enfold us in their love and light.  Amen.

MONJORONSON:  Good morning.

MMc:  Good morning and welcome!

MONJORONSON:  Thank you, it is good to be with you once again.

MMc:  It’s good to be here with you.  I want to thank you for [meeting with us].

Is there anything that you would like to say to those of us here, or to the audience at large this morning?

Monjoronson’s intentions and purposes for coming to Urantia

MONJORONSON:  Yes, I would.  One of the main intentions and purposes of my coming to Urantia this early in its evolution, and your social evolution is to help prepare you for this time, and in preparing you for this time that you would be prepared yourself for what is to follow.  As we have said before, this world has had many difficulties.  It is now time to move forward intelligently, competently and capably to engage the future, which is fraught and filled with change.  This world now has an educational level of enough of its population and a global communication system to now engage the conscious evolution of its social, spiritual and emotional existence.  My purpose in being here is to assist that process, not to hinder it or to cause it to wither or to become crooked from being immature, or anticipating or expecting me to heal the problems of your world.  This work that we are doing in this conference call is an important asset, an important part of the process to assist your world population into coming into its maturity, consciously, and to engage its responsibilities consciously.  Thank you.

MMc:  I understand that you have asked that we conduct this session off the record. 

Purpose of this private session

MONJORONSON:  Yes, that is correct.  You are going to be free to ask any questions and I will provide them to the fullest extent of my ability, and they may be more candid than you would even ask for, and particularly for a broad audience.   So let us keep this among ourselves, though you are welcome to record it and even transcribe it, but do not publish it.

MMc:  I have some friends, Ron and Judy who have contributed questions.  Would you like me to ask their questions also?

MONJORONSON:  I would be glad to [answer them].  You are welcome to excise those and share the answers with them, if they are of a nature that should be, or could be shared with them alone.

A session of dialog between Christ Michael and Monjoronson

MMc:  Very good.  Last time you spoke of TRing Christ Michael and having a dialog between Christ Michael and Monjoronson, and recording that.  You said that this would be something that would be unique and very useful to him and to us.  How do we proceed with this?

MONJORONSON:  It is something that would require another TR of like capability, to participate in this forum.  It could be done with this one, but that would make it more difficult for everyone.

Funding the archives

MMc:  Ron asked, “Do we still need to raise funds for Starbridge, or can the backup of the archives be achieved a simpler way?”

MONJORONSON:  There will always be a need for financial supports for the archives.  It would be helpful if the archives were designed in a manner that was more conducive and easier to use.  Many have commented that its design, its architecture is archaic and will make it more difficult for it to be used in the future.

Announcement dates

MMc:  Thank you.  The message you gave Judy in August of 2010, regarding the future date for your appearance, or your announcement of the Magisterial Mission for all who have ears to hear.  Do you still have the potentials in place for this to be realized?

MONJORONSON:  Which is that?  What would that be?  Make it clear for the record, please.

MMc:  I believe that you had told her that you would be announcing the Magisterial Mission on 11-11-11.

MONJORONSON:  This is incorrect.  I have announced the Magisterial Mission many years ago.  My presence is here now; I am not physically present, however.  Further, I do not plan to be physically present for a number of years yet.

Notification of the incarnation

MMc:  Thank you.  On your incarnation on our world, will all the mortals who are in contact with their Father Fragments be notified?

MONJORONSON:  Yes, it will be an awakening.  People may identify with me, or may not identify me, but they will be aware, they will be awakened to the presence of another, someone who is benevolent, meaning that they will receive one of peace and benevolence, the presence of something wonderfully good.

MMc:  Very good!  Very good indeed.  Who is Metatron?

Who is Metatron?

MONJORONSON:  Metatron is an old name for a spiritual being.  Metatron is not myself; I am Monjoronson.  I will go by many other names in time.  Others call me Metatron; there is confusion with this name, Metatron, from other literary sources that predate the Magisterial Mission.  I would suggest that you reference these, discover these, your historical reference work to this word and person, Metatron.  Historically, Metatron has been identified with an Energy Director, and has been identified as another spiritual being of another order.  So, there is a great deal of confusion among your people and in your literature about who Metatron is.  For the record, I will present myself to you in this venue as Monjoronson, to avoid confusion.

The practice of Satanic rituals on Urantia

MMc:  Very good.  Thank you.  Are the mortals on this sphere that practice Satanic Rituals in danger of losing their eternal survival, or are they considered misguided and given mercy?

MONJORONSON:  They are misguided.  They will be given a chance to recant, or to adjust their points of view when they crossover.  They will be given this chance unless they consciously and intentionally reject the potential possibility of God’s existence and Christ Michael’s existence of a saving grace that exists in the universe.

MMc:  Thank you.  Is the interest by some in the practice of Satanic rituals a direct result of Lucifer and Caligastia’s influence?

MONJORONSON:  Yes, this is a carryover of those practices and those presences, just as there continues to be those who still hail and respect and adore those miscreants such as Hitler and Stalin.  There are individuals on your world who still hold Satan and Lucifer and his kind in high regard.  This is total mischief and is no longer supported or encouraged or allowed to occur, except where individuals resist our influences.


MMc:  How is it that Urantia mortals are now able to utilize the phenomenon of reflectivity?

MONJORONSON:  Reflectivity is another TR process, [of] transmitting/receiving.  There is a great deal of ideation that goes on in the mind of the mortal who acts as the receiver/transmitter.  This has been called ‘reflectivity’; it is not truly reflectivity as we use it, or those in the morontial realm use it.  We do not speak or work against the use of “reflectivity” as it assists individuals in having a much more palpable contact with the spiritual realm of light in the universe.  If they want to call it ‘reflectivity’, they are most welcome to, though it does not exist for mortals as it exists for us, even those of the low morontial levels.  We do not dispute this, and so we let it be.  It does not connote any advantage or a special status for those who say they are ‘reflectivators.’  It is simply something that someone has called themselves.  You can stand in the garden and call yourself a ‘rose,’ if you wanted to, and we would not dispute it.

MMc:  I understand.  I have some follow-up questions I think that… is reflectivity something that can only be used by those who are specially trained?  In essence, is what you are telling me is reflectivity and TRing are the same thing? 

MONJORONSON:  Yes, as far as mortals are concerned, they are the same thing.  The closest I can give you of an analogy of reflectivity is a holographic image, or a holographic dimensional space, that has all the elements of your reality in it, represented.  In many ways it would remind you of being in the Star Trek Holodeck, where you are able to experience things that are not there physically, but there energetically, and are represented by images in your mind.  For the reflectivator process, it is as though you were standing in front of a doorway to a large auditorium and you see that space in front of you.  That auditorium can be as large as the largest auditorium you can think of, or it simply could be a small closet of space, wherever you need it to ‘see.’  You would be ‘not there’ in real time, but you would be observing in real time the actions that were occurring.  In the reflectivator process, you can also dial back historically to events in the past, and events in the future.  Events in the future are not so useful, as they are only probabilities of what will occur, and depend upon the decisions of those who affect the future outcomes.

MMc:  Thank you very much.  We were told that the reflectivators and reflectivity was a ‘perfect process,’ but it hasn’t proved to be that.  Is this process as we know it, as failsafe as was originally expected?

MONJORONSON:  No, the reflectivator process, as the mortals who say they engage it, is an ideal situation that they had hoped to achieve.  It is in many ways wishing that you were a ‘rock star,’ who was very famous and popular and millions of people were in adulation for you and what you had achieved.  Desired for outcomes have not been forthcoming; that is proof in itself that this is not a true reflectivator process that they are using.

MMc:  Are there any circumstances under which the privilege or ability can be revoked?

MONJORONSON:  The reflectivator process is one in which is granted to individuals—and when I say ‘individuals,’ this does not necessarily mean mortals.  It could be the whole spectrum of beings who have access to that.  The reflectivator process is very evolved; it is granted on a need to know basis, and is a privileged access, which is granted only to a few.  The reflectivator process can cause tremendous confusion and difficulty, even when it is used appropriately by those individuals who are above the level of mortals.  There is still much confusion in the minds of individuals, even to the point of their fusion, and having gone through all of the mansion educational worlds in Nebadon.  You would be amazed at how people’s desires, their thoughts, their yearnings, can express themselves in these ways.  All that exists, that you observe in the world, is affected by mind, and your mind is guided and upheld in what it sees, by your values, your desires, your fears, and your ego.  Therefore, this reflectivator process is one which is usually reserved only for those who are created beings and who are near perfect.

The Master Spirits

MMc:  Very good.  Thank you.  Are the Master Spirits speaking to humans on Urantia?

MONJORONSON:  Yes, of course, to those who are prepared to receive this guidance.

MMc:  Can you tell me which Master Spirits are speaking, please?

MONJORONSON:  No.  I will refrain from answering this question.

MMc:  Is there another question that I might ask, so that I might get more information?

MONJORONSON:  Perhaps so.  You are ingenious; you just need to be benevolently devious.

What is the ‘grid?

MMc:  Well, I’ll see if I can think of one, thank you.   What is this thing or phenomenon that we are referring to as ‘the grid?’

MONJORONSON:  The ‘grid’ is nothing more than human consciousness, the collective consciousness of humankind on your world.  Even living people can be trapped in it, if they accept what is around them and hear, and accept what they hear.  When people believe what is ‘out there,’ it is much like marketing:  If you do not have a questioning mind, you can begin to believe that which is unreal, just as children believe that they can be Zorro, or Superman, or Batman, simply by putting on a cape and a helmet and a mask.  These physical devisement are nothing more than expressions of their beliefs, and so the collective human consciousness on your world is in need of being changed, and yes, there are individuals who are captured in that, who remain in “the grid,” (I put that in quotes), because their beliefs hold them here.  We have been teaching this one and others that beliefs are truly the ‘map’ that you take with you, after you die.  Your ‘maps’ will lead you automatically to the light—or not.  There are many who have been confused in their beliefs at the point of death, and so are still here.  There are those who believe, but are unsure, and so they are the sleeping survivors.  Does this help?

What is the relationship between the merkabah and the grid?

MMc:  Yes, it does, thank you.  Can you explain the relationship between merkabahs and this matrix of consciousness?

MONJORONSON:  They are not related.

MMc:  They are not related at all?

MONJORONSON:  That is correct.  The merkabah is energetic; it is an energetic construct that is devised and held in place by the intentions and dedication and consciousness of the participants who built it, and participated in its erection.  The ‘grid,’ on the other hand is the collective consciousness of humanity, mostly the unconscious consciousness of humanity.  The consciousness of individuals is usually expressed for individual purposes in their lives, whereas the collective consciousness—that is conscious individuals, such as those who are striving to clean the grid—are well-intentioned and purposeful and effective and needed.  I hope consciousness, unconsciousness and conscious action is not confusing, though they are clear to us.

MMc:  Yes, from my medical background, I have some conception of what you mean by the unconscious mind, as well as the conscious mind, so I am not completely confused.  Was Lucifer able to corrupt this consciousness grid?

Lucifer’s corruption of the grid

MONJORONSON:  Yes, of course, by his persuasiveness in changing the beliefs of those he spoke with.  I am simply leading you into other questions, if you wish.

MMc:  And was Lucifer able to encode the grid with fear, anger, jealousy, suspicion and aggression?

MONJORONSON:  Everyone can encode the grid, simply by their beliefs and the dedication of their sincere energy in those beliefs.  He would not have been effective had no one believed him.

Who or what are these captive souls?

MMc:  Exactly.  Who or what are these captive souls?

MONJORONSON:  That is another word for saying ‘individuals who are in the borderland,’ those people who do not have an adequate map to either be sleeping survivors, or to crossover into the mansion world and the hereafter.  Continue with your questions, please, you are doing well.

MMc:  I’m doing well?  Okay.  Recent reports of mortals forbidden to move on, compelled by the dark grid, contradict the Urantia Papers:  The third circle attainers on Urantia, go straight to mansonia, while others fall unconscious while waiting for the dispensation?

MONJORONSON:  Please divide your long series of questions into individual questions.

MMc:  Okay.  Is it true that third circle attainers on Urantia go straight to mansonia? 

MONJORONSON:  This is correct. 

MMc:  Is it true that those that have not attained the third circle, fall unconscious, awaiting for the end of the dispensation? 

MONJORONSON:  They become sleeping survivors.

MMc:  There seems to be a third group that is conscious and does not go on to mansonia.  Can you explain more about that third group?

MONJORONSON:  Yes, I have explained this in great detail in our previous Special Sessions.  Roxanne can relate those Special Sessions to you.
[See: “Earthbound incarnate spirits,” Special Session #21, September 3, 2010.]

MMc:  Very good.  Can you tell me the term that you used for those people, who are conscious and walking around, after they have died?

MONJORONSON:  Let us simply use the phrase, ‘those in the borderland.’  It is a very neutral term and is not judgmental.

MMc:  Okay, very good.  Are any of those caught in the grid believers in God and Jesus? 


MMc:  So their faith protected them from the machinations of Lucifer?

MONJORONSON:  Yes, their faith gave them a set of beliefs.  Their faith was based on their beliefs, and this is the ‘map’ that helped them crossover or become sleeping survivors.  The ones in the borderland are those without a map, they are wandering around.  Your media have almost accurately described them as ‘zombies,’ in that they are only marginally awake enough to exist in that realm.  They do truly need the assistance of conscious minds outside of the borderland, who are aware of their presence, to guide them to the light and encourage them to embrace the light and move towards it.  You have been taught that human minds/brains only use approximately ten percent; those in the borderland use only two-tenths of one percent.  They are barely conscious of their existence.  That is why many of them remain in one location for centuries and are not aware of the passage of time.  This is because there is no evidence in the borderland of growth, or development, or change.  The only realm of change that occurs is in the mind of the individual in that state.

MMc:  Did the grid hide rebel personalities, as well as captive souls until this year?

MONJORONSON:  No, they were not hidden; we were aware of all the rebels.

MMc:  I understand that all the rebels have been rounded up on Urantia, one way or another.

MONJORONSON:  That is correct.  That is a part, an aspect of the adjudication, and us confronting them—each one individually—with their state and status, and to move them through the adjudicatory process as well.

MMc:  All the rebel personalities have been cleared from Urantia at this point in time?

MONJORONSON:  That is correct.

MMc:  Have all the captured souls been cleared from Urantia at this time?

MONJORONSON:  No.  By ‘captured souls,’ do you mean those in the borderland?  (MMc:  Yes.)  No, they have not.

MMc:  Since God is omniscient and Christ Michael is aware of every one of his children, I find it odd that it was not known how many were caught in the nefarious grid.  Can you explain why the exact numbers are unknown, and why their discovery seemed to be so recent?

MONJORONSON:  We have known all along how many there have been, in the borderland.  To assume that Christ Michael does not know his children, or how many are lost, as lost sheep from the pasture, from the fold, is quite absurd.

What is the ‘grid cleaning’ about?

MMc:  I see.  Okay.  What is/was accomplished by the grid cleaning?

MONJORONSON:  The ‘grid cleaning’ is an elevation of frequency of the consciousness, of the collective human consciousness on your planet, this is no small project, and for it to become complete, it will require many more people.  What has occurred, though, is that there has been a concerted, conscious effort of many people of the light around the world, to increase the vibration of the collective human consciousness, and this has been accomplished.  Because of this accomplishment, your world is now moving more rapidly toward social, spiritual, mental and emotional change, and this will cause much more disruption in your world, yet it is moving towards stability.  There must be much change and instability before long-term, sustainable stability can occur.  As more individuals participate in the conscious cleansing of your world and the increasing of the elevation of vibration of your world, the sooner this will occur.  What has occurred with those who are “cleaning the grid” as you say (and put that in quotes,) is simply a rephrasing of what others have said in the past about improving/increasing the amount of light on this world, or increasing the vibration of this world.  It is simply another iteration of the same phenomena, using different words to describe it.

Why were humans needed for the ‘grid cleaning’?

MMc:  I see; thank you, thank you very much.  Why are humans needed in this service?  I wanted to ask you because there has been some indication of the need for humans to be involved with ‘grid cleaning,’ and [to] otherwise be involved in any of these co-creative plans that have been put forth.  So, would you be willing to tell me why the humans would be needed in these co-creative endeavors?

MONJORONSON:  I would be most happy to, and I will now provide that answer.  It is for education.  It is for the assistance of the God the Supreme, becoming more actualized, more experientially complete.  The universe truly has no need for humans; there is no need for your presence in the universe, other than the expression of the experience of God, the First Source and Center, the Creator of all.  Through the experience of each individual, the First Source and Center can experience Itself in the process of becoming perfect.  God knows It is perfect; God knows It is All; God knows that It is One and Whole.  But God does not have the experience of becoming Whole, Complete and Perfect.  This process is very exciting to the Creator.  God takes great joy in the co-creative, experiential participation with mortals in their conscious mind, as they engage the elements of difficulties in their world.  Cleansing of the grid, the borderland, human collective consciousness on your world is an essential part of your experience. 

What do you gain from this, Sir?  Do you gain anything at all?  Yes, surely you do, as this improves your education and your capacity to be a co-creator with God in the infinity of time as a Finaliter, who may in the eventuality of the Seventh Stage of Universe Completion, become also a Creator Son of your own local universe.  Then, would this be of assistance to you?  Most certainly.  You agondonters of Urantia who experience this are co-creatively learning to become co-creators of divine developmental worlds and universes.  This is an incredibly important part of the process.  The Father of All is not so arrogant as to know that It is complete without humans, without the experience of Itself through the lives of individuals.  It has broadcast Its seed to trillions of individuals, in the minds on billions upon billions of planets, throughout the universe.  What you are seeing, co-creatively, is an expression of God, the First Source and Center, expressing Itself in the lives of individuals, and you should be learning a huge amount from this.

MMc:  That was a wonderful answer to a question I almost didn’t ask.

MONJORONSON:  I was glad that you did ask.

MMc:  Was the grid corruption so great that the Universal Father decided to become involved?

MONJORONSON:  (Laughing.)  Even I do not know the answer to that, but I do feel his presence hereabouts.

MMc:  Since Christ Michael is now a Master Son, how come he needed his Universal Father’s permission to purge the dark energy grid?

MONJORONSON:  Although Christ Michael is a Sovereign Lord and Creator of Nebadon, he continues to recognize the First Source and Center as the Father of All.  He, in doing so, recognizes the Sovereignty of God in all elements, to undo this, which was done by these individuals of wickedness and darkness.  It is a moving ahead, with permission, not knowing that there may be some greater good that the First Source and Center desires in this development.  Not knowing that, the Son does ask, though the Son does already have a 99.999999…% assurance of the right course of action, and there is no doubt in his mind, it is nonetheless wise and prudent to ask the Father for advice and concurrence.

MMc:  I think that’s the same answer I came up with.  Thank you, Sir.  (Monjoronson:  You are welcome.)  Could Michael also perform this same procedure by fiat?

MONJORONSON:  Yes, he could have, but he did not, did he?

Was Lucifer able to create beings?

MMc:  No, he didn’t.  Was Lucifer able to create beings, overlords and a new type of human design to be eternalized by reincarnation?

MONJORONSON:  Only through the manipulation of the work of the Life Carriers, who crossed over to his malevolent side.  (MMc:  I’m sorry?)  Only through his influence upon Life Carriers in the laboratory of life, working on this world.  He was not permitted to participate in the Life Carriers home planet laboratories, but he had his own experiments here on this planet, and was in the process of doing exactly that, which you have said.

MMc:  Are these created beings, therefore soul-less?

MONJORONSON:  He was in the process; these were not created; these were not completed.  Soul-less individuals cannot cross over to the mansion worlds.  Any beings that were created that were soul-less upon this planet have long since died.

Monjoronson’s incarnation

MMc:  Please clarify the statement from Document I, in Monjoronson’s appearance “as a babe or as a child of Michael’s doing”?  You have always stated in the past that you would come as an adult male of stature and power.  Has this changed?

MONJORONSON:  I have not changed my mind and my original statements hold true.

Urantia as an architectural sphere?

MMc:  Document I, the Planetary Supreme stated that Urantia was reassigned as an architectural sphere, as of September 2011.  What does this entail?

MONJORONSON:  Premature statements. 

MMc:  Premature statements by current mortals? 

MONJORONSON:  Yes, mortals tend to leap to conclusions and then state them as facts.  Even young, immature morontians do not make such a mistake.  They can surmise, they can conjecture, they can contrive all sorts of ideas, but to state them as real is an incredible error, one of immense immaturity.

Speaking directly with Monjoronson

MMc:  I have another question for you, Sir.  At the end of Document I, it says “until this evening, it was my staff who accommodated your interviews with me.”  What does this mean?  Have we not talked with you directly since 2004?  And is it not your energy signature that we have come to know?

MONJORONSON:  Yes, you have been talking with me directly.

MMc:  Your energy signature seems to come through very well, but I know that even in reading the transcripts, I can recognize that it’s you, and I think that I am supposed to be able to do that.

MONJORONSON:  Yes, you have a clear mind; you have a good education; you are a very appropriate individual for the development of our work at this point, as are all of you.  It has been important to establish a consistent delivery that has integrity, that there are no aberrations in the first elements, as this provides us with a referent for you to judge and estimate the content that comes in later, weeks, months and years.  You are seeing the benefit of that now, as you see the influence of other mortal minds in my delivery.  I am not saying that I have not been with those individuals, but their beliefs, their ideas, their wishes, their hopes, their dreams, often affects the message that comes through.  We need clear minds, as yours and Roxanne’s, and the openness of the forum that this one provides for me to speak clearly.  There is no need for drama or dramatics or exciting or surprising announcements from me, as you are finding that the simple questions that you ask provide quite a broadening of your awareness of my existence and your existence, and your relationship with us and with the divine.  I appreciate this discerning mind that you have, and which you use and its facility to engage these topics.  Thank you.

MMc:  Just a few more questions for you. 

MONJORONSON:  Certainly, I am open for them.  We could continue for years, if you wish, though I might wear ‘this one’ out.

Use of symbols for the incarnation

MMc:  I understand your symbol of the lamb, the colors dark green and white, but ‘corkscrews’?  Would you care to comment on this.

MONJORONSON:  I have no comments regarding ‘corkscrews,’ or lambs, or green and white.  I prefer not to engage in symbolism at this time in my career.  There will be plenty of that after I incarnate on your world.  It is my wish and the wish of my staff that you not objectify my presence, and that as little as possible becomes objectified about me.  It is not about ‘me’; it is about Christ Michael; it is about you and it is about your Thought Adjuster and the First Source and Center.  That is most important.  It is far, far too early to begin designing those symbols of ritual and of ceremony, and of office, and of institution at this point in my career on Urantia.  It is misleading to mortals and to approve of that would allow mortals to mislead themselves with my approval, and I do not approve!

MMc:  Thank you very much.  Would you like to add anything we have failed to ask that is important?

MONJORONSON:  You are doing very well.  I wish you to continue as you have been doing.  If I have something that needs to be said, I will say so in light of your questions, similarly as I did a few moments ago when you asked about the need for human co-creative participation.

Using this venue effectively

MMc:  As the moderator of this venue, I am charged with the way it is conducted.  Would you make some suggestions of things I might do, or include to decrease the confusion of our audience?  If there is anything we can do to make this venue better or more productive, would you please tell us?

MONJORONSON:  I would be glad to.  As you know, this is a private session and you are privy to the elements of discussion.  By the answers I have given, you now have many more resources in reserve, as you discuss these similar topics with those who are not privy to this conversation, and these topics.  Your influence can be hugely instrumental in those venues outside of this privileged conversation we are having, as to offer others, other ways of thinking about the topics that they are discussing.  [Additional statements] I give you one example, which you can expand easily to at least a dozen or more.  That is the thoughts of me coming to this world as a babe.  The discerning mind would say, “Has Monjoronson changed his mind as to how he would come to this world? And have the Ancients of Days as well, changed their minds about how he will come here to this world?  And if so, what advantages would that serve?  Or is this simply conflicting information, a desired for wish to reincarnate a Divine individual, similarly as Christ Michael did, and create a new Savior complex in the world?”  So you see, using a discerning mind with the historical references that we have established in the years heretofore, provides discerning minds with plenty to discuss in dealing with new information that is conflicting. 

Your use as a moderator is important in this venue as a point of education for you, and as an educator of the lesser capable minds than yourself.  You now are a part of several venues, related to my work, and it is important that you have a solid foundation of what is and what is not, what is hoped for and what is wished for, what is desired and what is not.  Your openness to receive guidance during this session by your question you just asked is very important to us and to me.  We will therefore be far more open to apply changes in direction and guidance to you in this format. 

We, Spirit in general, are very passive, we are neither dictatorial nor demanding of conformance to what we think is right and more effective.  We wait for mortals to enter into that passive, humble, benign state where they are open for guidance and ask for it.  Then we will come forward.  Until then, you are on your own, using your own directions and guidance and instructions that you have devised yourself.  We applaud you, Michael McCray, for asking this question as it is one of the most important questions that you ask in every spiritual venue that you enter into in this lifetime and all future lifetimes of your infinite existence.  So we salute you, Sir, and thank you for your question.

MMc:  Thank you, very much!

Separating private versus public sections for publication

This session was to be conducted privately, off the record, but is there any part of it you would like us to make public?

MONJORONSON:  There are segments of this, which are highly beneficial.  Almost all the topics that are not controversial or not in conflict with prior sessions has already been stated in the past, though you are most welcome to publish those sections which are not controversial.  What I mean by controversial is any statements that I make in this session, which are in conflict with supposed statements I have made in other transmissions, through other transmitters.  While it is not our intent to create confusion upon confusion, we therefore withdraw from being in contention and let those mortals who raised those contentious issues, ask a similar question for guidance and clarity in their transmissions, that particularly when they become aware that they are in conflict with prior statements that I have made in years past.  To answer your question simply, you are welcome to publish anything that is not existent in conflict.  Thank you.

MMc:  Thank you, Sir.  Well, thank you, Monjoronson, for your wisdom, your frankness and your patience.  Know that we love you and support your mission, and my personal thanks for your appearance today and for being so frank in answering questions.  These are all the questions that I have prepared for you today.

MONJORONSON:  Oh, is that all?  I thought you were going to offer me a real challenge!  [Daniel:  He says that tongue-in-cheek.]

MMc:  I’m afraid the challenge is mine.  The situation is that the answers to the questions that I have now are going to cause me to think of that much more that will be forthcoming.

MONJORONSON:  Excellent!  Excellent!  I wish to state for you now that it is truly a desired development that has occurred today, by offering the future readers and listeners of this material, a consistent and accurate reflection of this work.  Oftentimes there is not the opportunity to offer a more accurate version of what others have received, or think they have received, and then they are led to believe that by their own thinking, that they are accurate.  There will become a time in the future, which you will recognize, where it will be necessary to reveal this transcript that we are making today.  It is important that there be consistency, lack of conflict, the development of integrity in all that we do.  Authenticity is hard to come by, and therefore it is important that authentic, consistent, truths which hold integrity be revealed in a timely manner.  We foresee this in the future; we do not make that date available to you at this time, but it will be revealed through your Thought Adjusters with you at a time in the future when you perceive it is necessary to reveal it.  Do you understand?  (MMc:  I understand, yes.) (R:  Yes.)  Thank you, both of you, for answering.  Do you personally have any questions to ask of me, Michael?

MMc:  No, I don’t have any personal questions.  I asked the personal questions last Friday.  (Pause.)  No, I don’t; not at this time, Monjoronson.  Thank you very much for asking.

MONJORONSON:  Roxanne, this is Monjoronson.  I wish you to denote Michael McCray’s initials as “MMc” in the transcripts, please.  (R:  All right.)  Does this conclude our session today?  Are we in agreement with that?

R:  Yes, and I want to thank you personally because I learned sooo much today!  It has greatly eased my mind about several things.

MONJORONSON:  You are most welcome, and I invite you, my staff invites you to call again on a 1:1, candid, closed session private session, whenever you wish.  It is important that we begin to publish these special sessions, and I recommend to you that you edit this session, for the total content will be private, but you are welcome to—and I encourage you—to publish that which is useful to everyone, that is not controversial, to establish that we are back on line and that we are beginning to generate material for our readership.  (R:  Very good.  Thank you.)  [Additional statement]  We wish therefore, not to go off line, as we have for the last seven or eight months, as this creates a vacuum where others try to fill with other material.  You have seen how this has led to great difficulty and not the consistency of the message that I have been providing.

Now, I end my presence to you.  My personal touch upon your third eye, your mind.  I am with you now, dear ones, touching you to the quick, to the core, to the heart, to the soul of you so that my embrace, my presence will remain with you, very similarly as the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Truth is with you.  You know me whether you read my words, or hear me speak to you.  You know who I am; you have been with me, and I have been with you.  Blessings to you, dear ones, as you go about your day in the weeks ahead.  God is blessing you as God blesses me—we are One in the Blessing of All.  Good day.

Conversations with Monjoronson #32 – Straight Talk – Nov. 4, 2011 -  (Complete text)

Teacher:  Monjoronson

Topics:  [New material in blue]
Straight talk discussions
Is there a reflectivity circuit on Urantia?
Are there planetary broadcasts now on Urantia?
Use of the Three Concentric Rings seal
Second Revelatory Commission
Will Michael incarnate with Monjoronson?
Will Adam and Eve accompany Monjoronson?
Will Machiventa incarnate?
Master Spirits
Supreme Council of Paradise
The extension of mortal life spans
The assignment of third circlers 
Will the Council of 24 hold press conferences?
Has the Magisterial Mission ever been delayed?
Was Michael here in 2008?
Has the Universal Father taken control of the Correcting Time?
Is Monjoronson the temporary Ruler of Urantia?
Did Urantia suffer more than the other planets in rebellion?
Did the Nazis work with Caligastia and Lucifer?
Changing of the human genome
Validation of the spirits in the borderland
Further confusion on the grids
The reasons for seeking these clarifications
The lost sheep
What keeps the cleaned grid from being re-infected?
Is there a new process for soul adjudication?
What is our current universe age?
The Melchizedek University
The destiny of the Corps of Finality
The Seven Absolutes
The Seven Memorials to the Trinity
Who are the ‘Oxygen spirits?’
Closing statement – focus on the light, not the darkness

TR:  Daniel Raphael
Moderator:  Michael McCray

November 4, 2011

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, we thank you for another beautiful day on Urantia, another day to work on our soul growth and to learn more about your Creation.  We ask for Christ Michael and Nebadonia’s presence to enfold us in their light, as we humbly seek communion with Monjoronson.  Amen.

MMc:  Monjoronson?

MONJORONSON:  Good Morning.

MMc:  Good morning and welcome!  How are you today, Monjoronson?

MONJORONSON:  I am very good, thank you; there’s never a morning in Paradise, and never a Monday.  It’s always Friday, as you would think.

MMc:  Very interesting.  Is there anything that you would like to say before we get started today?

Straight talk discussions

MONJORONSON:  Yes, there is.  There is one of gratitude and appreciation for having the openness to speak to ‘adults,’ to have these ‘straight talk’ discussions, as we have had.  Not having to hold our breath or guard our words, or the tenderness of young minds and young faith experiences.  This allows us to be authentic, genuine and forthright and totally revealing.  As with discussions with your children about sensitive issues, we reveal what you need to know at this time, and when you have a greater awareness of more potential to accept new answers, we will reveal new material to you.  Thank you.

MMc:  I believe that Charles contacted Daniel last weekend with the request that we prepare questions that we felt would clear up any misinformation and misconceptions that have come up while you were ‘off line.’  There has been a very positive response to your “straight talk” and your wish to clear up these misconceptions without creating controversy.  I believe that I can speak for Daniel and Roxanne when I say we are in complete agreement with this policy.

Roxanne and I have looked through various transcripts and generated questions based upon what we have read and the questions these transcripts generated in the various venues to which we belong.  These transcripts in part are in conflict with The Urantia Book and/or other transcripts that have already caused some controversy and confusion.

We hope that you will be able to clarify some of these issues.  And, as always, we will respect your wishes as to when these issues can be shared with the general public, if they are of a sensitive nature.

MONJORONSON:  That is wonderful.  Thank you.

MMc:  I realize today that I have already asked you some questions, about some of today’s material, but as you know, humans sometimes need to hear the answers to certain questions several times before they will believe the answer, so I am asking you to indulge us, please.

MONJORONSON:  We do, on an ongoing basis.

Is there a reflectivity circuit on Urantia?

MMc:  I realize this, and we thank you.  Is there a reflectivity circuit now on place on Urantia?

MONJORONSON:  No, not for mortals.

Are there planetary broadcasts now on Urantia?

MMc:  Are there planetary broadcasts now being received on Urantia?

MONJORONSON:  Planetary broadcasts are transmitted from Paradise and Havona to all of the universe.  These are received on Urantia, much as water passes through a fishing net; those who can ‘hear’, hear; those who cannot, do not.

Use of the Three Concentric Rings seal

MMc:  Did you ask that the Three Concentric Ring seal be placed on any document, here on Urantia?

MONJORONSON:  No.  Very much of our united policy dictates that there be be no insignia, no accoutrements of authority or the Deity Center, to any of our work.  These are the same directives that Immanuel gave to Christ Michael before he came to Urantia on his seventh bestowal, that he leave no children and that he leave no written documents of any sort, that would be venerated.  We especially do not provide any insignia or documentation, as the Urantian mortals tend to transfer or see themselves as ‘special’ for having that insignia.  The three concentric circles are mentioned in The Urantia Book and are emblematic of Christ Michael’s reign and sovereignty throughout Nebadon, and it is in use of those circles that you identify that you are one of his followers.  Use of these circles can be personal, but they are not organizational.

Second Revelatory Commission

MMc:  I see.  Thank you.  I’ve seen several conflicting reports concerning the Second Revelatory Commission and their plan to issue another book, similar to The Urantia Book.  Is there a book currently in preparation?

MONJORONSON:  There is not a book, however there is a Second Revelatory Commission that is now seated and has begun its work.  There is much to do and this book may not be revealed for centuries.  It is a book of great knowledge and awareness and revealing to those who are preparing to enter the days of light and life.  There is more than sufficient material between The Urantia Book, and the revelations that have come through in the Correcting Time and Teaching Mission and Magisterial Mission and other sources, to provide enough work for mortals on Urantia for the next several centuries.

Will Michael incarnate with Monjoronson?

MMc:  Will Christ Michael be joining you in the flesh, initially during your incarnation?

MONJORONSON:  No, he will not be in the flesh.  However, his presence  will be evident, as he chooses, as he comes and goes to visit the ‘World of the Cross.’  His coming in the flesh, visible to humanity will not be made until this world has achieved the earliest beginnings of the days of light and life.  When he returns, it will be in glory, majesty and triumph over the forces of evil and the reconstruction of this planet’s social and spiritual centers and institutions.

Will Adam and Eve accompany Monjoronson?

MMc:  Will Adam and Eve be accompanying you?

MONJORONSON:  Their participation is a matter of discussion at this time; that is a developmental decision that must be made for, and their presence be made known to humanity, at the right time, and at the right development of all events.  My arrival may be preparatory to them, but no decisions have been made.  Be assured that your world will, in fact, receive another pair of these Adam and Eve beings to assist your populations to understand and accept that the spiritual realm is an accoutrement of humanity, neither adjacent, but as a real, living entity that is palpable to them.  These two beings will be majestic, they will be impressive and they will not be able to be forgotten, once they come into your presence.

Will Machiventa incarnate?

MMc:  Will Machiventa Melchizedek be accompanying you incarnate?

MONJORONSON:  No.  He is already here on Urantia, and has been for some time.

Master Spirits

MMc:  We have been told that several Master Spirits are in contact with humans here on Urantia.  The names of the Spirits that have been given to us are… and there apparently is some question about how these are pronounced, so I’m going to pronounce them phonetically, as they are spelled.  Is Master Spirit #1 Siraya?

MONJORONSON:  We will not enter into naming Spirits at this time.

MMc:  Is there a Board of Review at the Master Spirit level, looking into the Lucifer Rebellion?


Supreme Council of Paradise

MMc:  Is there a Supreme Council of Paradise personalities, a board of approximately 35 individuals assigned to review the ABC summaries?


The extension of mortal life spans

MMc:  Is there a plan in place to extend the lives of humans, for a significant period, say 50-100 years, so that they may help in the Correcting Time and the Magisterial Mission? 

MONJORONSON:  Yes, there is, and no, there is not.  These decisions have already been made, when individuals were approached early on in the mission, to select individuals who had natural longevity.  There were some who will pass more rapidly, and their positions are necessary for completing their work for others’ works to continue.  There is no selection for “special” individuals, whose lives will be lengthened.  We strive, and we continue to tell you, we strive not to put a stamp of “special-ness” on any one individual who participates with us.  It is a matter of personal selection whether you choose to participate or not.  We have awareness in advance, [of] who will and who will not, who is capable and who is not, who is long-lived and who is not.  These are all well known to your Thought Adjusters; your records of your life preceding your coming into existence, was well [known] before you ever arrived.  Those records are kept on Divinington.  Some of these aspects are shared by midwayers, who are working with us on Urantia with mortals.

MMc:  As I understand what you are telling me, no one’s life is going to be artificially prolonged beyond say, 100 years or so?

MONJORONSON:  That is correct.

The assignment of third circlers

MMc:  We’ve been told that upon your arrival in the flesh, you will “assign all mortals above the level of the third psychic circle to your personal command, in order to coordinate the cleansing of Urantia and the aforementioned circuits.”  Is this a correct statement?

MONJORONSON:  It is not my will to ‘command’ anyone above the level of the third circle, to my personal staff or my personal control.  This too, is a matter of intention and commitment of each individual to participate in this work.  The journey is to become a part of this, to listen and to hear, and to open yourself to direction and guidance from your Thought Adjuster.  We see ‘this assignment’ or ‘that activity’ as supporting that development of spiritual growth within yourself, to live in accord with the Father’s directions, which come from within you.  [If] you would, in participating in that with your Thought Adjuster, you would wish to participate in service with us, that is your choice

Will the Council of 24 hold press conferences?

MMc:  Are there plans for the Council of 24 to hold televised press conferences on Urantia in the future?

MONJORONSON:  No, there are not.

Has the Magisterial Mission ever been delayed?

MMc:  Has the Magisterial Mission been delayed at any time?  Once or several times?

MONJORONSON:  No, it has not.  The confusion of your thoughts about time and arrival, and coming or not arriving, or planning and not arriving, 2 or 3 times is not in our agenda.  These things are seen as a continuum of development, which are only halted or slowed by the interference of humans and negativity on your planet.  We have not said that we would arrive and then withdraw.  The intention of Christ Michael was to bring this Mission here, as shortly to follow the development and advent of the Teaching Mission.  A proclamation of God’s Will in the lives of individuals who choose to be open, is part and parcel of this. 

The Magisterial Mission is much more a team effort, by the union of those people who [are] evolved in their spirituality—if they choose to.  One needs to precede the other; there needs to be those spiritually infused and enthused individuals, to participate in the work that we are doing.  The primary work of the Teaching Mission is to prepare individuals for greater expansion and service.  If they choose to participate in the Magisterial Mission, that is their choice.  If they choose not to, there is nothing held against them—it is simply a matter of choice for one’s course in life.  We thoroughly respect that.  Once your decisions are made, they are inviolate to us.  Should you change your mind, you would be welcomed with open arms to participate in our work with us

Was Michael here in 2008?

MMc:  We have been told that Michael spent most of 2008 residing on Urantia, to take care of a minor rebellion among the ranks of certain orders of celestials.  Do you or Michael often meet with organized resistance to your plans?

MONJORONSON:  No, we do not.

MMc:  We have been told that in 2010, the Universal Father called a halt to further progress and closed down any more planning for the Correcting Time until all responsible could reassess with him, what Urantia had to do.  Has the Father taken direct control of the Correcting Time for Urantia?

MONJORONSON:  No, he has not.

MMc:  Who is/are the administrative heads of the Correcting Time for Urantia?

MONJORONSON:  That would be Christ Michael.

Is Monjoronson the temporary Ruler of Urantia?

MMc:  So you are now, temporary Ruler of Urantia?   

MONJORONSON:  No, I am not. 

Did Urantia suffer more than the other planets in rebellion?

MMc:  We’ve been told that Urantia suffered considerably more, due to the Rebellion than the other 36 worlds that were involved.  Is this true?

MONJORONSON:  That would depend on how it is measured.  Various measurements for damage to a world:  Is there more damage if one world has more population than another?  Or is it damaged more by the deep wounds that are received by the individuals of that planet, even if it has smaller population?  This question is ill-formed and must become much more sophisticated in its requirements for a definitive answer.  As given, there is no definitive answer to that question.

MMc:  Can you tell me how much the negativity, the anxiety, confusion, hatred and war was planned and programmed to persist by Caligastia and Lucifer, and how much persisted simply because we were cut off from the positive aspects and influences of the rest of the universe?

MONJORONSON:  Not relevant.

MMc:  We’ve been told that the Lucifer and Caligastia in effect booby-trapped Urantia with individuals and systems that would make it very difficult for Michael to clear away or correct during the Correcting Time.  Is this a reasonably accurate depiction of the truth?

MONJORONSON:  No, it is not.

MMc:  We have been told that a significant number of low-level celestials that were loyal to Lucifer and Caligastia simply did not respond to the orders of those of the light and this resulted in delays and confusion.  Is this correct?

MONJORONSON:  What you must be concerned about is that your world has been cleared of those who have acted in traitorous manners.  The history of this is not relevant to our current situation on Urantia.

Did the Nazis work with Caligastia and Lucifer?

MMc:  Did the Nazis, Hitler and his henchmen, work hand in hand with Caligastia and Lucifer?

MONJORONSON:  From your answer, yes.

MMc:  Were all of the horrific plans to enhance the Nazi idea of genocide hatched first in the mind of Caligastia?

MONJORONSON:  These are remnants in the thinking of many on your world, who have sought to aggrandize their own ego and the expression of that in their world.  These thoughts are remnants of that nefarious plan.

Changing of the human genome 

MMc:  Thank you.  Was Lucifer able to change the human genome to create humans who were more amenable to his beliefs?


MMc:  Was this change in the human genome a conscious effort on Lucifer’s part or was it a consequence of DNA’s ability to adapt and evolve?

MONJORONSON:  Yes and yes.

Validation of the spirits in the borderland

MMc:  There are still many who cannot bring themselves into belief about those individuals caught in the borderland, as there is absolutely nothing in The Urantia Book to suggest such a thing.  Some readers even attribute the concept as having come to the first TR through a TV episode of a similar nature.  Can you clarify how this concept came into being and any other means of validation that can be used for those who have no direct experience with ‘ghosts’ or borderland spirits?

MONJORONSON:  Simplify, please.

MMc:  What kind of validation do we have that there are borderland spirits?

MONJORONSON:  Many human beings have witnessed individuals who have not crossed over to the celestial realms and who are not sleeping survivors.  The aspect of seeing ‘ghosts,’ as you call them, disincarnate beings, is a real factor of thousands upon thousands of human beings around the world, who have the capacity to see these individuals.  This has been noted in the history of literature from time immemorial and has been a factor of all cultures throughout the world.  There are individuals who ‘see’ and those who do not ‘see’. 

The word “borderland” is not significant; it represents a word that can be used easily in this culture in contemporary times, to describe the venue, so to speak, of where these people exist in the vibrational frequency of existence.  Mortals have a material vibration; those who are disincarnate beings have a vibrational level and those who are in the mansion worlds, or who are angelic or are morontial beings have another vibrational level.  Because The Urantia Book does not mention this, as there is too much fear associated with these beings, there are now individuals who are objective enough to receive further information as to the existence of disincarnate beings, as yet remain unafraid.  They are not in fear.  The presence of disincarnate beings was well known long before The Urantia Book came into existence.  The Urantia Book was prepared for individuals to accept a larger realm of the universe, but not all realms.  That which was held in fear in human cultures, was set apart and was determined not to be appropriate for revelation at this time.  There were papers and revelations that were provided by the Revelatory Commission, which were excised from publication.

MMc:  We have been told that Lucifer was able to keep souls here after death.  Was Lucifer able to keep them here against their will, or did these souls stay on Urantia out of ignorance because they had no real map of the afterlife?

MONJORONSON:  Supply one question at a time, please.

MMc:  Was Lucifer able to keep mortals here after their death, against their will?


MMc:  Were Lucifer and Caligastia able to repersonalize those in the borderland so that they would be able to work for them?


MMc:  We have been told that the Magisterial Mission cannot proceed until all those in the borderlands have come into the light and been removed from Urantia in their entirety.  Is this correct?

MONJORONSON:  This is not correct.

MMc:  We have been told that “without removing these souls, it would be nearly impossible to recharge the grids.”  Is this correct?

MONJORONSON:  This is not correct.

Further confusion on the grids

MMc:  I find myself confused because the way “the Grid” has been referred to in recent transcripts.  You and I have discussed this and I have come to the conclusion that there is a consciousness grid or matrix made up of the collective consciousness and unconsciousness of mankind.  Yet I find there is reference made in the transcripts to an Urantia energy grid of morontia energy and other spiritual energies used to maintain the midwayers and other morontia and spiritual life forms.  Does such an energy grid exist?

MONJORONSON:  They are different grids.

[This is Daniel:  He’s going to force you to think this through.  He’s not playing cat and mouse, and he’s not being coy.  There’s a real intention behind his remoteness.]

MMc:  I’m trying to figure out if the next question gets to that point, or if it takes us off on a different tangent.

In another transcript, we have been told the worldwide grid also supplies the morontia energy for the [captive souls] to remain on Urantia, those in the borderland.  Has this changed their existence and it is Christ Michael who is to [determine] that they must continue to sustain those life forms until a decision to live again on the mansion world is received or until some final decision can be made to terminate their existence here on Urantia?  Does this worldwide consciousness grid supply the morontia energy for those in the borderland?

MONJORONSON:  No, it does not.

MMc:  Does the energy grid that we spoke of earlier supply the energy for these morontia beings? 
MONJORONSON:  They each have their own source of energy to support their existence.  This is apart and separate from the grid or collective human consciousness; one acts more as a library, an archive of all human consciousness, whereas the energy source for morontial beings is completely separate and apart from that.

[Brief pause while Michael and Daniel discussed moderating techniques.]

MMc:  Shall we continue?

The reasons for seeking these clarifications

MONJORONSON:  Yes, this is hard work I know, for all of you.  Let us work through this so we can add clarity to the message that others receive.  We want clarity for all our work; we want continuity, so that all parts are contiguous and congruent.  There will be times, as we are going through now, in the future, to do this again.  As mortals, we ask you to be very patient and tolerant and to be above all, discerning.  Discern what Christ Michael would be doing on your world at this time, were he present and could discuss this with you, and then you will discern more correctly.  Please proceed.

The lost sheep

MMc:  Has Christ Michael declared that none will be lost?  Has he declared that all former mortals of Urantia will go on to the mansion worlds, and from there they can make a decision on whether to accept eternal survival or not?

MONJORONSON:  That is correct.

What keeps the cleaned grid from being re-infected?

MMc:  In answer to a question about the grid, Malvantra said that the grid feeds off of the degradation, debasing and corrupted behavior from those stuck in lower consciousness.  If this is so, will the grid ever be cleaned?  It seems like there are plenty of behaviors to keep Lucifer’s old grid well stocked with energy, far into the future. 

MONJORONSON:  We continue to tell you that this is not a grid energized by evil behavior or evil decisions, or evil attitudes.  The grid is of human consciousness; it is more like an archive that is the repository of the residue of all human consciousness, positive and negative.  The focus upon negative energy and negative beings is not an aspect that is important to the maintenance or to the cleaning of the grid of the human consciousness.  It will take conscious effort of light by humans and by us to clean the grid, clean the archive of human consciousness.  This archive of human consciousness—you call it the grid—is hundreds of thousands of years old, and as there are more people on your world, it is more capable—we are more capable—of cleaning the grid in much shorter time than it took to build it that way.  And in the future, this grid of human consciousness will be clear and accessible by every individual for right and perfect intentions.  It is accessible by anyone and has a powerful influence on everyone, whether they are aware of it or not.

Is there a new process for soul adjudication?

MMc:  Has Christ Michael provided for a new and unrevealed process for soul adjudication without having the need to call an epochal dispensation?


MMc:  I believe you are charged with “terminating the current planetary dispensation.”  What does that actually entail?

MONJORONSON:  That has been well described to you in your Urantia Book.

MMc:  Has it already taken place?


What is our current universe age?

MMc:  What is the current universe age called?

MONJORONSON:  That is not relevant to our discussions.

MMc:  I guess the question is actually, in what universal age are we, here on Urantia?  We aren’t in light and life yet, are we?

MONJORONSON:  This world and the other 30-some-odd planets are in an age of recovery and reconstruction, of healing at the individual level and at the social and global level.  You have just come out of quarantine and you are now into recovery.  You are much like a patient who has been under general anesthesia for a long time.  Your recovery is one of awakening consciousness, a realization of who you are, a realization of where you are and your attendant responsibilities to participate in your own healing.  It is important, as a co-creative learning situation, to empower the age of light and life that is to come.

The Melchizedek University

MMc:  As I understand it, there is a Melchizedek University on Edentia, the constellation capital of Norlatiadek, that has been established to study the Lucifer rebellion and the bestowal of Michael here on Urantia.  Is this Melchizedek University due to change its location to Urantia?

MONJORONSON:  No, it is not.

MMc:  Is Michael to be standing for election to the University’s new Viceroy?

MONJORONSON:  No, he is not.

The destiny of the Corps of Finality

MMc:  Is the destiny of the Universe Corps of Finality to become Creator sons in the next universe age?

MONJORONSON:  That has not been revealed clearly—this is a speculation of the celestials in the morontial and even spiritual realm.  It is something that is even discussed among the Corps of Finality.  It is unrevealed, as it is developmental.  There is always the revelation of information as it is needed.  This is on a need-to-know basis and it is privy to those Deities on Paradise.

MMc:  I see.  So the information is strictly speculative at this point?

MONJORONSON:  Correct.  It may not be in error, however.  Speculation is speculation.  Its outcome or conclusions may be correct, but until complete revelation is known, it still remains as speculation and uncertain information.

MMc:  Will it really take me something like 200 million years of Urantia time to become a Finaliter candidate?

MONJORONSON:  It may; it may not.  Your progress is your own.  You may decide to take side trips, to experience another aspect of yourself along your journey.  There are some who take this journey very seriously, and some who seem to have even gotten lost in their own detours.  It is not important how or when you get there, but to have grown from the journey.

The Seven Absolutes

MMc:  Thank you.  Can the Ellipse of Infinity on Paradise be described as seven Absolutes?

MONJORONSON:  This is not relevant.  It is beyond your comprehension and is a question of an immature spiritual being.  It is not a situation of being chastised for asking the question, but the answer would not be comprehensible to you.

The Seven Memorials to the Trinity

MMc:  Is there a plan to build Seven Memorials to the Trinity on Urantia?

MONJORONSON:  Not at this time.

Who are the ‘Oxygen spirits?

MMc:  Can you tell me anything about ‘Oxygen beings,’ or ‘Oxygen spirits?’

MONJORONSON:  Not at this time.

MMc:  That completes my prepared questions for today.  Would you care to add anything else?

Closing statement – focus on the light, not the darkness

MONJORONSON:  Yes, thank you.  When one perceives ahead, inquiring about the negative, about evil, about those who initiated and then strove to perpetuate evil, it is as though you are going into a very, very deep cave, with a small flashlight, whose batteries continue to weaken as its use is expired.  Soon, you end up deep within the cavern of darkness and you wonder why you have ever gone there when it serves no purpose in your journey to pursuing the light, to have examined the negative in the darkness so thoroughly.  You do not understand the light by examining the darkness.  The light is the source, the light is the way, it shows the way of your path and your journey. 

Focusing your attention and wonderment, amazement and speculation upon the negative and evil is unproductive, in fact, detrimental to your spiritual progress.  You become that which you aspire to.  You do not aspire to God by examining the evil of others, or the evil that was begun on this planet so many years ago.  We exhort all of you, each of you, all of you together to revel in the light of God, knowing that that source of light is in you and is only as bright as you let it shine.  It is the light bulb; you are the battery.  You will join together to make a bright beacon ahead of yourselves.  You must, however, turn on the switch—that is your decision.  If you want to go into the cave of darkness and examine that for a lifetime, that is your choice; no one will deny you that choice, however, your Thought Adjuster will continue to appeal to you to return to the light, to walk out of that darkness which you have engaged. 

I say the same to you, that only the light is the way.  Christ Michael was and is your primary model of the correct and perfect beacon on your world; assume his light, assume his model for a lifetime of service of dedication of growth and awakening of consciousness, to become ‘one’ in that consciousness with God.  We strive to teach you to be in daily and minute-by-minute communication with your Thought Adjuster, the Source of all light within you, that which has the ultimate pattern for greatness within you.  You must decide to engage that source, choose to do so and take action, therefore to fulfill that decision.  This is what I have to reveal to you today. 

I have answered your questions as forthrightly as I possibly could.  Many of your questions are beyond your comprehension to ask or to have answered to you, with full understanding on your part.  You do not accept that you to not have to be an engineer to build a locomotive to take a train trip from here to Chicago.  You simply accept the fact that you buy your ticket, get on the train and proceed ahead.  You choose the destination, you choose to buy the ticket, you do not need to be a locomotive engineer to build it, or to drive it, to proceed ahead, simply a passenger in God’s great train of ascendant beings of light, who [will] meet you in Paradise and will embrace you in the Corps of Finality.  Thank you.

MMc:  Thank you, Monjoronson.  Certainly I think for my life, I need to be concentrating on the positives, rather than the negatives, on the light, rather than the darkness.  The darkness still creeps up for those of us who live on Urantia and does hold some interest, [even] if that interest is only revulsion.  Thank you for your indulgence today in answering these questions.  I know that it has been difficult for you; it has certainly been difficult for me to gather them together.  Thank you, again.

MONJORONSON:  If you have any questions between now and publication of this transcript, you are most welcome to enter into another session, an interim session to accomplish the ends that you wish.  Thank you.

MMc:  Do you foresee a time when we can publish this material?

MONJORONSON:  We wish you to publish this when you publish the full sessions of the prior ones, where there was only partial publication.  Let us publish all of these simultaneously, [additional statement] so that the difficulty to those who brought this into existence is made in ‘one fell swoop’ after the conclusion of all the listeners and readers who come to the same conclusion that there had been errors made—many of them—in the development of the transcripts from which these questions originated.  We do not want to prolong the agony of the readership, or those who brought into existence the differences which created the questions.  Let us do that at one time, after it is apparent that I and Christ Michael will not appear by Christmas.

MMc:  Thank you, Monjoronson.

MONJORONSON:  You are welcome.  Are you ready to bring this session to a close?

MMc:  I believe so, yes.

[Rather abrupt ending, but Monjoronson had already given his closing statement.]