Monjoronson; Serena - Conference Call - Nov 11 and Nov 25, 2012 - CCC - Donna D-Ingillo

Transcript 1
Conference Call with Monjoronson
Center for Christ Consciousness          
Topic:  Change Energy—Accepting it in ourselves; focusing it into the planet; Worship of Father
T/R:  Donna D’Ingillo
November 11. 2012

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, thank you for this time to gather in your embrace to focus our heart and mind energies on the Magisterial Mission and where our Magisterial Son wishes us to concentrate today. Thank you for weaving us together as one heart-mind, one soul-mind in your LOVE and WILL. Thank you for amplifying our efforts with our cosmic brothers and sisters who are dedicated to helping this world and the other rebellion worlds return to the fold of this universe home. May your WILL be done. Thank you.

MONJORONSON:  Peace be upon you one and all. This is Monjoronson and I greet you today in appreciation for your commitment to serve your Creator-Father in this time ofcorrection upon Urantia. The Magisterial Mission is soon to occur. I come to you today to invite you to build these circuits to secure the mission’s agenda and objective into a deeper place upon the earth. As you are well aware that the Magisterial Mission is a new revelation of TRUTH for the planet, there are many new endowments that will be forthcoming for this world of a spiritual nature.  While we certainly understand that you have many questions, many curiosities about what this means for your planetary and personal lives, I do beg your patience and commitment to maintain that attitude of faith and childlike trusting of Michael’s plans of correction and redemption for this beloved world.

Today I invite you to open to the energies of CHANGE. What does CHANGE entail, especially when it is motivated and dominated by Divine WILL? It is truly the arena of partnership, co-creatorship as you, humans on this physical sphere, open yourselves to a greater amplitude of spiritual vibrancy to help you evoke the changes you truly desire within your heart. CHANGE is a vital component of your evolving human natures. As you know, you were not created in perfection at the Paradise eternal level, but you go through this long period of ascending into the Father’s perfection.

It is important that you truly allow these energies of CHANGE to operate at a fundamental level. There is much resistance to CHANGE encoded in your DNA.  And while we understand what is the nature of this resistance, we do ask you to consider the very nature of CHANGE as a positive, forward momentum that helps you perceive more of the Father’s WILL within your own being. When you extrapolate that to encompass the wider range of humanity, you begin to see the momentum of social change move in the direction of the Father’s WILL. More people are cooperating to evoke those changes in their personal, professional, and planetary lives.

Today I invite you to focus on the word CHANGE. As you do this, allow its resonance and meaning to go deeper into your being—to help you let go of those dimensions of your being that have been resistant to change; to help you on several levels: one being to open you to the momentum of CHANGE that is occurring on Urantia, to help you embrace your evolutionary nature more fully, and to love its changing trajectory in your own lives. On a collective level, we will use what you focus upon to bring these energies of CHANGE into those arenas that require a more fleshed out attitude of CHANGE within those areas of your planetary lives. This will truly be a co-creative participation on your end and ours as we collaborate in bringing more of Michael’s TRUTH, PEACE, MERCY and LOVE to His beloved world. Let us begin.

In your mind’s eye, allow the energies of CHANGE to simply embrace you. If it helps to visualize the word CHANGE, see it as a large energetic form that you stand in or lie within. The objective here is to feel your desire for this, and let it loom large in your mind’s eye, allowing its resonance and meaning to etch more deeply into those areas of resistance for , that you may be relieved of that which holds you back in favor of living more fully and freely in Father’s LOVE and WILL.

Do the best you can for the next few moments while we begin to build certain circuits we will use for our next focusing in a few moments. Invite the energies of CHANGE now. Breathe deeply and relax. Feel your desire for this to flow more deeply into your consciousness. (Pause)

There is a divine hand in these energies of CHANGE, beloved children. Even though you may not consciously perceive it as such, we do invite you to open yourselves to this divine hand of CHANGE. You are indeed safe within this component of the Father’s WILL that comes through the agency of the Holy Spirit, your Universe Mother. You are safe in Her, and even though you retain much resistance, it is increasingly important to receive these energies of CHANGE—to help you release your resistance, soften its emotional attachment in your being, and to provide a greater sense of spaciousness within your consciousness for your indwelling Father Fragments to relay more TRUTH into your minds. Ask for the Divine Hand of CHANGE to move through you and trust your Mother’s LOVE and SAFEKEEPING.  (Pause)

CHANGE is in the air. It is almost as if you can smell it, for there is this internal awareness, this quickening that something is occurring. As you open yourselves to this forward momentum, I invite you now to hold the planet in this word CHANGE, and to use a very familiar visualization—to project that line of desire from your heart into the world and allow CHANGE to embrace the planet and move it into the trajectory of the Father’s WILL. Take a few moments to visualize this.  Feel your desire for CHANGE to occur. We will build the circuits and place them where they will give the greatest results. Feel your love for your world and your desires for it to receive the changes that Michael wishes to impart here. (Pause)

Change is imminent, as you shall soon see. Look not so much to the outer manifestation of this CHANGE, but into the realm of the change of heart, of which we have shared much with you over the years. This is a dimensional CHANGE of greater proportions as the world opens to a greater reality-view than it has ever consciously recognized. And yet what will this mean to your material lives? That will be played out over time. TRUST that this inner CHANGE truly opens more hearts to the Father and to see with greater clarity and insight, the beauty of creation and the Father’s LOVE. Welcome this CHANGE, my beloved children. Welcome this with your childlike FAITH in the Father’s GOODNESS and know that you will be helping to build something very beautiful and divinely inspired here on this world.

As you continue to focus on the world receiving this CHANGE energy, we will continue to seed this circuit with LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL, RIGHT-MINDEDNESS, DIVINE MERCY, DIVINE JUSTICE, DIVINE TRUTH, DIVINE GOODNESS, DIVINE BEAUTY. Let this planet shake off the energies of war, destruction, greed, hate, intolerance, and truly enter into the domain where the Father’s WILL vibrates in the human heart and illuminates the human mind. (Pause)

CHANGE is the order of the day. When you commit yourselves to leading lives dedicated to the WILL of the Father, you are participating in these times of change. It is not necessary to know exactly how you are changing, but that you are more committed to being this beautiful child on the eternal adventure of achieving Father-consciousness. Some days you will notice change within you, and some days you will not necessarily perceive anything, either subtle or overt. That matters not, for it is the desire to grow, to evolve, to become more than you were today or yesterday that helps you receive more of the guidance and direction you require to stay on this path of ascension.

Resist not the changes that are coming, my dear ones. Let your hearts be light in the joy of this world returning to the bosom of the Father. When you remember to, sit in this energy of CHANGE during your stillness, and allow more of the spiritual current that flows in this energy of CHANGE to further color your perception and nourish your attitude, that you may truly demonstrate more of the fruits of the spirit in your daily living.

Let us conclude by spending these last remaining moments in worship of the Father in Paradise, thanking Him for making you in His image on an evolutionary path.

Father, we lift these little children of Urantia up to you and we thank you for helping them appreciate the nature of their being. Help them encode these energies of CHANGE more deeply in their being, that your presence may be more exemplified in them, and through them, and by them. Thank you.

Send forth your appreciation to our Father for who you are, and what Father wishes to create through you. (Pause)

Take a few moments to descend back into the present moment of the room you occupy. Allow this upstepping to go deeper into your being. You are all so loved, so skillfully and deftly guided. We anticipate that as you allow these energies of CHANGE to move through the various levels of your being, that you will begin to feel more of this love, perceive more of the direction that you are indeed being nudged. We appreciate your efforts so greatly, and we look to the day when we of the higher realms can truly walk with you on earth and build Light and Life upon Urantia. Blossom in our Father’s LOVE in Mother’s womb. It is your destiny. Good day.


Transcript 2
Magisterial Mission Conference Call with Serena
Center for Christ Consciousness          
Topic:  Introduction to Serena—Monjoronson’s Chief of Staff; Focusing on the Change of Heart Energy Language; Seeding it into the Planet
T/R:  Donna D’Ingillo
November 25. 2012

PRAYER: Mother and Father, we come before you today to participate in building the energies for the Magisterial Mission on Urantia, and to receive what you provide to us to help in our focusing efforts. We thank you for connecting us, heart to heart, mind to mind, Adjuster to Adjuster, and that our efforts may be used for the enhanced circuit building upon Urantia for the Magisterial Mission to materialize here in your time through your will. Thank you and may your will be done.

SERENA: Greetings to you one and all. My name is Serena and I serve as the Chief Administrative and Liaison to the Magisterial Son whom you know as Monjoronson. I come to you today to help you—each one of you—become more attuned to my energy signature.  There is a time when it will be important for you to recognize me when I am here amongst you. Today is an attempt to help you attune to my personality and to begin to perceive my presence when I am near you.

There are many changes coming to Urantia, and while we understand how your minds are all being stimulated with varying reports and prophecies of what is to come, it is important for you to stay focused on those activities of stillness and living in the present moment that will engender more of these changes within you, that being your ability to receive more LOVE and the attributes of your Father Michael, who wishes to move through you to touch the hearts of His children.

Before we begin in our focusing upon the planet, let us take this time for you to open your hearts that you may receive me, that I may introduce myself to you. As you do this, feel your desire to be of service in the Magisterial Mission. It does not matter what your role will be to enact, but simply hold that focus of desire in your heart to participate in this monumental undertaking.  I will move in this circuit and share myself with each one of you. Let us begin.

If it does help for you to visualize my presence around you, focus upon my name, SERENA, and allow my energy presence to move in you now. Thank you. (Pause)

As my presence infuses the circuits, and as you focus on your desire to be of service in the Magisterial Mission, allow me to come closer to you, that what we in our realm of time and space can help you to expand, that your role may also become more tuned to the Father’s WILL. Let yourselves drink deeply of what is coming into this circuit now.  Allow your heart energies to receive this energy signature, allowing it to circulate through your system and help you grow more attuned to energies of the Magisterial Mission.  (Pause)

Much of the activities of the Magisterial Mission will come under my jurisdiction. It is difficult for me to convey through words or language what this entails, for much of what we anticipate to provide to you is still beyond the realm of your conscious understanding. Yet, there is a part of you that resonates with what we are bringing in.  As you allow my presence to move in you, over time you will more clearly intuit that which we share with you to help you cooperate and participate with us in these changes that are being made for your planet.  Continue to receive from me for a few more moments and then we will shift our focus. (Pause)

Thank you for receiving me, my dear brothers and sisters. Let us now turn our attention to Urantia.  You cannot yet appreciate the scope and depth of love that we have for this world.  You have some semblance of affection and regard for this world. Due to the rebellion, your tethers to this planet have not yet yielded the level of stewardship that this planet deserves. It requires a change of attitude—a change of heart—and to see this world is a sacred sphere, where life is revered, holy, and sanctified in the Father’s WILL. A change of mind and change of heart is necessary for this world to continue its healing and evolution in the Father’s LOVE.

Today I come before you to invite you to participate in this time of Change of Heart, that the human mind may receive a deeper infusion of the Father’s LOVE: to render the attitude toward the planet in a way that is consistent with the operation of the universe. In your mind’s eye, allow these words CHANGE OF HEART to radiate into the planet now. You have become familiar with drawing the line of energy from your heart into the planet as this circuit—the means of conveyance—your desires for this world to receive.

As you focus on the words CHANGE OF HEART, we will be adding more of what we can share with this world to amplify your efforts. Let us conjoin the energies of our hearts with yours as we bring this CHANGE OF HEART energy into the field of consciousness upon this world. Do your best to focus as you simply love this world with the greatest affection you can feel. (Pause)

As you focus on building these heart-changing energies, we are blending in those circuits of DIVINE MERCY and JUSTICE and RIGHT-MINDEDNESS and LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL into this circuit. It is as if you have been functioning as a collective consciousness without certain basic operating languages of Spirit.  And when these energies are infused into the human heart, it can evoke a change, stimulate the individual’s mind to open to a larger view of reality, and help them make more informed choices, especially ones more aligned in Father’s WILL. So you see, we are weaving together what we have been co-constructing for many months of time. These energies will continue to be reinforced, upstepped your human consciousness, and bring this planet home to its rightful place in Michael’s universe.

As we seed our efforts into what you are generating with your hearts, you may individually focus on areas in and on your world where you would wish to see more of this CHANGE OF HEART occur. Let your minds be open that we may add our efforts to your focusing, letting these emanations of divine WILL blend into the circuits of change. (Pause)

Yes, my dear siblings. Change is upon Urantia and its presence is gaining a greater foothold here in your consciousness. Welcome these energies of change, for they are what you have prayed for, long desired and hoped, and now as the world awakens more fully, the changes you can participate in will truly fill you with joy and enhance your faith in the Father’s LOVE.

Let us focus on the energies of the Magisterial Mission, feeling your desire for its presence to embrace this world along with Michael’s TRUTH and GOODNESS. (Pause) May DIVINE MERCY and JUSTICE truly reign in the hearts of Urantia as we connect with you on this path of global transformation.

Now in your mind’s eye, lift this beloved world up to the Father in Paradise. Thank Him for His LOVE, for the presence of Father Fragments of Urantia. As you feel your appreciation for the Father and what He has bestowed to this world, let your hearts be light and joyful.  See this world bathed in the Father’s GLORY. May the Father’s LOVE form a tighter web, holding Urantian consciousness in its tender embrace.

IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST WHAT FATHER WILLS through your efforts, my beloved family. Know that you are not undertaking this great change on your own. We are with you. We support you and we guide you, especially when you take time to prepare your minds to perceive the help you have access to that you may be strengthened in it.

Thank the Father for His LOVE upon Urantia, and return your gaze to this world, letting the love from your heart also wrap around the globe.   IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST WHAT FATHER WILLS.  Stand proud and strong in the status as a child of the Father and trust in your heart that all things are opening to a new reality! The Father’s way will become the dominant mode of operation upon Urantia. Let every day be a day of change for you in some small way as you trust in where the WILL of the Father is guiding you.

On behalf of those who function under the jurisdiction of our Magisterial Son and the mission, I thank you, and I invite you to spend time with me that we may become more harmonized, and that my presence help you in ways that you may not yet understand but will aid mightily in your desire and commitment to serve Michael and the Magisterial Mission. Good day, my dear brothers and sisters.