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Dr Mendoza MNO8 _ Projections - News - Prophecy - Sep 05, 2011 - Progress Group, AU

Illawarra District, Australia, September 05, 2011.
Doctor Mendoza (MNO-8).
Subject: “Projections, News, and Prophesy.”

Received by George Barnard.

Doctor Mendoza: “With millions of worlds established in this local universe, there are many things that are routine.  In fact, there are trillions upon trillions of standard procedures, routine procedures, for all kinds of circumstances, happenings that need to be taken care of.  The universe is a busy place, but it is efficient, and when something is dealt with perfectly for the very first time, it becomes routine procedure, everywhere, from that very moment on.

“There is procedure, routine procedure, in our communications with you, and these communications include projections, actual news, as well as prophesy, and there is a great deal of difference between these three.

“I know that you will see the importance, first of all, of projection in that there can not be certainty, although an alternative to some projections, theories, or likelihoods, may be impossible to be thought of.  Such is the supposition that former humans, long trained in universe administration, would have a future, other than making themselves extremely useful in the universes now establishing in deep space.  It’s a given, it’s logical, unlikely to be otherwise.  You believe it, I believe it, but no high Paradise Citizen has ever confirmed this.  Projection it remains.

“Secondly, we talk of news.  When last we spoke, you were informed that requests for healing can be directed at me, even though that task has now grown to such a degree and to such complexity, it more often than not requires for others to take my place.  This is news, this is fact, and yes, this is reality.  It is covered in Michael’s mandates, it was so inaugurated by Machiventa, and as was expected by us all, it is functioning satisfactorily, even beyond expectations.  At times you can be so informed, but even if just one of you notices, as happened, you are entitled to the information as you are evolutionary creatures, discoverers of truth.

“Now we come to the third facet of information that is entirely different from that which is a projection, as well as that which is plain news you may be informed of.  This third aspect is prophesy, and the criterion for the claim of prophesy to be acknowledged is that it could only be foreseen to be happening or become a reality in the future.  Prophetic news can only come to you and me when such formerly unknown declarations originate from, and are sanctioned to be proclaimed by, those whose real home is timeless Paradise, where all past can be viewed, all future can be observed.  Virtually all instances of prophesy are made known by Thought Adjusters – those Sparks of God that watch-care us.

“Ever you would find that were you to be as long-lived as your Midwayer kin that no prophesy ever is brought about but for the information to become essential knowledge at some point in time, and for evolution to have utterly failed to discover this (prophetic) information in a timely way during the slow course of human progression.  This is Dr. Mendoza.  I leave you now.”

George: “I thank you Doc.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.